Empathy, Kindness & Being More Empathetic

Empathy, Kindness & Being More Empathetic

…p resources and articles to put empathy into action. Introduction: What is Empathy? Empathy comes from ancient Greek; the prefix “em-” means “in,” and “pathos” for “feeling.” So literally, empathy means, “in feeling.” There’s a lot of confusion about this term, some people see it as weak, or dangerous, and talk about being too empathetic. As we’ll explain below, that’s probably not the issue. To be “in feeling” with ourselves or someone else, we’r……Emotional Intelligence Essentials: How to be more Empathetic and what Empathic means…

Are We Wired for Empathy?

Are We Wired for Empathy?

…s brains – even when we do not mean to. Click to tweet The Neuroscience of Empathy Iacoboni repeatedly reminded us that we are, literally, wired to connect. Humans are social, and empathy is a fundamental component of the human condition. In the new Afterword to his fascinating book, Mirroring People, Professor Iacoboni points to the importance of this groundbreaking research. Mirror neurons “help us to be empathic and fundamentally attuned to oth……The neuroscience of empathy is fascinating and offers practical lessons for leadership and life. Our brains are wired for social connection through Mirror Neurons, which cause us to experience what we perceive….

Krish and Anabel: SEL Pioneer and Mentee Share 6 Life Lessons on Empathy, Integrity, and Emotional Intelligence

Krish and Anabel: SEL Pioneer and Mentee Share 6 Life Lessons on Empathy, Integrity, and Emotional Intelligence

…ool, Brian, one of my teachers once asked me, “When shouldn’t you play the empathy card?” I replied, “You should always play the empathy card. It trumps fear, provides us with the courage to build bridges so that communication can be enhanced and relationships can be nurtured. Empathy is the core of any trusting relationship dynamic. Want to be a better leader, better friend, better mother, better daughter, better salesman, better inventor, or bet……What are 6 life lessons you’ve learned? Dr. Anabel Jensen, SEL pioneer and Six Seconds President, explores this important question with her 16-year-old mentee….

Coaching Through the Emotional Recession: Three Practical Tips for Trauma-Informed Coaching

Coaching Through the Emotional Recession: Three Practical Tips for Trauma-Informed Coaching

…g courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy, underlines the importance of empathy and validation in her book “The Gifts of Imperfection.” She discusses how empathy, which involves validating others’ feelings, is crucial in creating a sense of connection and supporting healing.   Trauma informed approach: Build on Strengths A strengths-based approach, supported by researchers like Barbara Fredrickson, focuses on clients’ inherent strengths and res……World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in March 2021, “When there is mass trauma, it affects communities for many years to come.” While coaching isn’t a “treatment” for trauma, in the Emotional Recession we’re facing now, chances are, your clients, colleagues, and you are carrying more trauma than 4 years ago. What do we do as coaches?…

Building Burnout Resilience at NHS through EQ Coaching Program

Building Burnout Resilience at NHS through EQ Coaching Program

…telligence. Global averages for emotional intelligence (think: skills like empathy, optimism and navigating emotions) and wellbeing have declined more than 5% since 2019 – a significant and concerning drop. Burnout is on the rise in most industries, and healthcare is no exception. Download the full State of the Heart report to learn more about the global emotional recession we’ve entered → Burnout among healthcare professionals is nothing new, of……Exhausted healthcare professional says: ‘Genuinely, the best development course I have had the privilege to be part of.’…

Voices form the Network: Jacqui Butler & Svetlana Suvorova

Voices form the Network: Jacqui Butler & Svetlana Suvorova

…e (women) can be authentic, we can show up as our true selves, we can show empathy for the people that we work with, and we can talk about emotions.”. – Jacqui Butler ” content_last_edited=”on|phone” admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” text_font_size=”27px” text_line_height=”1.5em” header_font=”Montserrat||||||||” header_2_font=”Montserrat|300|||||||” header_2_font_size=”32px” header_3_font=”Montserrat|600|||||||”……When Jacqui Butler and Svetlana Suvorova met in Six Seconds’ EQ Coach Certification program in 2022, they clicked right away. After building a strong connection of mutual support and collaboration, they recently launched a joint venture, LeadEQ, to support women leaders. This is their story of finding EQ, each other, and a deeply meaningful path of professional growth….

5 Questions to Develop Your Empathy: Increase Empathy for Success in 2023

5 Questions to Develop Your Empathy: Increase Empathy for Success in 2023

…develop your empathy: Here’s a summary of the video’s key points: What Is Empathy? Six Seconds defines empathy as recognizing and appropriately responding to others’ emotions – here’s a full definition. It’s an emotional connection between people; a space you co-create with others. Empathy is one of the most important skills for developing healthy relationships with others. There are 3 parts of empathy: a cognitive part, an emotional part, and an…Empathy is crucial to developing healthy relationships with yourself and others. These 5 questions can help you take your empathy to the next level….

Increase Empathy in the Six Seconds Model of EQ

Increase Empathy in the Six Seconds Model of EQ

…https://vimeo.com/180795379 Emotional Intelligence Articles about Increase Empathy Increase Empathy in the Six Seconds Model of EQ (7/26/2023) by Michael Miller – What is empathy, and how do we increase it? Articles, videos, quotes and resources to put empathy into action! … 5 Questions to Develop Your Empathy: Increase Empathy for Success in 2023 (3/1/2023) by Michael Miller – Empathy is crucial to developing healthy relationships with yourself……What’s the connection between wellbeing and racism? Can the skills and practices of emotional intelligence support us to build ourselves, our communities, and our world toward wellbeing for everyone?…

The 3 Parts of Empathy: Thoughts, Feelings and Actions

The 3 Parts of Empathy: Thoughts, Feelings and Actions

…t, and maybe it can be adapted to your situation?” Are you ready to choose Empathy? Empathy is a conscious choice we have to make, and a skill we can improve. Considering how important relationships are in work and life, it’s arguably the most important skill there is. Understanding the 3 parts of empathy, we can choose to practice empathy with our thoughts, feelings and actions – and make the world a better, more compassionate place. You may also……Even though the first part gets the lion’s share of attention, practicing true empathy requires all 3 parts. Here’s how….

Free Empathy Poster

Free Empathy Poster

…Get Your Free Empathy Poster! Practical inspiration, in your home, office, or classroom. Google says empathy is the skill of the future. Grow your expertise around empathy and emotional intelligence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGRxdkRc8Qc   Six Seconds is a global non-profit dedicated to supporting people to practice emotional intelligence.  …

How to Increase Empathy in Children

How to Increase Empathy in Children

…others. Here are 5 tips, based on the latest research, for how to increase empathy in children. Empathy is the foundation of strong relationships. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. 1. Model empathy for them. The primary way your child will learn about empathy, and many other things, is by observing you. So working to improve your empathy as a parent is one of the best things you can do to help your child develop this essential skill. Are you as em……The key to happiness is strong, lifelong relationships – and you build those with empathy. Here’s how to increase empathy in children….

Empathy vs. Sympathy: What’s the Difference?

Empathy vs. Sympathy: What’s the Difference?

…at some of the most common traps that derail people’s efforts to practice empathy: Get Your Free Empathy Guide Download your free empathy cheat sheet Common Empathy Traps The ‘At Least’ Trap “Rarely does an empathic response begin with at least,” says Brown. Check out this Facebook interaction I came across the other day. Notice how a comment like this drives disconnection. The person says, “I’m sorry,” which is a good start, but then goes into c……Learn the key difference of empathy vs. sympathy, including the most common sympathy traps. Plus tips to put empathy into action!…

Empathy Is the Future of Work

Empathy Is the Future of Work

…almost any situation. 3 empathy tips Here are 3 practical tips to practice empathy, including a few common “empathy traps” to avoid: Resist the urge to do something. True empathy often means just listening to someone, not doing anything. But for many people, myself included, it feels irresistible to put a silver lining on somebody else’s problem (at least this didn’t happen…), or offer some sort of solution – to do something. But as bestselling au……As AI replaces knowledge workers across industries, social and emotional skills will be what separates the top performers…

How to Increase Your Empathy

How to Increase Your Empathy

…making statements to asking questions – and it really helps increase your empathy. Want to increase your empathy? Try curiosity – replacing statements with questions Click to tweet Empathy, especially for strangers, starts with exposure to people who are different than us. Research has found that contact with people of different races increases our empathy toward them at a neurological level. So if you want to increase your empathy, widen your ci……You’ve probably heard how important it is to use empathy in work and life… but HOW? Here are five practical, research-proven tips….

The Empathy Iceberg: 3 Proven Tips for Managers to Engage People

The Empathy Iceberg: 3 Proven Tips for Managers to Engage People

…do. It’s good for business. Click to tweet 3 Tips for Managers to Practice Empathy in the Workplace What are practical tips that managers can apply to practice empathy at work? 1 Stay uncertain and curious. As we go through life, we’re constantly making assumptions, educated guesses and predictions – it’s part of how our brains work. These assumptions and guesses, however, are not neutral. There are many well-known cognitive biases that distort ou……How can managers use emotional intelligence to increase empathy in the workplace? It starts with a willingness to go “beneath the surface.”…

Illuminate: Want Empathy? 3 Phrases To Ask for It

Illuminate: Want Empathy? 3 Phrases To Ask for It

…ine— I hope you gave it to yourself!) This week, you will learn to ASK for empathy. Shall we?   Illuminate: Want Empathy? 3 Phrases To Ask for It It’s hard to admit this, but we can’t change other people. The only actions we can change are our own. So, if we want empathy from others, we have to take some responsibility for getting it. We have to ASK for it. Here are some phrases you can try out to help embolden you to ask for what you need. It can……We all need a good listening ear sometimes. But how do we get it when it isn’t offered? Here are three phrases to communicate the need for empathy with others. Try them out!…

The Best Valentine’s Gift? A Big Box of EMPATHY

The Best Valentine’s Gift? A Big Box of EMPATHY

…ve to anyone you love. Illuminate: The Best Valentine’s Gift? A Big Box of EMPATHY Empathy, one of Six Seconds eight competencies for growing emotional intelligence, is the gift of meeting a person exactly where they are. Instead of telling them they’re fine, talking about your own related stories, or shutting them down, you just be there. And be quiet. And listen. When others share their feelings with you, do you respond with empathy? In the stor……This Valentine’s Day, give your lover, spouse, or best friend what they really deserve: Your undivided attention. Empathy means listening without fixing, talking about your stories, or wondering what will happen next on your favorite TV show. Learn how to be more empathetic with this post….

Want Less Conflict with Your Kids? Try Empathy

Want Less Conflict with Your Kids? Try Empathy

…ersonally. He’s defying me. She’s shutting me down. However, with a bit of empathy, I can reflect: What if it has nothing to do with me? What if they’re expressing this feeling here, in my direction, because it’s safe to do so… but it’s not really about me? I find this a curious paradox – empathy requires a recognition of reciprocity, on the one hand, and, on the other, separation. Interdependence and independence, both at the same time. That’s a……You’ve told your kid “a million times” and frustration is rising. What if there was another way to see the situation? Here’s a 90-second tip for parents to use empathy to diffuse conflict and frustration….

What’s Wrong with Empathy? EQ Coaching for Leadership

What’s Wrong with Empathy? EQ Coaching for Leadership

…rust. That’s what we find in the crossroads when coaching, leadership, and empathy meet. How do * leaders bring out the best? Over & over answers are rooted in empathy eg Listen. Believe in me. Encourage. Trust. How about for u? Click to tweet How does this land for you as a coach? Please share a comment below! And, if you have questions you’d like me to explore in a future 🌱 EQ Coaching newsletter and/or video, please post in the comments, or fee……What does ‘strong leadership’ mean today? It turns out, (the right kind of) empathy & coaching are at the heart of how leaders ACTUALLY create impact….

Free Friendship and Empathy Kit from Red Nose Day & Six Seconds

Free Friendship and Empathy Kit from Red Nose Day & Six Seconds

…mpowered. FriendSkills The 3 parts of the program: 1. Be Your Own Friend – empathy starts inside you – your emotions matter. Learn about emotional literacy and self-empathy. 2. Make a Friend – connecting with a friend is a two-way process. Grow active listening skills and taking turns. 3. Community of Friends – when people commit to kindness, community grows. Learn to multiply acts of kindness and empathy.   Where should we send your free kit? Red……In a time where so many children feel disconnected and alone, it’s time to share skills for being and making friends!…

Exposure to Nature, More Empathy and Less Violence

Exposure to Nature, More Empathy and Less Violence

…efforts to greenify urban areas leads to better neighborly relations, more empathy, and less crime. Police records confirm this anecdotal relationship between green space and social breakdown, providing an even more objective measure than the resident’s memories. Research from Columbia and Penn found that “cleaning and greening” vacant lots led to a 9% reduction in gun assaults. A 9% reduction in gun assaults! Greenery has also been linked to bett……A growing body of research reveals remarkable benefits of connecting with nature, for individuals (50% increase in growth of anti-cancer cells) and entire cities (10% reductions in gun assaults)….

How to Live Meaningfully with EQ: 10 Tips for a Purpose Driven Life

How to Live Meaningfully with EQ: 10 Tips for a Purpose Driven Life

…ecting your every day actions with your overall sense of purpose. Increase Empathy – Using empathy to meaningfully connect with others. Top 10 tips for living a meaningful life from the global emotional intelligence network. Many relate to finding and following your noble goal – do you agree having a defined purpose is key? Click to tweet 1. Get to the heart of it! At the end of the day, why are you here? How are you going to use your gifts and ta……Emotional intelligence is essential for living a purpose driven life. Check out these tips for connecting more meaningfully with others and your own bigger purpose!…

Voices from the Network: Wilson Jordan

Voices from the Network: Wilson Jordan

Empathy Resources? The 3 Parts of Empathy Dig into the differences between Empathy and Sympathy Increase Empathy in the workplace ” content_phone=” Expanding his empathy skills led Dr. Jordan to recognize that others thought, felt and acted differently. Additionally, developing self-empathy led Dr. Jordan to listen deeply and develop trust in himself. When taking the Trust Style Inventory (TSI) course he could finally see that a judgmental approac……We sat down recently with Dr. Jordan to talk about his journey to develop empathy – getting certified with Six Seconds, and growing a path to a new business career using EQ. Learn more about Six Seconds model of empathy

Climate of Emotions Day 1

Climate of Emotions Day 1

…bserving their kaleidoscopes, participants will create and take away their empathy statements. These empathy statements will provide an opportunity to identify specific roles in caring for our environment (nature) to ensure all elements thrive and the responsibility in caring for one another (humanity) to ensure all people thrive. About the Facilitators Don Ajené Wilcoxson has a Doctorate in Ministry focused on Multifaith Theology, and a Master’s……Climate of Emotions Retreat Day 1 – Newly Emerging…

Connecting with Patients:  The Basic Ingredient of Care

Connecting with Patients: The Basic Ingredient of Care

…and to move on to the next patient. These objectives are not conducive to empathy. Professionals often assume that empathy is a time-consuming exercise of drama and has little effect on ultimate health outcome: “If I show caring, the floodgates will open.” Recent research has shown surprising results, however: Empathic expression does not actually take more time if it is accomplished effectively[1][2][3]. In a fascinating study, researchers found……As the pace of healthcare increases, empathy is becoming scarce. Yet research shows that empathy actually may save time – and save lives. The learnable skills of emotional intelligence may be an essential ingredient in supporting providers to meaningfully and effectively connect with patients….

Transformational Leadership Qualities with Emotional Intelligence

Transformational Leadership Qualities with Emotional Intelligence

…ults. Here’s a 4-step plan to get started. … 5 Questions to Develop Your Empathy: Increase Empathy for Success in 2023 (3/1/2023) by Michael Miller – Empathy is crucial to developing healthy relationships with yourself and others. These 5 questions can help you take your empathy to the next level. … Research: The Key Benefits of Mentorship at Work (1/16/2023) by Michael Miller – Mentored employees are generally more productive, engaged, and sa……Managing people has never been this hard – and at the same time, leaders have a unique opportunity to increase autonomy and engagement like never before….

Lift Every Voice: The Global Forum on SEL & Antiracism

Lift Every Voice: The Global Forum on SEL & Antiracism

…s has increased my cultural awareness, sensitivity to others, patience and empathy. As I strive to make deeper connections, I try to be in the moment, keep an open mind and be my authentic self. Peter Hoover – Founder, Appleseed EQ, Ohio, USA Hi! I am Peter Hoover (he/him), former science teacher, now an emotional intelligence consultant. Near and dear to my heart is the Prayer of Peace. In my work, I seek to anchor non-judgment and compassion for……Join social emotional learning (SEL) educators in an online story-sharing experience to weave personal, interpersonal and communal stories to create a collective narrative toward equity. Participate to learn practical frameworks and tools that can build connections across difference….

7 Emotional Intelligence Facts: Take the Quiz and Get Practical Tips to Apply Today

7 Emotional Intelligence Facts: Take the Quiz and Get Practical Tips to Apply Today

…ure to different racial groups. Secondly, even well-intentioned efforts at empathy can fall into common “empathy traps,” which you can read more about here. Empathy is a skill that we must continually improve, and the good news is, it’s a learnable skill – just like emotional intelligence in general. Emotional intelligence can be improved Emotional intelligence can be learned and developed. Our brains have a remarkable ability to keep learning and……Test your knowledge of emotional intelligence and gain key insights to bring EQ to life at home and at work…

How Do You React to Others’ Vulnerability?

How Do You React to Others’ Vulnerability?

…e a long and fulfilling life? Another surprisingly simple answer: Increase empathy. How will you connect with the people who matter most in your life? Click to tweet Empathy is one of the more challengingly simple practices to do. Basically, it’s listening to another and feeling what they’re feeling… without fixing, out-shining, or covering up. Empathy comes from the root word ‘path’… which ironically means both feeling and disease. Practicing emp……Nuanced empathy skills help us develop close relationships, which according to a growing body of research, is the key to a good life….

Teaching in the Age of Selfies

Teaching in the Age of Selfies

…g our next words or a clever rebuttal. Click to tweet Rule 5: In Praise of Empathy We can make empathy a habit. Habit guru Charles Duhigg’s says “ If you can identify the right cue and reward—you can establish almost any habit.” When students seize upon an opportunity for empathy, make a point of thanking them for doing so. When you see them practicing their optimism when a big test is approaching, congratulate them. When you notice they are ident…

Case Study: EQ Declines During Medical School

Case Study: EQ Declines During Medical School

…c patients were treated by 29 different physicians. The physicians took an empathy assessment, and then the researchers analyzed the doctors’ empathy scores compared to objective patient health data. What did they find? A strong correlation between physicians’ empathy scores and patients’ health outcomes, as measured by levels of hemoglobin in the blood. Research studies like these are driving a resurgence of interest in EQ in healthcare, includin……Recent research at Liberty University finds that medical students’ emotional intelligence scores declined across the board during their training – even as a growing body of evidence points to the importance of EQ in modern healthcare….

Stepping Out of the Shadow of Perfect

Stepping Out of the Shadow of Perfect

…perfectionism? Can we change our patterns to have more self-compassion and empathy? One of the most rewarding options for people with perfectionist tendencies, is to direct their energies outward through volunteering and making a difference in the lives of others. By practicing self-compassion and empathy and you will be helping your kids. Research suggests that perfectionism is a trait that parents frequently pass on to their children. Dr,Gordon……How can we counter the shadow of perfectionism? Increasing self-compassion and empathy will free us to be our best….

Dialogue: Emotions & Racism (#11.5)

Dialogue: Emotions & Racism (#11.5)

…om here on out thank you Jim Steve final comment yeah I you know to me the empathy piece is really critical I don’t think there’s a limit to how much empathy we can have and I think I would hope that more people grow this the empathy side more people in my group white folks and and it’s really reflecting and engage with the communities they live in to sort of do what Jim said make some commitments that you can do on a day-to-day basis because this……The dialogue touched on difficult topics and big feelings — and our shared commitment to learn to have this kind of conversation… and the power of emotional intelligence as a toolset to build a more aware, intentional, and connected response….

Case: Stress, EQ, and Performance in Healthcare

Case: Stress, EQ, and Performance in Healthcare

…d so high scores equate to high performance: Perceived Stress = low stress Empathy = high empathy Illness = good health Absenteeism = high work attendance Emotional volatility = positive emotional management Quality of Life = high quality of life   Findings Hypothesis 1: Emotional Intelligence has a positive impact on performance Linear regression shows that 66.2% of the total variance in performance is predicted by emotional intelligence. This fi…

Climate of Emotions Day 3

Climate of Emotions Day 3

…ciety. We will discuss the importance of curiosity, thoughtful reflection, empathy, and more to take transformative action within our own spheres of influence. Specifically, participants will: Expand awareness of local and global issues, and discuss how these may (or may not) intersect with issues experienced by other participants Reflect on the ways empathy and compassion have played a role in creating a more just society, and where further work……Climate of Emotions Retreat – Day 3 – Regenerative Planning…

2020 EQ in Higher Education Conference

2020 EQ in Higher Education Conference

…ith the Faculty of Engineering at the National University of Singapore. An Empathy Catalyst in non profit – a Change Agent in EQ & learning & Education for a better world & Future. Solafa is the Chief Executive Officer of Doroob Endowment Company, activating education in Saudi, Sudan & Kenya — and part of the BAC/ Board Advisory Committee for INJAZ -Saudi Arabia برنامج إنجاز السعودية. She is the Education Ambassador of Generation 2030 by Misk Foun…

Articles and Blogs

Articles and Blogs

…edient of Care BY Six Seconds EQ Life As the pace of healthcare increases, empathy is becoming scarce. Yet research shows that empathy actually may save time – and save lives. The learnable skills of emotional intelligence may be an essential ingredient in supporting providers to meaningfully and effectively connect with patients. Want a Good Life? 3 Lessons from Harvard Grant Study BY Michael Miller Six Seconds Harvard study, more than 80 years o……Daniel Goleman explains the history of emotional intelligence – and why EQ is important in business, education & life….

20 Outstanding Books on Emotional Intelligence

20 Outstanding Books on Emotional Intelligence

…d organizational strategist answers questions about the true definition of empathy For children – Just Grace by Charise Mericle The story of a precocious third grader whose super power is empathy, despite the many trials and tribulations she faces. Concept: To make something new requires doing something new, so be willing to fail, but never give up. For adults – The Optimistic Child by Martin Seligman The epidemic of depression in America strikes……Here’s a wonderful collection of books about emotional intelligence, including six key concepts for every parent to share with children (and books to do so!)…