History of Six Seconds’ Pioneering Leadership in Social Emotional Learning

History of Six Seconds’ Pioneering Leadership in Social Emotional Learning

A History of Leadership in Social Emotional Learning Established in 1997, Six Seconds is the world’s community for emotional intelligence – in 200+ countries. A pioneer in social emotional learning, Six Seconds’ education programs are enhanced by a transformational learning approach, scientifically validated EQ measures for youth adults, and school climate, several curricula targeted to Six Seconds EQ competencies, and a growing lessons database….…Before there was such a thing as “social emotional learning,” the Six Seconds team was leading the way….

Emotional WHAT? Definitions and History of EQ (updated)

Emotional WHAT? Definitions and History of EQ (updated)

…, a growing body of research is proving just the opposite. Definitions and History of Emotional Intelligence In the 1950’s, Abraham Maslow wrote about how people could enhance their emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental strengths. His work sparked the “Human Potential” movement which could be the greatest celebration of humanism since the Renaissance. In the 1970s and 80s this led to the development of many new sciences of human capacity. Ser……From interviews the originators of the science of emotional intelligence including Peter Salovey, Daniel Goleman, & Reuven Bar-On, here’s a simple and lively history of this breakthrough science….

Addressing 21st Century Issues with Emotional Intelligence: A conversation with Daniel Goleman and The Six Seconds EQ Network

Addressing 21st Century Issues with Emotional Intelligence: A conversation with Daniel Goleman and The Six Seconds EQ Network

…inly associated with school-based programs, remember that throughout human history these same skill sets have been passed from generation to generation in the midst of life, not in a pre-packaged format. Just as the best SEL programs are woven into the culture of a school, the same lessons can be imparted as part of the everyday interactions between any adult and a child,” Goleman says. Take any of the key tenants of an SEL model, like the Emotion…

Daniel Goleman on The Neural Power of Leadership

Daniel Goleman on The Neural Power of Leadership

…Vol. 91, No. 1, pages 176-180), 1992 – Here is an excellent article on the history of this science: http://www.apa.org/monitor/oct05/mirror.html — and a link to NOVA special: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3204/01.html [2] Neuron (Vol. 40, No. 3, pages 655-664), 2003 [3] For example, Alice Isen’s chapter on “Positive Affect and Decision-Making” in The Handbook of Emotion (1993). [4] See K Elsbach and P Barr, Effects of Mood on Individuals……Why do feelings matter to leaders? Interview with Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence, on a new leadership imperative for optimizing human performance and the research that makes attention to feelings a bottom-line priority….

Emotional Intelligence: A Key to Positive Change

Emotional Intelligence: A Key to Positive Change

…In this speech, Six Seconds’ Chairman Karen McCown shares the definition, process, and purpose of teaching emotional intelligence. Karen founded the renown Nueva School in 1967 as a laboratory for integrating academic and emotional development for gifted children (it went on to win two Federal Blue Ribbon Awards for Excellence in Education)….

Krish and Anabel: SEL Pioneer and Mentee Share 6 Life Lessons on Empathy, Integrity, and Emotional Intelligence

Krish and Anabel: SEL Pioneer and Mentee Share 6 Life Lessons on Empathy, Integrity, and Emotional Intelligence

…elieve, contrary to popular opinion, that yesterday does not create today (history is always repeating itself). Instead, I believe that our attitude about tomorrow creates today. Optimism equals hope. If you want to make more money, live longer, be healthier, then practice with rigor the skills of optimism. Recognize that adversities/obstacles (which usually occur, according to research, about 17 per day per person) are gifts – remember that they……What are 6 life lessons you’ve learned? Dr. Anabel Jensen, SEL pioneer and Six Seconds President, explores this important question with her 16-year-old mentee….

Voices from the Network: Huong Nguyen

Voices from the Network: Huong Nguyen

…diagnosis of the patients, doctors need to take into account the clinical history. Then while working for the life insurance company she had to focus on the future – making predictions and prognostications on people’s life expectancy . Finally, now she can focus on the present, and enjoy what she is doing, not thinking too much about the past, and not worry too much about the future. Thank you Huong for sharing your EQ journey with us! If you wou……This month we sit down with Ms. Huong Nguyen, a medical doctor and certified EQ Coach, EQ Facilitator, Practitioner and Assessor who has been working to expand her local EQ community in Vietnam….

Emotion Science from Inside Out 2 – EQ Education News

Emotion Science from Inside Out 2 – EQ Education News

…student learning. Let’s expand and integrate emotional literacy into art, history, music, writing and other forms of expression. Let’s support the development of emotional granularity for all children. [et_pb_text content_tablet=” 🟢 TRY IT YOURSELF: 5 ways to support shy kids 1. Avoid Labeling She’s just shy” or “he’s a bit of a loner” can stick with a kid and can start early in childhood. Making an effort to avoid these kinds of labels is import……What do you think and feel about the emotions in Inside Out 2? Let’s unpack the science and how you can use the film to keep developing emotional intelligence skills for you, your faculty and students….

How to Choose an Emotional Intelligence Test: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Choose an Emotional Intelligence Test: A Beginner’s Guide

…including 5 important outcomes (e.g., achievement, health, relationships). History: The SEI was first published in 2005. There are regular, ongoing research updates. The current version is 3.2. Online and paper Retail $10-$45 (order options) Wholesale: $8-$30 (by report & volume) Details: 6seconds.org/tools/sei SEI Brain Brief Description: Designed as an entry-point to emotional intelligence, the Brain Brief Profile offers an easy “hook” to begin……Which emotional intelligence test is best? It depends on your needs and goals; here is an objective-ish review of leading tools with links for more information….

Newsroom | POP-UP Festival

Newsroom | POP-UP Festival

…’s day by participating in the biggest emotional intelligence event in the history – reaching over 1.5 million people, in 3k+ cities with 10k+ volunteers, in 200+ countries around the world. It’s called a POP-UP Festival for emotions, wellbeing, and children’s rights for a better world. Every year November 20th is celebrated all around the world as World Children’s day. This day was established by the United Nations to promote international togeth……We’d love to share POP-UP Festival with you to build community and educate children and adults about emotions, wellbeing, and children’s rights. Please contact [email protected] for press….

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

…To dive right in to how to develop emotional intelligence, here’s a guide. History of Emotional Intelligence It can be argued that the study of emotional intelligence began about 2,000 years ago when Plato wrote, “All learning has an emotional base.” But the term emotional intelligence – as a scientifically testable form of “intelligence” – goes back to a seminal article published in 1990 by two researchers, Peter Salavoy and John Mayer. It was la……What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence is about being smarter with feelings. More aware. More intentional. More purposeful….

EQ.EDU Speakers

EQ.EDU Speakers

…sney (now Disneyland Paris). She holds doctorates in political science and history. She received a Presidential post-doctoral fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation and was a Fulbright scholar to Germany where she taught environmental politics and history. Dr. Anabel Jensen President, Six Seconds (USA) With over 40 years of pioneering work in emotional intelligence education, Dr. Anabel Jensen has founded three schools and is the President of Six……Panelists from around the globe include academic faculty, university leaders, counselors and specialists in this work as well as specialists in EQ and social emotional learning….



…pert trainers and consultants all around the world, and get started today. History Learn about Six Seconds’ history and 25 years of experience with leading organizations. Our Team Meet Six Seconds’ Regional Network Directors and team members. About Us Six Seconds is dedicated to growing the world’s emotional intelligence. [et_pb_text content_tablet=” Create exceptional workplaces Tell us about your most pressing needs and how we can help you solve……With over 25 years of experience and published case studies with clients all over the world, Six Seconds has a proven track record of success….

Dialogue: Emotions & Racism (#11.5)

Dialogue: Emotions & Racism (#11.5)

…power do you have to help with this because our history our country has a history of even if I see it if my white colleague of frein our person doesn’t see it that level of power is not attitude in my reality and so I’ve been heartened by that and even to see Mali to here it’s none of you can understand what it’s like for a black man to hear a black woman say that so when you return to your technology was not working on Mali with bated breath I w……The dialogue touched on difficult topics and big feelings — and our shared commitment to learn to have this kind of conversation… and the power of emotional intelligence as a toolset to build a more aware, intentional, and connected response….

Empowering for Life Success: Workforce Training for Individuals Facing Racial or Socio-Economic Barriers Correlated with 24% Increase in Key Life Outcomes

Empowering for Life Success: Workforce Training for Individuals Facing Racial or Socio-Economic Barriers Correlated with 24% Increase in Key Life Outcomes

…R!SE, called The Empowerment Institute. While participants throughout the history of the program have reported positive, transformational experiences, TCR recognized the need to quantify the program’s impact. Solution In 2017, Twin Cities R!SE initiated a partnership with Six Seconds with the goal of highlighting and quantifying the impact of its Personal Empowerment Training at The Empowerment Institute. Empowerment Institute Facilitators starte……This two-year study demonstrates the impact of Twin Cities R!SE’ signature Personal Empowerment Training, which teaches emotional intelligence for personal and professional success….

Empowering Emerging Leaders for Results at Vega Energy

Empowering Emerging Leaders for Results at Vega Energy

…6 billion in assets and signing one of the largest natural gas deals in US history. Percentage of engaged employees increased from 19% to 41% Percentage of disengaged team members declined from 24% to 9%. Products & Services Delivered EQ Skills SEI – Powered by the SEI, Six Seconds’ Emotional Intelligence Assessment used with over 250k people worldwide, the Leadership Report delivers clear feedback and a path for using EQ to improve the people-sid……Leverage emotional intelligence to build the succession pipeline, increase engagement, and look toward the future….

Three gifts the antiracist uprising brought me

Three gifts the antiracist uprising brought me

…of this holiday, of giving thanks… I also am grappling with this nation’s history. In that context, there are things I love about my country, and people in its history I feel deep gratitude for, for so many who’ve pursued ideals of inclusive community. And this comes with a big range of mixed feelings from shame, to rage, to tiredness, to disgust, to grief. I can go back to the old pattern of avoiding the topic; that’s the comfortable option. Or,……Emotions around race and racism are big and complex. And perhaps they’re an important message — an invitation from you, to you?…

Better Decisions – Emotional Intelligence & Long-Term Thriving

Better Decisions – Emotional Intelligence & Long-Term Thriving

…to deciding that the sun, moon, stars, and planets all orbited the earth, history is littered with examples of devastating choices. At this point of human history, we seem bent on self-destruction – from volatile elections, to cutting 18 million acres of forest per year [2], to genocide, to horrific treatment of refugees, humanity does not seem to have learned to make better decisions for our long-term wellbeing [3]. That sad reality is echoed in……Decisions descisions… how do we make them, and can we make better decisions? Contrary to common belief, emotions may just be the key….

How to Teach Children Emotional Intelligence for a Better World

How to Teach Children Emotional Intelligence for a Better World

…larger story of human rights. Here’s a beautifully rendered story of this history. As you watch, consider: “How do I make these rights real in my own daily life?” “Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home – so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual person; the neighbourhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, fa……When feelings run hot, how can we use emotional intelligence to fuel our commitment for positive change… and support children to create a better world?…

3 Tips to Turn Turbulent Emotions into Resources

3 Tips to Turn Turbulent Emotions into Resources

…al world is different, it’s our world. Maybe we can’t change the course of history, but we can change the course of one another’s lives. In the epics, there are magnificent villains and heroes – magnificent as in, magnified. In the real world, the villains are regular people who long for love and respect, but can’t find it inside, so they try to make people respect them. They are petty bullies who laugh at a kid pushed to the floor, or a bureaucra……A deluge of violence and trauma in our headlines leaves me feeling… a thunderstorm. How can emotions fuel wellbeing in the face of this onslaught?…

Emotional Intelligence and Collaboration in Health Care

Emotional Intelligence and Collaboration in Health Care

…urpose – that they’re on the same team. This is easy to say, but given our history in healthcare, it’s difficult to achieve. Here are three tips when working to shift toward the new frontier of collaboration: 1. Build in time for personal connection. When we meet across the table wearing our roles, we carry our history and thus may automatically scan for threats. When we first create connection through getting to know the person we find that all t……Collaboration has emerged as a critical “doorway” to positive outcomes in healthcare, but without emotional intelligence it’s nearly impossible to change from the old model — a little neuroscience shows why….

Technology Loneliness: EQ Tips from Daniel Goleman

Technology Loneliness: EQ Tips from Daniel Goleman

…purpose. That kind of attention is under more challenge than ever in human history – I mean, many of us work at a computer. A computer is a machine that is designed both to help us focus on our work and to distract us at the same time. We have pop-ups, you can always go on the web, and the big challenge is to be able to notice when your mind has wandered – the study said an average of 50 percent of the time, but most at the computer. One key: noti……In the chaos of contemporary life, how do we maintain connection to self and others? Two of the world’s preeminent experts on emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman and Joshua Freedman, discuss in an engaging Q&A….

Rachel Goodman

…tions professional, editor, producer, and writer for effective outcomes. Ms. Goodman has been a radio producer for much of her career, specializing in short features and documentaries. Some of her work includes Southern Songbirds: the Women of Early Country Music, Pastures of Plenty: A History of California’s Farmworkers, and The Boomtown Chronicles: Reflections on a Changing California. Ms. Goodman teaches journalism at Cabrillo College in Santa…

POP-UP Festival for World Children’s Day

POP-UP Festival for World Children’s Day

…ights of the Child, the most widely-signed human rights legislation in the history of the world. The purpose of the day, according to the U.N. is: “Let us promote and celebrate children’s rights on the Universal Children’s Day, and continuously build up a living-friendly environment for children in the world through dialogue and actions.” It’s also the date of the signing of the Declaration on the Rights of the Child (1959). In part, this Declarat……What if every child grew up with the emotional skills to build a peaceful, prosperous future? Get your free kit for kids & adults to learn and celebrate — in partnership with UNICEF World Children’s Day….

Climate of Emotions Action Pack

Climate of Emotions Action Pack

…rations or photo essays. Smithsonian internships Opportunities in science, history, art and culture EarthEcho’s Youth Leadership Council For ages 15-22, a Youth Leadership Council to advise and advocate for community conservation. Applications due May 1, 2020. Dream Hubs For teens — online collaboration with peers toward the Sustainable Development Goals Global Youth Service Day Repository of youth-designed environmental and climate service projec……Climate + Emotions + ACTION… here’s how!…

Certifications | Testimonials

Certifications | Testimonials

…ssful because it is built on a solid foundation; a cognitive foundation, a history of success in the community and a personal foundation — the staff of Six Seconds embodies what they teach. Darin Smyth, MFCC Six Seconds’ half day workshop was one of the best overview workshops that we have sponsored. Not only was their familiarity with the subject matter excellent, but their ability to present material in an interactive multi-modal manner made the……What do our clients say about Six Seconds? Collected testimonials about our emotional intelligence training, assessments and community….

Emotional Intelligence Certification

Emotional Intelligence Certification

…ed by the pioneers of teaching EQ — meet your team & board, read about the history of EQ. Read some of the case studies to see how Six Seconds’ methods & tools work at places like FedEx, Komatsu, the US Navy, HSBC, Hyundai, as well as schools and nonprofits. Read about the methodology. In addition to great tools & methods for every day… we’re here to Pursue Noble Goals. Here’s our vision and check the map. Then read what real people say about this……Since 1997, Six Seconds is the gold-standard in emotional intelligence certification training, offering a complete system of assessment and development tools and processes. Join us!…

Insights for Great Teachers

Insights for Great Teachers

…been training and supporting people to use emotions as resources – and our history with social emotional learning goes even deeper than that: Six Seconds’ Self-Science curriculum was first published in 1978; in 1992, Daniel Goleman observed the program and dedicated a chapter of his 1995 bestselling book, Emotional Intelligence, to how EQ can work in education. Six Seconds offers innovative tools and life changing training for educators to create……Grow teacher’s self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and equip them with skills to work with all students, at Insights for Great Teachers….

SEL Specialist Certification

SEL Specialist Certification

…been training and supporting people to use emotions as resources – and our history with social emotional learning goes even deeper than that: Six Seconds’ Self-Science curriculum was first published in 1978; in 1992, Daniel Goleman observed the program and dedicated a chapter of his 1995 bestselling book, Emotional Intelligence, to how EQ can work in education. Six Seconds offers innovative tools and life changing training for educators to create……Get comprehensive tools & training to lead evidence-based social emotional learning, in your classroom or entire district….

EU Certification

EU Certification

…ed by the pioneers of teaching EQ — meet your team & board, read about the history of EQ. Read some of the case studies to see how Six Seconds’ methods & tools work at places like FedEx, Komatsu, the US Navy, HSBC, Hyundai, as well as schools and nonprofits. Read about the methodology. In addition to great tools & methods for every day… we’re here to Pursue Noble Goals. Here’s our vision and check the map. Then read what real people say about this…

Fast Facts | POP-UP Festival

Fast Facts | POP-UP Festival

…ted, and to have their views heard. The UN celebrates Children’s Day each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare. Read more about the history Universal Children’s Day here. Read about POP-UP FESTIVALS supporting the Sustainable Development Goals Activities to try now Volunteers & Partners Spread the Word! Become a Partner……At a glance: Key facts about the POP-UP Festival for emotions, wellbeing and children’s rights…

EQ Assessor – Youth Version

EQ Assessor – Youth Version

…been training and supporting people to use emotions as resources – and our history with social emotional learning goes even deeper than that: Six Seconds’ Self-Science curriculum was first published in 1978; in 1992, Daniel Goleman observed the program and dedicated a chapter of his 1995 bestselling book, Emotional Intelligence, to how emotional intelligence can work in education. Six Seconds offers innovative tools and life changing training for……Get certified as an EQ Assessor – Youth Version (AC) and equip yourself with the world’s best tools for measuring and developing children’s emotional intelligence….

Climate of Emotions 2020

Climate of Emotions 2020

…ering from Suez University. Experienced Youth Activist with a demonstrated history of working in the non-profit organization realm. Skilled in Youth Activism, Student Leadership, Public Speaking, Environmental Awareness, and has a strong interest in International Relations. Understanding human behavior at the deepest levels is no longer an option. It’s an imperative. The ecological challenges we face can feel scary and insurmountable. It’s time to……Archive of 2020: Join young climate activists, scientists, and emotions experts from around the globe in Climate of Emotions: the free online conference about emotions, climate change, and youth….

EQ for C&U 22 – Emotional Intelligence in Colleges & Universities Virtual Conference

EQ for C&U 22 – Emotional Intelligence in Colleges & Universities Virtual Conference

…well-being. Experienced Professional Coach and Trainer with a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Skilled in Emotional Intelligence, Coaching, Executive Coaching and powerful Training focused in leading positive change in organizations. Manuel Caviglia, Program Manager area Education & Life, gestisce i percorsi EQ Assessor in ambito educativo & SEI-Youth Version in modalità virtual e supporta lo sviluppo di progr……Emotional intelligence in colleges and universities – 2022 virtual conference. Wellbeing & Resilience | Equity & Belonging | Student Success…

EQ in Education – Solutions for Social Emotional Learning

EQ in Education – Solutions for Social Emotional Learning

…on aligns with the five SEL competencies defined by CASEL. For more of the history of SEL and Six Seconds, click here   Gettting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable October 18, 2016 Breathe, lean into your fear, grow. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is key to making lasting change and personal development. Raising Humans Episode #9-Raising Parents: A Child’s Perspective October 18, 2016 http://podcast.6seconds.s3.amazonaws.com/Raisin…



…actice, arts entrepreneurship, curatorial studies, museum studies, and art history Mabel Zúñiga, Environmental Engineer passionate about environmental education especially the one focused on climate change and youth empowerment and an advocate of the Laudato Si’. In 2018 she was selected for the First Youth Leadership Academy on Climate Change and in 2020 became a certified Climate Leader by Climate Reality Leadership Corps. In 2019 she became a L……Meet the global, diverse, intergenerational changemakers at the intersection of climate & social justice…

IQ vs. EQ: Why it matters what we measure

IQ vs. EQ: Why it matters what we measure

…onsidering this, is it surprising where we find ourselves at this stage in history, as we enter the 4th Industrial Revolution? We have smartphones, microbots performing heart surgery, and cars that can brake themselves to avoid accidents. But at the same time, we are lonelier, more frustrated, and more disconnected than ever before. It isn’t that our education system has failed. It’s been spectacularly successful, at least on the whole, at improvi……The progress and problems that define the Digital Era are the logical conclusion of 100 years dedicated to cognitive intelligence. What would emerge from 100 years dedicated to emotional intelligence?…

Don’t Settle for Happiness: Make Life Worth Living

Don’t Settle for Happiness: Make Life Worth Living

…e gifts and opportunities life has given me. I’d like to be on the side of history that makes the world better. While this would make me happy, I’m also willing to struggle and sacrifice for these goals. New research suggests that most people would call this “meaning,” and that the drivers of meaning are quite different from the drivers of “happiness.” Roy Baumeister is the lead author of the forthcoming paper, Some Key Differences between a Happy……How do you increase happiness, and is that a useful goal? What do we mean by happiness anyway? Using emotional intelligence we can go from ‘happy’ to ‘thriving.’…

The Myth of Winning: 3 Steps to Stand Together as Allies

The Myth of Winning: 3 Steps to Stand Together as Allies

…er or one winning team.​ But guess what? Real life is messier. A glance at history is enough to make the fictional Hollywood version preferable. ​What percentage of our real world conflicts end neatly?​ Something near zero. ​ The ​perpetual cycle between ​Palestine and Israel ​is a prime example​ — ​it’s a pendulum that each side pushes. Each side tries to win by beating the other… then a few months, years, or generations later, the other side dec……Here’s why we make the boss, a colleague, a customer, spouses and lovers, and even our children into enemies — and a better way. It starts with our brains, and being addicted to the pleasure of righteousness….