Requesting Trust: 5 Practical Steps to Repair and Increase Trust

Requesting Trust: 5 Practical Steps to Repair and Increase Trust

…nd the easiest to cultivate? The hardest? Click to tweet How To Talk About Trust The Trust Alliance is a conversation where you agree to support one another to increase mutual trust. The conversation has a few steps: Agree to talk about improving trust. Each person identify one way trust has been reduced (one thing the other person did or didn’t do). Each person identify one action to take to remedy the issue / increase trust. Agree to take the ac……Want to increase trust with someone? Try this challenging-but-rewarding framework for requesting trust….

Leading Your Team Through Change

Leading Your Team Through Change

…willing to work with me on this?” One of the little-understood aspects of trust is that it’s something we FEEL. Trust is an emotion that helps us survive. It’s actually connected to the feeling of love – as well as respect and safety. So don’t approach trust only with logic. If team members are not feeling trust, you can’t convince them with facts alone. They need to know that you and their colleagues are committed, responsible, and mutually prot……When facing challenges leading team change, increasing trust, vitality and purpose are key factors to success….

Vital Signs Model

Vital Signs Model

…this framework, we can say leadership is the ability to build a context of trust where people are highly motivated, adaptable to change, working as a team, and executing (achieving useful results). An effective team has a foundation of trust with people who are highly motivated, open to change, working collaboratively, and getting important work accomplished. A high-performing organization likewise has a context of trust where most staff are energ……What actually makes a high performing organization? It’s all about people — with trust at the center….

Trust Balance Scale

Trust Balance Scale

…intriguing article about what this might mean in schools). When someone sees you with this unconditional support, it builds a key aspect of trust. Read more about trust and emotional intelligence….…Use the free interactive trust balance scale to explore the factors that build and diminish trust. Ideal for coaching and for everyone who wants to build trust at work and home…

Trust, Diversity & Emotions: Key Strategies from EQ Diversity Practitioner Michael Eatman – Voices from the Network

Trust, Diversity & Emotions: Key Strategies from EQ Diversity Practitioner Michael Eatman – Voices from the Network

…ethodology is so powerful because it allows you to shift perspective from ‘trust me’ to ‘I want to earn your trust.’ That’s an important shift. People start working together and realize that if we both need to sit down, ‘I don’t need to knock you out of your chair so I can sit down. Instead, I can move over a little bit and we can share the chair’.” Having worked with students, staff, and parents as a school administrator, and now with professiona……Imagine a coaching client struggling with identity, belonging and diversity. How can you use emotional intelligence to help them build trust and overcome self-limiting beliefs to thrive?…

Building Burnout Resilience at NHS through EQ Coaching Program

Building Burnout Resilience at NHS through EQ Coaching Program

…eling appreciation about one’s circumstances. Program expands to other NHS Trusts and reproduces promising results With the program’s efficacy supported by the data and the participant’s positive feedback, Aqua decided to expand the program to over a dozen senior leaders in nine different Trusts throughout the UK. This new EQ Leadership Program consisted of both group EQ group workshops and 1:1 EQ Coaching using the SEI, with Quality Improvement L……Exhausted healthcare professional says: ‘Genuinely, the best development course I have had the privilege to be part of.’…

Coaching Through the Emotional Recession: Three Practical Tips for Trauma-Informed Coaching

Coaching Through the Emotional Recession: Three Practical Tips for Trauma-Informed Coaching

…tion and confidentiality. To do so, it may help to remember the meaning of trust: it’s the emotional signal of safety and connection. How? In Six Seconds’ Vital Signs Model, we identify three key “pulse point” for trust: Transparency: share more truth – open up the coaching conversation as a shared space for vulnerable honesty Coherence: walk the talk – show people you’re trustworthy, don’t just tell them. Ensure you do what you say you’ll do and……World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in March 2021, “When there is mass trauma, it affects communities for many years to come.” While coaching isn’t a “treatment” for trauma, in the Emotional Recession we’re facing now, chances are, your clients, colleagues, and you are carrying more trauma than 4 years ago. What do we do as coaches?…

Emotional Intelligence + Coaching = ? How EQ makes coaching work better

Emotional Intelligence + Coaching = ? How EQ makes coaching work better

…move forward on purpose. Let’s unpack the emotions under this: Curiosity. Trust. Drive. Commitment. Hope. Confidence. Joy. Why do people get coaching and what helps them? Several years ago, Paul Stillman and I conducted research on coaching; we were teasing out the differentiators between Good and Great coaching. In responses, most people identified they started working with a coach because: They wanted to make change, but felt stuck. The issue i……How do emotional intelligence and coaching go together to create a framework for transformation? Examining ‘what is coaching,’ why clients seek coaching, and ‘what is emotional intelligence,’ a story emerges about how we meet the moment more effectively….

Voices form the Network: Jacqui Butler & Svetlana Suvorova

Voices form the Network: Jacqui Butler & Svetlana Suvorova

…rs and allows one to get to know the other person really well and to build trust. (continues below…) ” content_last_edited=”on|phone” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Montserrat||||||||” header_2_font=”Montserrat|300|||||||” header_2_font_size=”32px” header_3_font=”Montserrat|600|||||||” header_4_font=”Montserrat|800|||||||” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″] When Jacqui Butler and Svetlana……When Jacqui Butler and Svetlana Suvorova met in Six Seconds’ EQ Coach Certification program in 2022, they clicked right away. After building a strong connection of mutual support and collaboration, they recently launched a joint venture, LeadEQ, to support women leaders. This is their story of finding EQ, each other, and a deeply meaningful path of professional growth….

Trust Style Inventory

Trust Style Inventory

…ree perspectives – and provides actionable tips to improve your ability to trust, be trusted, and leverage trust to build healthy relationships. The TSI report will help you or your clients understand how you trust, your opportunities for growing trust, the strengths you can leverage to improve your willingness to trust, and the skills and characteristics you need to be trusted. The way we trust has a deep effect on our quality of life and success……The Trust Style Inventory equips you to understand trust and provides actionable tips to improve your ability to trust, be trusted, and leverage trust to build healthy relationships….

The Trust Revolution: 4 Powerful Strategies from Neuroeconomist Paul Zak

The Trust Revolution: 4 Powerful Strategies from Neuroeconomist Paul Zak

…rust in new ways Click to tweet To Trust is Human: The Relational Basis of Trust and Distrust In some ways information technology has made us more connected, as has the “sharing economy.” Yet research on social media and loneliness suggests social media is not increasing our feeling of connectedness. Sadly, people are feeling increasingly isolated, The spiral of declining trust may actually be fuelled by the very personal loss of connection and gr……As trust in social institutions spirals down and people feel more isolated, is the social contract battered beyond repair? Neuroeconomist Paul Zak on the latest trust data and the implications for leaders….

Trust Style Inventory

Trust Style Inventory

…ree perspectives – and provides actionable tips to improve your ability to trust, be trusted, and leverage trust to build healthy relationships. The TSI report will help you or your clients understand how you trust, your opportunities for growing trust, the strengths you can leverage to improve your willingness to trust, and the skills and characteristics you need to be trusted. The way we trust has a deep effect on our quality of life and success……The Trust Style Inventory equips you to understand trust and provides actionable tips to improve your ability to trust, be trusted, and leverage trust to build healthy relationships….

Three Key Strategies from Stephen MR Covey to Build Trust & Create Wellbeing

Three Key Strategies from Stephen MR Covey to Build Trust & Create Wellbeing

…s us that trust is something we can increase. “My main message in Speed of Trust is that trust is learnable,” he says. “It’s a competency that we can learn and create from the inside out. Meaning, we first start with ourselves and we look in the mirror, and then we ripple out to our relationships, then to our teams, then to our organization, then to our external stakeholders, then to all society. It’s an inside-out process.” In all aspects of work…Trust is essential to wellbeing, but trust is declining. Stephen MR Covey, bestselling author of Speed of Trust, offers three powerful strategies for leaders, and everyone, to reverse this trend….

The 4 Cs of Trust and How to Make Them More Visible

The 4 Cs of Trust and How to Make Them More Visible

…nsistency. Got all? Click to tweet How To Earn Trust: The 4 Ingredients of Trust Trust is built from the Trust Cs: Commitment = Following through consistently Caring = Showing the other person matters Consistency = Reacting in a somewhat predictable way Competence = Demonstrating ability to meet commitment How To Show You Are Trustworthy You are probably reasonably competent, caring, and committed. And, if you are bluntly honest with yourself, you……Want to increase your level of trust with someone? The first step to earning trust is to make sure that you are fully trustworthy – and also perceived that way. Check yourself against the 4Cs of trust….

Assessing Trust

Assessing Trust

…not sure if they trust or not. This simple process will let you check your trust level. Trust flows between people. If your trust is low, probably they feel similar. try this quick exercise to check your current levels of trust with someone. Click to tweet Testing for Trust: How to Assess Think about a specific person right now. Imagine asking them to take on a challenge that is possible, challenging, and important. Now, take a quick check of your……Want more clarity about how much you trust someone? Try these 3 techniques for assessing trust in a relationship….

3 Tips for Leaders to Increase Trust

3 Tips for Leaders to Increase Trust

…Al Bulushi Leadership Catalyst, Oman Featured Speaker EQ Summit 17 Are you trustworthy? Trust is the flex factor allowing teams to be adaptable in times of change. Click to tweet Trust gets your organization “Change Ready” Trust in an organization is like a stretchy rubber band. If trust extends throughout the organization before change happens when communication is high and relationships are solid. During times of change, is the flex factor that…Trust. That invisible force that makes things feel just right… and fuels teams & organizations to excel. Article, free slides & quiz on TRUST and how to get more….

10 Simple Ways to Build Trust as a Parent

10 Simple Ways to Build Trust as a Parent

…communication with our kids and build the foundation for trust. From this trust comes… trust in self, trust in others, trust that their needs will be met, trust that they can effectively influence their world, and more. Practicing these tips to build trust as a parent is a lifelong gift to your children! You may also like………Parenting is the toughest job on the planet — it can be an emotional rollercoaster… so maybe emotional intelligence could help? Here are ten tips, and a free poster for your fridge….

The Neuroscience of Trust: From the Brain to the Boardroom

The Neuroscience of Trust: From the Brain to the Boardroom

…es to brain chemistry, oxytocin is strongly correlated with our ability to trust and be trusted. And that led researchers, and us, to another question: What supports – or inhibits – the release of oxytocin? Here’s a breakdown: So, What? We all have a sense that yeah, trust is probably kind of important to have at home and at work. But according to two recent global surveys of workplace culture, it turns out trust is nothing short of a game changer……Understanding the neuroscience of trust can help you develop healthy, trusting relationships at home and at work. Here’s how it works….

Trust: The Spiral of Investing (in People!)

Trust: The Spiral of Investing (in People!)

…money. And if enough people feel like you, that institution will collapse. Trust, distrust and fear are contagious. Recently, as trust sank and fear rose, the financial crisis spread quickly across the globe. Leadership, at its core, operates on the same principles. Highly effective leadership is built on a foundation of trust. While professional expertise and knowledge (hard stuff) are factors in building trust, high trust relationships are const…

Three Essential Skills for High Performing Leaders

Three Essential Skills for High Performing Leaders

…udies discussing psychological safety in the workplace; this boils down to trust. Have you ever worked for a leader who engendered distrust? How open were people to change in that context? A leader’s capacity to generate trust is key to forming inclusive teams where every voice is heard; leaders who build strong trust create opportunities for team members to innovate and experiment without retribution or blame for failures — even in stressful time……What are the links between emotional intelligence and leadership performance? New research shows 66% of the variation in scores on leadership outcomes are predicted by five key leadership drivers – and people with higher emotional intelligence are seven times as likely to earn high scores on these factors….



…ree perspectives – and provides actionable tips to improve your ability to trust, be trusted, and leverage trust to build healthy relationships. The TSI report will help you or your clients understand how you trust, your opportunities for growing trust, the strengths you can leverage to improve your willingness to trust, and the skills and characteristics you need to be trusted. Once you successfully complete the Trust Style Inventory Certificatio……Are you building a business based on trust? Measure the key drivers and develop an organizational culture that fuels performance….

Collaboration at Work: The 5 Essentials

Collaboration at Work: The 5 Essentials

…ical tips to assess a relationship’s current levels of trust, request more trust and earn trust. For a macro look at trust in organizations and its impact on performance, check out this research summary. This last question explores the broader goals that the group is trying to achieve, and how the team members feel about those goals. 5. Do team members feel motivated by the group’s goals? Martine Haas and Mark Mortensen have been studying team eff……5 questions that predict how well teams connect, create and collaborate – and emotional intelligence tips to implement them with your team…

Skills of high performing leaders? (#16)

Skills of high performing leaders? (#16)

…rust I feel in my team, the more sense of responsibility I feel to both be trustworthy or be worthy of that trust – @EQjosh of @6s_EQ Click to tweet When leaders have done the hard work of building trust, it’ll make their job so much easier to create change. It’s really hard to make people change when leaders haven’t developed trust – Avril Kidd Click to tweet A big sign of trust is being able to tell your colleague, your manager that you’re not o……People interested in EQ know that emotional intelligence is essential for leadership — but how, exactly, are they linked? We’ll unveil new research showing, for the first time, how specific EQ skills and leadership capabilities are linked… revealing a path to grow stronger leadership that WORKS in the current times….

How Vital is Your Organization? Key Findings & Report on the 2017 Vitality Survey

How Vital is Your Organization? Key Findings & Report on the 2017 Vitality Survey

…h as retention, productivity, customer focus, and future success. Although trust has the lowest score of all 5 drivers (trust, motivation, change, execution, and teamwork), it impacts 62% of overall performance, clearly showing that the focus, organizationally, should be on building trust. New research: 62 percent of biz performance predicted by level of TRUST in the workplace. Click to tweet Top Issues at Work, 2017   Poor leadership/management c……Q: How are people feeling at work… and does it matter? A: Frustrated, and yes! Get the free report with results of the global study on emotions in the workplace….

How to Be a Great Leader: Harnessing the Power of Noble Goals

How to Be a Great Leader: Harnessing the Power of Noble Goals

…nt global surveys of the workplace have found a strong correlation between trust and performance. Employees in high trust companies perform way better than their counterparts in low trust companies. They are more productive, happy, and less likely to leave. In a way, this is common sense. When we work for people we trust, we want to do our best work and go the extra mile, not necessarily for them but with them. And part of earning that trust as a……Want to know how to be a great leader? It all starts with knowing your purpose, your why. This article can help you find yours….

EQ Master Class Project Gallery

EQ Master Class Project Gallery

…know about the model and realize the scientific background under it, they trust the process. Getting them aware of how important the trust is for their company was easier. Why, how and what questions were well defined. By the Change Map -Engage-Activate-Reflect manage the process better even in the hard times. By the support of assessment-LVS&TVS it became clearer where to improve. Emotional intelligence became one of a priority. Effort of unders……How are EQ experts using the tools and methods in the real world? Take a glimpse inside Six Seconds’ Master Class with these powerful projects…

Supporting Children’s Rights through Strong Relationships

Supporting Children’s Rights through Strong Relationships

…hts-sustaining relationships. Three key action steps: How can you be extra trustworthy and show that you trust others? Here’s more reading about trust. Relationships are built by doing things together, so volunteer at your child’s school or join with others on a project that will help children in your community. Even small, intentional, acts of kindness are a powerful relationship-building form of service. It starts with choosing to care about the……Mutually respectful relationships are a foundation for human rights. So how can children & adults use emotional intelligence to strengthen relationships?…

Research: Psychological Safety Fuels Thriving Teams

Research: Psychological Safety Fuels Thriving Teams

…l performance 2. Our team is able to propose new projects. Predicts 53% of trust and 38% of overall performance 3. People here communicate openly. Predicts 49% of trust and 41% of overall performance By using the validated Vital Signs tools, the answers to these and other questions provide invaluable insight to the people side of performance. Want to see a sample report or find out more about the questions and psychometric attributes of this tool,……A massive research study at Google, and a decade’s worth of research at Six Seconds, provide valuable insight into measuring and improving a team’s psychological safety….

Voices from the Network: Wilson Jordan

Voices from the Network: Wilson Jordan

…nally, developing self-empathy led Dr. Jordan to listen deeply and develop trust in himself. When taking the Trust Style Inventory (TSI) course he could finally see that a judgmental approach towards others was preventing him from making deeper connections. “Trust is very anchoring, it’s important to know what voices, feelings, beliefs in me I trust.” Join our partner for an info session on TSI tool certification and get to know more about the pow……We sat down recently with Dr. Jordan to talk about his journey to develop empathy – getting certified with Six Seconds, and growing a path to a new business career using EQ. Learn more about Six Seconds model of empathy…

Specialized Emotional Intelligence Tests

Specialized Emotional Intelligence Tests

…motional insight. Trust Style Inventory measures your Trust Style from three perspectives – and provides actionable tips to improve your ability to trust, be trusted, and leverage trust to build healthy relationships….…From growing sales to spiritual connection, these powerful tools blend the robust psychometrics of the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment with the unique expertise of world-class experts in specific applications of EQ….

Transforming Team Culture in Big Pharma

Transforming Team Culture in Big Pharma

…the verge of collapse due to a lack of clarity about its mission, loss of trust and low morale. Solution: In collaboration with Dynamic Learning, a Six Seconds preferred Partner, the team implemented a six-month learning and coaching intervention. Results: Following the intervention, team emotional intelligence scores increase by 8.9% and simultaneously experienced double-digit financial growth, high performance evaluations and multiple promotion……A leadership team on the brink of collapse uses EQ assessments, coaching and training to transform internal dynamics – with remarkable results….

Reaching Across the Divide In an Uber Polarized World

Reaching Across the Divide In an Uber Polarized World

…at the D.M.V. She got in my car to take her test, a perfect stranger. I was afraid she might destroy my car. But she passed the test! Her name was Athena. She started crying. She called her cousin, she says, ‘We did it!’ She hugged me twice and then she left. I thought, ‘What a way to be able to trust in humanity!’ I had to really use consequential thinking. If a person needs help, I need to get the best information I can to make this a better co……The other day, I heard a girl on the street say, “I saw a guy with a Trump shirt on, and I literally crossed the street.” It seems she’s not the only one, as division has reached all time highs. This is the story of one man’s journey to start reaching across the divide – and how we can do the same….

Emotional Intelligence at Work: 4 Rules on Remote Work

Emotional Intelligence at Work: 4 Rules on Remote Work

…ly 12% of managers say they have confidence their team is productive. This trust gap is at the center of remote work debate. Many leaders have responded to that lack of trust by increasing the number of days employees are required to be in-office. That’s a Band-Aid. Or worse. It certainly won’t help trust if employees aren’t on board. Flexible work is an opportunity In some form, hybrid and remote work is here to stay. The smartest leaders and org……Remote work has stabilized post-COVID – and also become a polarized topic. Here are 4 rules and how to apply emotional intelligence….

5 tips: Using EQ to Build a High Performing Culture

5 tips: Using EQ to Build a High Performing Culture

…they can really have an effect on engagement.”   INSIGHT 3: Optimizing for Trust Nehad Tadros on Trust   Nehad Tadros is an executive coach; former Global Coaching and Leadership Development Director at Aramex, the largest logistics company in the Middle East. One of Tadro’s top priorities is increasing trust. To do so, she says, leaders need to start with themselves. “Leaders need to be aware of how their emotions drive their own patterns of beha……Can emotions be part of organizational strategy? Here are 5 expert insights and the latest research on improving performance by being smart with feelings, aka, emotional intelligence….

The Empathy Iceberg: 3 Proven Tips for Managers to Engage People

The Empathy Iceberg: 3 Proven Tips for Managers to Engage People

…based on your trust level. For managers’ empathic actions to be effective, trust is essential. Engaging people starts with trust. In this series of articles, Six Seconds CEO Josh Freedman gives practical tips to assess, earn and request trust. One strategy he recommends to go deeper is to ask questions based on your current trust level +1. For a coworker you don’t know at all, the +1, could just be saying, “I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It s……How can managers use emotional intelligence to increase empathy in the workplace? It starts with a willingness to go “beneath the surface.”…

Integrated Emotions: Feelings Are Allies

Integrated Emotions: Feelings Are Allies

…’s not usually tied to the contract but to the human implication. And it’s trust that signals safety; so perhaps the specific surety of trust balances with a specific peril of disgust, in which case this construct is tied to the basic need of safety. While Fear and Love can arise a connection with an inanimate object (fear of losing a home), I suspect this dynamic most deeply rooted in a desire to nourish others, to be in a balance or harmony. To……What if all our feelings had value? Many people see emotions as “good” or “bad” — which leaves us in a constant state of internal struggle against our own feelings. Here’s a framework to rethink feelings as valuable signals about what’s important….

Fights Well with Others: Tips for Collaborative Parenting

Fights Well with Others: Tips for Collaborative Parenting

…dcore vegan immediately is fair to everyone else in the house). If we have trust in our relationships, layers and layers of it built up over time, it makes the high stakes decisions much LESS risky because there is a history of solid, reliable, trust to count on. Kids think back to the times they’ve counted on you and you’ve been there to support them. Parents think back to the times they’ve expected kids to follow through on agreements and have e……Want less fighting at home? Three tips every parent can use to forge compromise. Bonus Poster for your fridge. Build trusting relationships with your children and even at work with Collaborative Parenting strategies….

Virtual Coaching Presence  | 3 Research-Based Tips for Authenticity

Virtual Coaching Presence | 3 Research-Based Tips for Authenticity

…to the EQ Coach Newsletter In coaching, the link between authenticity and trust can be described by Coaching Presence. From these studies, we can infer that clients will assess the authenticity of our presence based on factors such as tone, content, consistency, and a match with their expectations. In turn, authenticity is likely to affect trust and the value clients place on what they learn with their coach. In a virtual context, there are fewer……Coaching Presence is an essential part of the work, rooted in authenticity it builds trust — and it’s harder to make it work in virtual meetings. Here’s what to do….