Exercise Optimism

Exercise Optimism is one of the core competencies in the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence. It’s defined as taking a proactive perspective of hope and possibility, by which people take ownership, generate new options, and invent solutions to “unsolvable” problems.

Exercise Optimism

Optimism is a learned way of explaining challenges and successes. When we Exercise Optimism, we choose to look for possibilities. Here’s how:

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Illuminate: Strengthen the Muscles of Your Optimism

Too often, we tell ourselves, “I can’t…” or “I’ll never…” or “I don’t deserve….” or we forget that we actually have more options than we perceive. We stop trying, we give up, and our muscles of self-determination and freedom wither. Learned Optimism is how we get those muscles back in shape.

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Illuminate: Who drives you NUTS?

Your ‘Sandpaper Person’ illuminates your own personal beliefs + opportunities for growth. This articles breaks down how to identify + learn from the person who most challenges you.

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Illuminate: The Burn Out, Part I

So often, when we are in a hard place, we just want to get out as quickly as possible. But transforming our muck into meaning takes time, acceptance, and understanding. Here is my story of a recent burn out, and how you, too, can transform your muck.

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Feeling Stressed? It’s a Laughing Matter

Stress is on the rise – especially after the recent election. Fortunately, a bit of emotional intelligence will help you dissolve stress the fun way: Humor! Here’s how to use emotional intelligence to fuel laughter to manage stress. When Was the Last Time You Laughed? The terribly stressful events of recent weeks–I write in the […]

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How Should Educators Respond to Tragic Events?

How should educators respond to tragic events that enter our classrooms and schools? I was reading a blog post this morning that made me think about this question. The author, a 7th grade teacher in Boston, received emails from her students asking if they could change their ” current events research topic” assignment of the week […]

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The Seduction of Impossibility

Four years ago, I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t even put my socks on. Yesterday, I went for a run — without someone chasing me… I actually chose it. As we think about change, rather than focusing on an “easy step,” there’s something incredibly powerful about embracing the impossible, and harvesting the emotional energy to fuel the next steps.

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The Princess with the Glass Heart

When I was very small – probably about seven – I read a fairy tale about a princess who was born with a glass heart. In the story, this princess grew into a lovely young woman. Early one day, feeling joy at the sight of the first crocuses or daffodils or tulips in the palace […]

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Beyond Survival: Guilding Adversity With Hope

Anabel Jensen, Ph.D. It was two days after Christmas, 1998, and my son, Caleb, and I were sitting in front of a roaring fire with cups of hot chocolate (mine had a bunch of tiny marshmallows) and we were reviewing and reminiscing about previous Christmas days — those memories that made us laugh or cry. […]

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Choosing Optimism: An Interview with Martin EP Seligman, Ph.D.

What is optimism? Can it be learned? How? Martin Seligman is one of the preeminent experts on optimism and a founder of positive psychology. This interview explores many of the key ingredients for creating a happy, fulfilled life and introduces the concept of positive psychology. Josh: The tool that you introduced at the Nexus EQ […]

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