Recognize Patterns

Recognize Patterns is one of the core competencies in the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence. It’s defined as the ability to identify and acknowledge frequently recurring reactions and behaviors.

Getting Off the Trouble Train

“Have you ever found yourself in the middle a situation and you know it will to turn into a big mess? You can feel it slipping out of control… and yet you keep going. It’s as if you’re being pushed along this track; you know it’s going to lead to trouble, but it seems like there’s no choice.”

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Illuminate: Perfectionism, Pt 1

Perfectionism is the excessive fear of making mistakes. This week, I invite you to pay attention to how perfectionism, or the fear of making mistakes, shows up in your life.

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What Relationship Pattern Holds You Back?

Everyone has their own pattern when it comes to relationships. ‘Attachment Styles’ have been studied in psychology for years, and its wisdom is now starting to find its way into everyday relationships. What’s your attachment style, and how can you best work with it?

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Illuminate: What’s Behind Your Mask?

How often do we wear masks? Do we actually spend most (or all) of our lives wearing a protective costume so that we can hide who we really are? Learn about your unique masks in this simple + meaningful activity.

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Your Limiting Belief Demystified

It’s prickly, but it’s worth it. Learn more about your own limiting belief + tools for working through it, all thanks to the person who most annoys you. Take this moment to learn compassion- for yourself and for them.

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Illuminate: Who drives you NUTS?

Your ‘Sandpaper Person’ illuminates your own personal beliefs + opportunities for growth. This articles breaks down how to identify + learn from the person who most challenges you.

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Lessons from Patagonia

What lessons can we learn from a pioneering company to build community and good business?  Here are six insights from Patagonia’s journey to create alignment and commitment to a shared purpose.

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From Violent Hearts to Heavenly Peace

Reading reactions to Sandy Hook, a common theme is blame, but is there an alternative? Looking at the neuroscience, it feels better to blame. When we blame, we know the answer, and that feeling of righteous wrath is actually a dopamine reward that our brain emits when we “know.” While this reaction cycle is wired into our brains, we do have a choice — three, in fact.

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Finding Peace Amidst Holiday Stress

Finding Peace Amidst Holiday Stress – Tips for an “Emotionally Intelligent” Holiday   Paradoxically, holidays are extremely stressful.  Given all the bad news we’re facing in the economy, this year may be especially challenging. There are so many expectations, so much to accomplish, and so many feelings all rolled together.  Holidays are rituals and we […]

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