If we don’t shift gears, we are choosing global devastation — socially, environmentally, economically — and while millions of people are working to make things better, humanity is still finding it incredibly difficult to change the game to a sustainable, prosperous, and joyful future.  At Six Seconds we’ve found incredibly powerful methods of catalyzing positive change, and teaching people to lead transformation, each of us starting with ourselves.  By leveraging current neuroscience, we teach the learnable, measurable skills of emotional intelligence:  Will you join us?

My daughter recently shared a powerful video about leading action.  Simon Sinek says it’s about starting with the why  – then the how and what, as I did in the description above (see more about this in the video below).  It resonated with me because at Six Seconds, we measure and teach the skills of emotional intelligence so people can lead positive change.  We articulate these skills in What, How, and Why:


Know Yourself (self-awareness) — what is happening, what am I thinking, doing & feeling?


Choose Yourself (self-management) — how am I responding or reacting – is that how I really want to show up?  Are there other options?


Give Yourself (self-direction) – why am I here right now?  What is my real purpose?  Am I aligning the What & How with this WHY?


Substantiating these three “pursuits” we offer eight learnable, measurable competencies that enable people to put emotional intelligence into action.  These pursuits and skills drive some 60% in the variation of performance, they’re cross culturally valid, and they can be developed and utilized.  With dozens of published assessments, books, training tools, and development programs, we equip people to learn and use these competencies.  In our training and coaching, we use these three pursuits as a process framework to enable people to move from their current situation toward their most important goals — at work, school, home, and in the community.  Because the current status quo is not working — and the most powerful lever for transformation is tapping the power of emotions.

In my experience, some people are more convinced by the “what and how” – having rigorous data and powerful methodologies.  And, I completely agree with Sinek that the WHY is often missing, and the piece that actually drives the emotion, which drives response.  The Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence is unique in that we’ve identified a competency called “Pursue Noble Goals” as part of emotional intelligence.  When we are totally clear about our purpose, and we put that in action, we’re able to transform our own and others’ emotions in a profound way.

I’ve found that fear of not being accepted causes me to emphasize the “practical” and “businesslike” aspects of my work.  So, if I take Simon’s advice and put the WHY first, it will compel me to put it out there — to stand up and stand out for this message.  Since I see that this is one of the most important commitments I can make, I’ll say again:

If we don’t shift gears, we are choosing global devastation — socially, environmentally, economically — and while millions of people are working to make things better, humanity is still finding it incredibly difficult to change the game to a sustainable, prosperous, and joyful future.  At Six Seconds we’ve found incredibly powerful methods of catalyzing positive change, and teaching people to lead transformation, each of us starting with ourselves.  By leveraging current neuroscience, we teach the learnable, measurable skills of emotional intelligence:  Will you join us?

Will you?

Here is Simon’s video to help you communicate your choice:

Joshua Freedman
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