“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”  ~ Antione de Saint-Exupery

Enhance Emotional Literacy

Definition: Accurately identifying and understanding feelings.

Importance: Emotions are chemicals, a form of neurotransmitter, that provide data about yourself and others; emotions are a feedback system delivering information that drives behavior and decisions. Emotional literacy is the capacity to access and interpret that data.

Enhance Emotional Literacy is one of the core competencies of “Know Yourself” in the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional literacy helps you notice, name, and understand feelings. This provides critical information about you (and about others), which gives you insight into the core drivers of behavior. This understanding is also key to managing your reactions.


What are emotions and where do they come from?

Recommended Tools

EQ for Families: Emotional Literacy Workshop: Help parents and caregivers increase emotional literacy — the foundation to emotional intelligence. This program, “The Power of Feelings: Parenting with Emotional Intelligence,” will help them communicate with their children, recognize and manage emotions, and increase self-awareness.

Emotional Literacy Museum: The Emotional Literacy Museum is a self-directed learning experience teaching about the physiology of emotions, emotional regulation, and emotional literacy.

Mixed Emotions Cards – a beautiful deck of “tarot-like” cards of feelings (labeled with feelings and synonyms)

eMotion Cards – evocative, playful moon face illustrations of emotions (open-ended without labels)

Biodots – a simple reminder that emotions are part of our physiology

Bingo Emotions – classic “bingo” game played with emotions (in English & Spanish)

Feeling Faces – photos of real people and data about how survey respondents evaluated each picture

Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment with debrief which provides feedback about the way you’re currently using your EQ and how to improve in this area

EQ for Families: Emotional Literacy Workshop – Help parents and caregivers increase emotional literacy — the foundation to emotional intelligence.

Articles about Emotional Literacy

Emotion Science from Inside Out 2 – EQ Education News (7/10/2024) by Patty Freedman - What do you think and feel about the emotions in Inside Out 2? Let's unpack the science and how you can use the film to keep developing emotional intelligence skills for you, your faculty and students. ...
Is Boredom Bad for Kids? Emotional Intelligence Education News (6/12/2024) by Patty Freedman - Let's unpack boredom and how emotional intelligence can help you with tips to support bored children (and keep your cool!). Keep reading for EQ research and resources you can use for you, your faculty and students. ...
The Neuroscience of Chai: Overcoming My Own Obstinance (1/15/2024) by Joshua Freedman - Why do we sometimes take risks to learn, but other times we're so determined to stay "right"? Zooming into the neurobiology, in a sense we have a tug-of-war between the striatum and the amygdala, between opportunity and risk. It's just like trying Chai for the first time on the steamy streets of Kuala Lumpur. ...
Emotional Insights for Leaders: What Is Overwhelm Trying to Tell You? (11/28/2023) by Svetlana Suvorova - Practical tips and activities to turn feelings of overwhelm into clarity and productivity - for you and your team. ...
Emotional Insights for Leaders: Compassion and How to Use it to Build High Performing Teams (10/24/2023) by Svetlana Suvorova - In this installment of the Emotional Insights for Leaders series, we look at an emotion that is critical for success: Compassion. ...
Getting Off the Trouble Train (7/30/2023) by Joshua Freedman - "Have you ever found yourself in the middle a situation and you know it will to turn into a big mess? You can feel it slipping out of control… and yet you keep going. It’s as if you’re being pushed along this track; you know it’s going to lead to trouble, but it seems like there’s no choice." ...
Decoding Emotions (7/29/2023) by Joshua Freedman - ...
Smarter About Feelings (7/28/2023) by Joshua Freedman - When I was a kid, no one taught me about emotions. They're so powerful! And such a big part of our lives... here are the most important ideas every kid (and adult) needs to know about feelings. ...
Enhance Emotional Literacy (7/13/2023) by Six Seconds - Emotional literacy helps you notice, name, and understand feelings. This provides critical information about you (and about others), which gives you insight into the core drivers of behavior. This understanding is also key to managing your reactions. ...
12 Practical Tips for Emotional Wellbeing by Being Smarter with Feelings (6/19/2023) by Joshua Freedman - Are you fighting against your own feelings? There's a better way to handle emotions to support wellbeing -- 12 easy ways to practice emotional intelligence ...

more emotional literacy articles on our site

Other Resources

HBR blog on recognizing emotions http://blogs.hbr.org/bregman/2012/05/do-you-know-what-you-are-feeli.html

Paul Ekman’s Emotions Revealed

Chip Conley’s Emotional Equations


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