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Liberal Leadership Organization

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Founded by a team of passionate experts in psychology, training, and business development, our mission at Liberal Leadership Organization (LLO) is to cultivate a generation of inspiring leaders who lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.

We understand that today’s society is facing immense pressures and changes, such as job instability and the relentless advancement of technology, including AI tools like ChatGPT. This requires people to constantly adapt to the expectations of companies and society. This leaves us little time to connect with ourselves, neglecting our deepest needs such as: “Who am I?”, “What are my life values?”, “Why am I doing this, and what does it mean to me?”, and “How can I live a happy life?”. These needs are being forgotten, sapping our passion and noble goals. Therefore, LLO was born to bring the quintessential methods of leadership and emotional intelligence (EQ) from the world’s leading organizations to Vietnam. We apply proven scientific methods to help leaders rediscover meaning and inspiration in their work while living a fulfilling and happy life. LLO is the first step in a journey to bring a different approach to the current and future generations. We hope to contribute to the holistic development of Vietnam’s young generation, aiming for an expansive and globally-oriented future for Vietnam.