Emotional Intelligence Essentials: Using EQ for Better Decision Making

How to Make Better Decisions with EQ

Essential Emotional Intelligence Resources

We  each make 100s, even 1000s of decisions every day. How do we make better decisions? It turns out that “leave emotions out of it” is one of the worst-ever pieces of advice to make decisions that actually work for people.. so how can we use emotional intelligence in decision making?

Introduction: Using EQ for Better Decision Making

Some key facts about decision making with EQ (check back soon)

Are you a Maximizer or a Satisficer? Tips for Better Decisions – EQ Education (5/9/2024) by Patty Freedman - Overwhelmed by decisions? Here's how emotional intelligence can help you develop strategies to be more efficient and balanced in your decisions not defeated by them. ...
The Uphill Path to Growth: Vision as a Catalyst (12/26/2018) by Six Seconds - When Six Seconds adopted the vision to reach a billion people by 2039, we faced some challenging choices. Here's how we made the decision, and what's happened as a result. ...
Illuminate: What’s Your Brain’s Extreme Habit? (9/10/2018) by Maria Jackson - A guide to tempering it for better decision making. Dive into your own brain's extreme preferences + explore some tools for teaching your brain that there is indeed a different way to look at things.​​​​ ...
The Science of Unconscious Bias: What, Why, & How (9/4/2018) by Michael Miller - A growing body of research suggests that unconscious bias impacts all of our decisions. Here’s a 5-step guide to overcome unconscious bias with self-awareness. ...
Research: What Separates the Top Decision Makers? (8/26/2018) by Michael Miller - New decision making research from Six Seconds’ State of the Heart report identifies the emotional intelligence skills and strategies that predict good decision making, all over the world. So what are they, and how can you cultivate them? ...
Decision Making: Using EQ to Make Better Decisions (8/22/2018) by Michael Miller - Six Seconds’ State of the Heart report identifies the 3 components of emotional intelligence that predict good decision making. Here is the story of three EQ practitioners who have struggled, and succeeded, to cultivate each one. ...
Keeping Emotions Out of It Is Actually a Disaster (8/7/2018) by Michael Miller - Making good decisions comes down to "being rational" and "keeping emotions out of it," right? Actually, no. According to the latest neuroscience research, it's time do away with this outdated mode of thinking and adopt a more wholesome, accurate view on emotions and decision making. ...
Need Help Making a Decision? Try Mixed Emotions Cards (7/23/2018) by Michael Miller - Have you ever had really mixed feelings about a decision or a choice you have to make? It can paralyze the decision making process and cause us to waffle endlessly back and forth. The Mixed Emotions card deck embraces the complexity of emotions and turns them into an asset for decision making. ...
Better Decisions – Emotional Intelligence & Long-Term Thriving (7/4/2018) by Joshua Freedman - Decisions descisions... how do we make them, and can we make better decisions? Contrary to common belief, emotions may just be the key. ...

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