Joanna Brewster, ACC

Joanna Brewster, ACC Network Leader Coordinator- North America

My Noble Goal is... to foster Empathy, Love and Kindness for deeper connection and understanding of ourselves and others

My work is about... Building community and supporting NL's to share EQ within their communities

Professional accomplishments include... I've been honored to co-create and lead EQ workshops for individuals (youth and adults) and organizations on a variety of EQ topics; my favorite being Empathy and Leadership. I am a cofounder of some EQ projects and collaborations including- EQ in You and The Empathy Incubator, both which seek to share EQ with individuals and organizations. As part of Six Seconds Climate of Emotions online conference in 2021 I co-created and led a creative workshop on Empathy and I've facilitated many activities with youth for World Children's Day Pop Up festival in 2020 and 2021.

 A few past experiences...Before joining Six Seconds, while navigating life and exploring my purpose, I had the pleasure of gaining and sharing knowledge in several different roles which included: facilitating body image and leadership workshops for youth, studying and teaching yoga (also a part of my healing journey for managing chronic pain), a run as a marketing manager for a top Microsoft partner, and a fashion designer and production manager for an athletic wear company. Before I learned the art of slowing down, I also juggled several of my own business ventures including a handmade jewelry business, a greeting card company, that used quotes and my fashion illustrations to promote confidence and self love, and was co-owner of a landscaping company. Each experience has given me an unforgettable reward.

One reason I’m personally passionate about emotional intelligence is….we all want to feel seen, heard and understood. Imagine if we all got that chance and learned how to offer that and feel that from a young age...What would our world look like? Emotional intelligence allows me (us) to take the moment to pause and respond rather than react... get curious rather than judgmental... That's the moment we're given to use the wisdom of our emotions to make a choice, and offer each other this gift of feeling seen, heard and understood. This is just one reason I love EQ so much, there are SO many.

Pronouns... she/her

Favorite... my favorite way to restore and come back to balance is alone time next to the ocean

I'd love to talk to you about ... Emotions, relationships (all kinds), human experiences- hearing and sharing stories, human behavior, the big vision, coaching and personal growth, and uncovering your truest self- What does the whisper in your heart say?

Passion project... I love creating and sharing digital stories that connect us or allow us to learn from others experience. I have created two short videos: one about finding my voice, and one about being a white mom of bi-racial children. What would your story be about?

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