Building Burnout Resilience at NHS through EQ Coaching Program

Building Burnout Resilience at NHS through EQ Coaching Program

…+12.8%) – People are better able to connect with one another authentically Exercise Optimism (+44.3%) – People are better able to create solutions, innovate, take risks SEI scores are normed to approximate a normal distribution or a bell curve across five performance zones – Challenge, Emerging, Functional, Skilled, and Expert. This range of performance zones indicate one’s ability to leverage a particular EQ skill or their EQ holistically. In oth……Exhausted healthcare professional says: ‘Genuinely, the best development course I have had the privilege to be part of.’…

Coaching Through the Emotional Recession: Three Practical Tips for Trauma-Informed Coaching

Coaching Through the Emotional Recession: Three Practical Tips for Trauma-Informed Coaching

…’re frequently working with clients to explore new options (which requires Exercise Optimism), to step forward (which requires Engage Intrinsic Motivation), and to connect their choices with a larger sense of purpose (which requires Pursue Noble Goals). So our core work as coaches is going to be harder in 2024 vs 2019. What is “Trauma Informed” Coaching? Again, in this context, we’re talking about professional coaching as a non-clinical interventi……World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in March 2021, “When there is mass trauma, it affects communities for many years to come.” While coaching isn’t a “treatment” for trauma, in the Emotional Recession we’re facing now, chances are, your clients, colleagues, and you are carrying more trauma than 4 years ago. What do we do as coaches?…

Elmo Said WHAT? Research & Tips for Emotions for Wellbeing – EQ Education

Elmo Said WHAT? Research & Tips for Emotions for Wellbeing – EQ Education

…r understand what types of emotional regulation behaviors had an impact on optimism and wellbeing. The study found that optimism was positively correlated with emotional wellbeing and “appreciation mediated 41% of this relationship, while engaging less in rumination mediated 20% of it.” Appreciation consists of “focusing on and savoring the positive aspects of life that one might otherwise overlook or rush through,” and it is considered one of the……When Elmo asked, LOTS of people answered. Checking in on emotions is a great step, but not enough for lasting wellbeing. Let’s put EQ into action this month!…

Krish and Anabel: SEL Pioneer and Mentee Share 6 Life Lessons on Empathy, Integrity, and Emotional Intelligence

Krish and Anabel: SEL Pioneer and Mentee Share 6 Life Lessons on Empathy, Integrity, and Emotional Intelligence

…u are thankful today. Who is on your list? What will you thank them for? 5 Optimism equals hope. My favorite SEL or EQ competency is Exercising Optimism.I put this element in the category of persistence, diligence, and grit. I believe, contrary to popular opinion, that yesterday does not create today (history is always repeating itself). Instead, I believe that our attitude about tomorrow creates today. Optimism equals hope. If you want to make mo……What are 6 life lessons you’ve learned? Dr. Anabel Jensen, SEL pioneer and Six Seconds President, explores this important question with her 16-year-old mentee….

Emotional Intelligence to Reduce Teacher Burnout: EQ Education News

Emotional Intelligence to Reduce Teacher Burnout: EQ Education News

…s to having some control of our actions we regain our agency and a path to optimism. What actions can you take– make a big list. Sometimes the process of seeing options on the page can help us feel less stuck. “Hang on” – Remember Martin Seligman’s model of optimism: TIE (Temporary, Isolated, Effort required; here’s a short video about these 3 elements). The temporal nature of circumstances is important. Hang on through the turbulence of this mome……Is it burnout season? Teachers and parents everywhere are ready for a break. There’s never been a better time to practice emotional intelligence. In this month’s newsletter we explore how emotional intelligence can help with educator burnout. Keep reading for EQ research and resources you can use for you, your faculty and students….

Exercise Optimism

Exercise Optimism

…of how happy, healthy, wealthy and long-lived you will be.” ~ Brian Tracy Exercise Optimism Definition: Taking a proactive perspective of hope and possibility. Importance: By employing a habit of optimism, people take ownership. They generate new options, invent solutions to “unsolvable” problems — and they are healthier, have stronger relationships, do better at work, and are more resilient. Example: If you have a disagreement with a coworker, a……Unlikely Gratitude: Finding the opportunity for growth in an otherwise, mundane, annoying, or horrible situation….

Voices form the Network: Jacqui Butler & Svetlana Suvorova

Voices form the Network: Jacqui Butler & Svetlana Suvorova

…n your own EQ.” Another tool Jacqui thinks has a lot of benefit is the TFA exercise because “My clients, who are established leaders, are very much ingrained in their patterns of behavior and often think that how they are cannot be modified. But when I’m able to help them articulate the elements of a pattern – their thoughts, feelings, and action – it empowers them to be able to choose to change it and their behavior changes. I think this has a hu……When Jacqui Butler and Svetlana Suvorova met in Six Seconds’ EQ Coach Certification program in 2022, they clicked right away. After building a strong connection of mutual support and collaboration, they recently launched a joint venture, LeadEQ, to support women leaders. This is their story of finding EQ, each other, and a deeply meaningful path of professional growth….

Are you a Maximizer or a Satisficer? Tips for Better Decisions – EQ Education

Are you a Maximizer or a Satisficer? Tips for Better Decisions – EQ Education

…hers found that, in both experiments, “people actually seemed to prefer to exercise their opportunity to choose in contexts where their choices were limited.” “Extensive-choice contexts may be initially more appealing but are subsequently more likely to hamper people’s intrinsic motivation.” They conclude “when people have ‘too many’ options to consider, they simply strive to end the choice-making ordeal by finding a choice that is merely satisfac……Overwhelmed by decisions? Here’s how emotional intelligence can help you develop strategies to be more efficient and balanced in your decisions not defeated by them….

Effective Emotional Intelligence Coaching: 4 Questions to Improve Client Outcomes with Social and Cultural Insights on Emotions

Effective Emotional Intelligence Coaching: 4 Questions to Improve Client Outcomes with Social and Cultural Insights on Emotions

…the narrative that emerges from it requires, on the part of the coach, an exercise of empathy that transcends the social conditioning and emotional culture in which he or she is embedded, to the extent it is possible. Building stronger client relationships with deeper insights on emotions   Understanding the sociocultural dimensions of emotions and integrating these insights into coaching practices can transform the coach-coachee relationship. It……Improve your emotional intelligence coaching by understanding the social and cultural influences on emotions. Ask these 4 key questions for more effective client relationships…

Strengthen Your Growth Mindset with Optimism

Strengthen Your Growth Mindset with Optimism

…oping. It’s deeply connected with the emotional intelligence competency of Exercise Optimism, the learnable, measurable skill for finding new possibilities. Here are our top emotional intelligence resources for strengthening a growth mindset at work, at school, and at home. Introduction: Growth Mindset Carol Dweck, now at Stanford University, began researching the concept of “growth mindset” in the late 1990s as a counter to failures of the “self-……A “Growth Mindset” is about learning and developing, but how do you grow that for yourself and others? Here are our top resources for using the emotional intelligence skill of optimism for strengthening a growth mindset at work, at school, and at home….

Coaching Optimism & Purpose: 3 Profound Questions to Fuel Energy for a Better Future

Coaching Optimism & Purpose: 3 Profound Questions to Fuel Energy for a Better Future

…of optimism is hard work, so we call the emotional intelligence competency Exercise Optimism. Building from Martin Seligman’s work on learned optimism, we use three dimensions, or Three Bridges to optimism: 1. Time. While it might not be totally different, tomorrow will be a little different. This perspective helps us see ourselves growing and changing. 2. Isolation. While some aspects of life are problematic or even horrible, there are other part……When clients are ‘in the swirl’ and depleted, how do coaches reconnect optimism and purpose to reignite the spark of bigger vision?…

Illuminate: Strengthen the Muscles of Your Optimism

Illuminate: Strengthen the Muscles of Your Optimism

…rceive. What options are hiding from your consciousness? Click to tweet To exercise the muscle of learned optimism, we’ll use the TIE technique. First, identify a situation you’re currently experiencing where you might be practicing some learned helplessness… you might be feeling stuck or frustrated or you might feel like there are no real options for you. Now, re-affirm these three things for yourself about the situation: T: Temporary. This situa……Too often, we tell ourselves, “I can’t…” or “I’ll never…” or “I don’t deserve….” or we forget that we actually have more options than we perceive. We stop trying, we give up, and our muscles of self-determination and freedom wither. Learned Optimism is how we get those muscles back in shape….

EQ Master Class Project Gallery

EQ Master Class Project Gallery

…h mindset: (1) Recognize Patterns, (2) Engage Intrinsic Motivation and (3) Exercise Optimism. At this stage, my hypothesis is based on my experience and learning. In parallel to this Master Class project, I am conducting a quantitative piece of research that looks at the potential correlations between mindsets and the three competencies. More details on this can be found at point 4 – Active experimentation. For the Master Class project, I will foc……How are EQ experts using the tools and methods in the real world? Take a glimpse inside Six Seconds’ Master Class with these powerful projects…

How to Be More Optimistic: 3 Vital Questions

How to Be More Optimistic: 3 Vital Questions

…caretakers had not gone through a learned optimism workshop. Optimism, for the win. “What could be if we valued teaching optimism like we value teaching math and science?” Click to tweet To go more in-depth with optimism and its role in emotional intelligence, read Exercise Optimism: How to Use Emotional Intelligence. If you want to be involved in Six Seconds’ global network of EQ practitioners, check out all your options with our article, Gettin……Want concrete tips for how to be more optimistic? You are in the right place. Ask yourself these 3 questions in challenging situations….

Three Essential Skills for High Performing Leaders

Three Essential Skills for High Performing Leaders

…e into action. The EQ competency most correlated with scores on Change is “Exercise Optimism,” which Six Seconds defines as “taking a proactive perspective of hope and possibility.” In a business context, Exercise Optimism might look like envisioning new possibilities and finding creative solutions. In a meeting, a leader strong in this skill will maintain openness and know there is a path forward, even when that path is unclear. As shown in Figur……What are the links between emotional intelligence and leadership performance? New research shows 66% of the variation in scores on leadership outcomes are predicted by five key leadership drivers – and people with higher emotional intelligence are seven times as likely to earn high scores on these factors….

Exercise or Die?  Emotional Intelligence and Health

Exercise or Die? Emotional Intelligence and Health

…’t actually want to. So how do I shift from yuck to yea? How do I go from “exercise or die” to “exercise and live!”? I’m using several strategies: Questioning the underlying assumptions Accessing useful feelings Focusing on the larger purpose Questioning the Underlying Assumptions Questioning the underlying assumptions is about challenging my own thinking and feeling. I’ve “gone up the ladder of inference” to come to a conclusion that exercise is…

Physiology of Emotion, Exercise, and Change

Physiology of Emotion, Exercise, and Change

…sses work by Dr. John Ratey called Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain (2008)… “Exercise isn’t just about physical health and appearance. It also has a profound effect on your brain chemistry, physiology, and neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to literally rewire itself). It affects not only your ability to think, create, and solve, but your mood and ability to lean into uncertainty, risk, judgment, and anxiety in…

How Did the Pandemic Impact People’s Emotional Intelligence? 3 Key Insights – New Research

How Did the Pandemic Impact People’s Emotional Intelligence? 3 Key Insights – New Research

…0? The emotional intelligence skill that saw the biggest decrease in 2020? Exercise Optimism, which is defined as the ability to see options. It went down 5%. And, as we reported about the future of work, related skills like collaboration, imagination, and risk taking all saw declines of more than 10% globally (2021 State of the Heart study). Looking at the neurobiology, this decline makes sense. When we feel stress, we are biologically programmed……Key insights from the world’s largest emotional intelligence study on optimism, decision making and more during COVID-19…

Research: What Separates the Top Decision Makers?

Research: What Separates the Top Decision Makers?

…ings this decision making research to life.   New research: The ability to exercise optimism predicted 66% of the variation in decision-making scores. If we want to make better decisions, we need to develop this skill of generating multiple options to consider. Click to tweet 3. Invest in Your Emotional Intelligence Johanna had a decision to make. In her early 30s and living in California, she felt stuck. The town where she lived had served her we……New decision making research from Six Seconds’ State of the Heart report identifies the emotional intelligence skills and strategies that predict good decision making, all over the world. So what are they, and how can you cultivate them?…

The Enthusiasm of the Desperate

The Enthusiasm of the Desperate

…frustratingly unable to conjure a solution to this simplest of problems.   Exercise Optimism Finally, I decided I’d had enough, that I wasn’t going to simply sit in the shower until my niece got home, and that I had to take a risk. I gathered my strength, latched onto the indoor shower bar for balance, and launched myself backward at the door, barging into it with all my weight. It cracked open and, suddenly, I was free. The relief was profound, a…

The Number One Secret to Life Success

The Number One Secret to Life Success

…wo types of optimism – or for teaching others how to tap into the power of optimism.   How to cultivate optimism and overall EQ Six Seconds defines optimism as “Taking a proactive perspective of hope and possibility.” And a growing body of research shows that optimism is something you can learn and improve. I thought of it for many years as a fixed characteristic; you were optimistic or pessimistic. But it is most definitely a learnable skill – an……While luck may play a role, it really comes down to a simpler, and even more applicable, secret to life success….

7 Tips + Resources to Build Emotional Intelligence

7 Tips + Resources to Build Emotional Intelligence

…as coming crashing down. It’s in hard times like these when the ability to exercise optimism is the most essential – and the most difficult. This acronym, TIE, is all about exercising optimism when times are tough. It stands for Temporary, Isolated and Effort, and it helped Anabel and her son respond to this adversity in a healthy, optimistic manner. You can read her beautiful story and an in-depth description of TIE here. And you can download a f……From a chart that deciphers the meaning of dozens of feelings to a video that will change your understanding of empathy, here are 10 free tips + resources to cultivate emotional intelligence….

Decision Making: Using EQ to Make Better Decisions

Decision Making: Using EQ to Make Better Decisions

…rpose behind your actions? The predominant quality of successful people is optimism. Your level of optimism is the very best predictor of how happy, healthy, wealthy and long-lived you will be.” ~ Brian Tracy Click to tweet Motivation and Decision Making: What Is the Driving Force? Engaging Intrinsic Motivation means being energized and driven by personal values and commitments rather than by external forces. It’s the tendency to go inward for mot……Six Seconds’ State of the Heart report identifies the 3 components of emotional intelligence that predict good decision making. Here is the story of three EQ practitioners who have struggled, and succeeded, to cultivate each one….

Back to School with Hope and Maybe Something More?

Back to School with Hope and Maybe Something More?

…e Six Seconds Model, we describe the emotional intelligence competency as: Exercise Optimism. Wishes are beautiful, gossamer creations of dream and longing. Optimism has sweat on its brow. I didn’t have a plan, I didn’t take the ownership of the solution. I didn’t consciously, actively do the exercise that makes optimism flourish. Yet unbeknownst to me, time was working within me, and something unfolded. This unfolding is the great gift of my life……Heading back to school, mixed with hope & fear. How can we help students (anyone) feel belonging and acceptance as they are — while also supporting them to keep growing?…

How to Practice Emotional Intelligence: Tips for Choice (updated for 2018)

How to Practice Emotional Intelligence: Tips for Choice (updated for 2018)

…ll as business executives. 3 powerful letters: y. e. t. #8 Strengthen your optimism pathways The 3 Ps are a great way to strengthen your optimism pathways in times of adversity, as is adding yet to the end of the sentence. But in the good or neutral times, how can you strengthen these pathways? Josh Freedman told me this definition of optimism that I love: knowing there are possibilities even when you can’t see them. I was skeptical at first, but……Want to know how to practice emotional intelligence? Here are 10 expert tips from our worldwide network to choose yourself more effectively….

Case: Stress, EQ, and Performance in Healthcare

Case: Stress, EQ, and Performance in Healthcare

…uential Thinking: 49% Navigate Emotions: 48.4% Intrinsic Motivation: 43.2% Exercise Optimism: 43.2% The t-tests that generate these percentages are show here: Coefficients(a) Model Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Correlations Beta Zero-order Partial Part 1 (Constant) -.458 .649 CT .263 9.138 .000 .700 .766 .215 NE .126 2.725 .008 .696 .334 .064 IM .188 4.082 .000 .681 .469 .096 EO .371 12.975 .000 .657 .861 .305 a Dependent Variable: PERFORMANCE…

Skills of high performing leaders? (#16)

Skills of high performing leaders? (#16)

…with CHANGE… and, we found that scores on TRUST are actually predictive of EXERCISE OPTIMISM — forming a kind of virtuous cycle. If you think about leaders who are good at building Trust — why would that support them to Exercise Optimism? How can you use this finding?   FINALLY, in addition to the leadership outcomes we’ve been discussing, we also looked at the personal performance outcomes measured by SEI — wellbeing, quality of life, relationshi……People interested in EQ know that emotional intelligence is essential for leadership — but how, exactly, are they linked? We’ll unveil new research showing, for the first time, how specific EQ skills and leadership capabilities are linked… revealing a path to grow stronger leadership that WORKS in the current times….

Increase Resilience with Three Key Neuroscience Facts + Strategies from Emotional Intelligence

Increase Resilience with Three Key Neuroscience Facts + Strategies from Emotional Intelligence

…ffected. Click to tweet 3 How resilient people explain adversity: Learn to Exercise Optimism Subsequent research on learned helplessness found that much of the variation in how people respond to adversity depends on their explanatory style – or how they interpret or explain adverse events. An easy way to remember the elements of someone’s explanatory style is the 3 Ps. For someone with a pessimistic explanatory style, adversity is perceived as per……Decades of research show three essential ingredients to grow resilience – powered by emotional intelligence. Here’s how….

Is It Possible to Change? 5 Tips from Emergent Strategy Where Climate Justice and Social Justice Meet

Is It Possible to Change? 5 Tips from Emergent Strategy Where Climate Justice and Social Justice Meet

…21 State of the Heart study shows that people with above-average scores on Exercise Optimism (>100) are 7x more likely to have high ‘Success’ scores – and this is true irrespective of age. Alarmingly, in 2020 people under 35 faced a large decline in optimism ( At the 2021 Climate of Emotions retreat we heard that hard-fought-optimism from diverse, young voices from around the world. A common theme of these panels: Climate justice and……Facing vast challenges, it’s easy to lose optimism. Yet new research says it’s the key to change. How do we renew this resource? The combination of emotional intelligence and Emergent Strategy offers a path…

Applying Emotional Intelligence to Support a Struggling Adolescent

Applying Emotional Intelligence to Support a Struggling Adolescent

…access optimism also increased exponentially, as measured by his scores on Exercise Optimism. The SEI-YV also measures outcomes, including Relationship Quality. Sam’s relationship scores more than doubled. Products & Services Delivered EQ Skills SEI – Six Seconds’ Emotional Intelligence Assessment is a validated psychometric tool for measuring emotional intelligence, used with over 250k people worldwide. Read more about SEI – Youth Version. Custom……An adolescent struggling with self-destructive behavior, and his family, find hope through a treatment program that combined emotional intelligence assessments and an intensive therapeutic wilderness program….

Putting the Care Back in Healthcare Training

Putting the Care Back in Healthcare Training

…intelligence competencies measured in the study, 6 declined and the other 2 stayed the same. Check out the Six Seconds Model of EQ to read about the 8 core skills of emotional intelligence measured in the study. Among the skills that declined are the ability to exercise optimism, evaluate the costs and benefits of choices, and practice empathy. Products Delivered EQ Skills SEI – Six Seconds’ Emotional Intelligence Assessment is a validated psychom……In a multiyear study, Liberty University measures key capacities for thriving in medical school….

Mindful Insights into Student SEL Development

Mindful Insights into Student SEL Development

…at I ask myself: —Did I make progress on my noble goal? —Did I practice my optimism skills (TIE)? —Did I say/text/do something encouraging for my son in L.A.? —Did I drink plenty of water, eat healthy, and exercise? —Did I avoid destructive comments about others? —Did I forgive others for errors? —Did I do a conscious act of kindness for a stranger? * 2. How important is parent involvement?   Denise and I emphatically agree upon the importance of…

Putting the SDGs Into Action With EQ

Putting the SDGs Into Action With EQ

…of each of these goals, check out the Global Goals interactive website. 2. Exercise Optimism What are 3-10 ways you, personally, could make this goal more present in your own life, community, and/or workplace? People sometimes block their own ability to Exercise Optimism by dismissing ideas, “that won’t work,” “I can’t really do that” — don’t worry! In this step, you’re working to expand options, so keep adding ideas even if “impossible” 3. Engage……If you could teach millions of people and raise their awareness & ability to advance the SDGs, what would you choose to teach?…

Case Study: EQ Declines During Medical School

Case Study: EQ Declines During Medical School

…Medical students’ emotional intelligence skills – including the ability to exercise optimism, evaluate the costs and benefits of choices, and practice empathy- found to decline during med school. Click to tweet Download our free eBook, Graduating EQ: Moving SEL Into Higher Learning. If you are interested in measuring or teaching emotional intelligence in a higher education setting, downloading this free eBook is a great place to start. Follow thes……Recent research at Liberty University finds that medical students’ emotional intelligence scores declined across the board during their training – even as a growing body of evidence points to the importance of EQ in modern healthcare….

About | Privacy Policy – China

About | Privacy Policy – China

…ata pertaining to you form China to the SixSeconds. You may, nevertheless, exercise your Rights under the law at any time; yet that may render the delivery of the Services not longer possible, hence lead to service termination.   Your Rights under the Law You may exercise the following Rights where these apply to you (detailed by applicable local legislation): [HIPAA] The right to receive a notice of privacy practices. Please refer to this Privacy…

Four Steps to A More Intentional Life

Four Steps to A More Intentional Life

…ht sound difficult, but her unique work is a product of how she chooses to exercise optimism. Day knows that trauma, when dealt with in a healthy way, brings about positive change. “I truly believe that everything is happening for a reason,” Day says, “life doesn’t happen to you. It happens for you.”   “Life doesn’t happen to you. It happens for you.” -Heidi Day Click to tweet “Everything– death, divorce, abuse, loss of contracts, accidents happen……A life coach shares her approach to practicing a life full of vision, meaning, and treasure hunts….

Olympic-Level Failure

Olympic-Level Failure

…building block? One key we offer in the book is the competency of Exercise Optimism. Optimism is not the same as “positive thinking” An optimistic view requires confronting failure and taking ownership. According to Martin Seligman’s model of optimism, we need to put on a TIE: Temporary: I failed, and at some point I will get better. Nothing lasts forever. Isolated: I failed at X, and that affects some things, but not everything. Effort: I failed……Learning can be an awkward, even painful, process of repeated failure. What can an Olympic-level failure teach us?…