Building Burnout Resilience at NHS through EQ Coaching Program

Building Burnout Resilience at NHS through EQ Coaching Program

…– People are better able to create and sustain their own motivation Pursue Noble Goals (+30.7%) – People are better able to put their long-term vision and purpose into action Increase Empathy (+12.8%) – People are better able to connect with one another authentically Exercise Optimism (+44.3%) – People are better able to create solutions, innovate, take risks SEI scores are normed to approximate a normal distribution or a bell curve across five pe……Exhausted healthcare professional says: ‘Genuinely, the best development course I have had the privilege to be part of.’…

Coaching Through the Emotional Recession: Three Practical Tips for Trauma-Informed Coaching

Coaching Through the Emotional Recession: Three Practical Tips for Trauma-Informed Coaching

…on provides an inner drive to take action, but now they feel stuck. Pursue Noble Goals gives someone a sense of purpose, a vision of a better future – but right now they feel cut off from that deeper meaning.” -State of the Heart 2024 ( Now think about coaching where you’re frequently working with clients to explore new options (which requires Exercise Optimism), to step forward (which requires Engage Intrinsic Motivation), and to con……World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in March 2021, “When there is mass trauma, it affects communities for many years to come.” While coaching isn’t a “treatment” for trauma, in the Emotional Recession we’re facing now, chances are, your clients, colleagues, and you are carrying more trauma than 4 years ago. What do we do as coaches?…

Building Burnout Resilience at NHS through EQ Coaching Program

Building Burnout Resilience at UK’s National Health Service

…on the outcome of Wellbeing Participants reported a 44% increase in Pursue Noble Goals, or connection to purpose Full Case Study: EQ Coaching at NHS Read the full case study → Products & Services Delivered EQ Skills SEI – Six Seconds’ Emotional Intelligence Assessment is a validated psychometric tool for measuring emotional intelligence, used with over 250k people worldwide. Read more about SEI   Custom Development To address the organization’s sp……Facing extraordinary pressure with an understaffed and exhausted workforce, leaders at the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) demonstrate significant personal and professional growth from an emotional intelligence coaching program….

Krish and Anabel: SEL Pioneer and Mentee Share 6 Life Lessons on Empathy, Integrity, and Emotional Intelligence

Krish and Anabel: SEL Pioneer and Mentee Share 6 Life Lessons on Empathy, Integrity, and Emotional Intelligence

…is beliefs and values on the inside. So when I first began constructing my noble goal I knew it had to include the word integrity. For me integrity means being confidential, being reliable, avoiding gossip, keeping promises, respect for others and their life-style choices. admitting mistakes, sharing the load and sharing the glory. At the end of each day, I look at my noble goal, which is: Use my voice to teach accountability and compassion so tha……What are 6 life lessons you’ve learned? Dr. Anabel Jensen, SEL pioneer and Six Seconds President, explores this important question with her 16-year-old mentee….

Voices form the Network: Jacqui Butler & Svetlana Suvorova

Voices form the Network: Jacqui Butler & Svetlana Suvorova

…losophy: No way is the way! Learn about Six Seconds Learning Philosophies→ Noble Goal: “Be a positive force to empower all to reach their potential” Learn about Six Seconds Noble Goals→ Her “Don’t Miss This” Six Seconds tools & courses: “I love the SEI LTC (Leading Through Change) and the Brain Profiles but the EQ Practitioner certification is by far my favorite of all because you do so much work which allows you to become so proficient in your ow……When Jacqui Butler and Svetlana Suvorova met in Six Seconds’ EQ Coach Certification program in 2022, they clicked right away. After building a strong connection of mutual support and collaboration, they recently launched a joint venture, LeadEQ, to support women leaders. This is their story of finding EQ, each other, and a deeply meaningful path of professional growth….

Pursue Noble Goals in the Six Seconds Model of EQ

Pursue Noble Goals in the Six Seconds Model of EQ

…rman “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi Pursue Noble Goals Definition: Connecting your daily choices with your overarching sense of purpose. Importance: Noble goals activate all the other competencies in the Six Seconds Model of EQ. When you are connected with your personal vision and mission, emotional intelligence has a powerful meaning and relevance. Having a clear noble goal helps you focus on what is most important……Research: How do people start learning emotional intelligence… and what happens? A powerful story emerges about transformation to fuel authentic, purposeful connection….

Voices from the Network: Jeremy Jensen

Voices from the Network: Jeremy Jensen

…“People drive performance”. Learn about Six Seconds Learning Philosophy → Noble Goal: %22To use my God given talents to provide hope, through wisdom, knowledge, compassion and caring.%22 Learn about Six Seconds Noble Goals → His “Don’t Miss This” Six Seconds tools & courses: %22I use the SEI Leadership report, Brain Profiles reports the most. I also use the Think Feel Act cards.%22 ” content_phone=” Meet Jeremy Jensen LinkedIn → Professional achi……In this Voices from the Network, we sit down with Police Chief Jeremy Jensen, who is doing emotional intelligence training with his officers in Dubuque, Iowa….

Voices from the Network: Huong Nguyen

Voices from the Network: Huong Nguyen

…e Goal: %22Nurture mutual Trust and Perceptions%22 Learn about Six Seconds Noble Goals → Her “Don’t Miss This” Six Seconds tools & courses: EQ Coach cards and Brain Talent cards ” content_phone=” Meet Huong Nguyen LinkedIn → Professional achievements: Huong is an emotional intelligence (EQ) coach, facilitator and trainer. She is passionate about maximizing organizational performance, engagement and transformation through increased self-awareness,……This month we sit down with Ms. Huong Nguyen, a medical doctor and certified EQ Coach, EQ Facilitator, Practitioner and Assessor who has been working to expand her local EQ community in Vietnam….

Trust, Diversity & Emotions: Key Strategies from EQ Diversity Practitioner Michael Eatman – Voices from the Network

Trust, Diversity & Emotions: Key Strategies from EQ Diversity Practitioner Michael Eatman – Voices from the Network

…hy → Noble Goal: %22Shining the light on Purpose.” Learn about Six Seconds Noble Goals → His “Don’t Miss This” Six Seconds tools & courses: The SEI, EVS, and Vital Signs suite ” content_phone=” Meet Michael Eatman LinkedIn → Professional achievements: Michael Eatman is a Certified Diversity Professional, Executive Coach, and Advanced EQ and Mindful Facilitation Practitioner. As an educator celebrating 30 years spanning PreK – 20 learning environme……Imagine a coaching client struggling with identity, belonging and diversity. How can you use emotional intelligence to help them build trust and overcome self-limiting beliefs to thrive?…

Emotional Intelligence + Coaching = ? How EQ makes coaching work better

Emotional Intelligence + Coaching = ? How EQ makes coaching work better

…equal partners – “shoulder to shoulder” They set the agenda – “toward your goals” It’s a process of change and growth – “walk down the path” They’re doing the main work, I’m a supporter – “as you walk” Coaching is a solution-focused process of inquiry that supports partners (clients) to clarify their goals, strengthen their inner resources, and move forward on purpose. Let’s unpack the emotions under this: Curiosity. Trust. Drive. Commitment. Hope……How do emotional intelligence and coaching go together to create a framework for transformation? Examining ‘what is coaching,’ why clients seek coaching, and ‘what is emotional intelligence,’ a story emerges about how we meet the moment more effectively….

How to Be a Great Leader: Harnessing the Power of Noble Goals

How to Be a Great Leader: Harnessing the Power of Noble Goals

…their leyenda personal. Here at Six Seconds, we call a person’s why their noble goal, and pursuing noble goals – really living in a way that brings your bigger purpose to life every single day – is one of the core skills of emotional intelligence that we help each other to master. I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of anything more important than helping each other live more intentional, purpose driven lives – and it all starts with knowin……Want to know how to be a great leader? It all starts with knowing your purpose, your why. This article can help you find yours….

Illuminate: Crafting Your Noble Goal

Illuminate: Crafting Your Noble Goal

…our purpose. In the Six Seconds model, the “capstone” competency is Pursue Noble Goals, which means putting your life’s purpose into action. Here’s an overview and definition if you’re not familiar with Six Seconds’ use of the term. So today, I want to share the powerful process of putting words to your deepest purpose. PS– If you’d like to receive this free gift of goodness in your inbox every week, you can subscribe here!   Illuminate: Crafting……Three steps to tapping into your guiding purpose. Today’s the day to create or refine your understanding of what fuels you + fuels the world….

Voices from the Network: Anke Breternitz

Voices from the Network: Anke Breternitz

…e helping people find their life purpose. Sitting in front of a gallery of Noble Goals as her backdrop during her interview, Anke shared her deep passion for working with Noble Goals. At Six Seconds, a Noble Goal is “the spark that gets you out of bed every morning,” something that continuously inspires you and will live beyond you. It is the driver that allows you to “connect your daily choices with your overarching sense of purpose.” Anke’s clie……Connecting with purpose fuels Anke. Helping others clarify purpose deeply aligns with her Noble Goal of inspiring people to connect and collaborate to reach their full potential. She explains “using EQ we are helping people to connect with themselves, which is EQ’s biggest power: the change you can bring in this world.”…

How to Live Meaningfully with EQ: 10 Tips for a Purpose Driven Life

How to Live Meaningfully with EQ: 10 Tips for a Purpose Driven Life

…and the world around you. There are two skills that help you do so: Pursue Noble Goals – Connecting your every day actions with your overall sense of purpose. Increase Empathy – Using empathy to meaningfully connect with others. Top 10 tips for living a meaningful life from the global emotional intelligence network. Many relate to finding and following your noble goal – do you agree having a defined purpose is key? Click to tweet 1. Get to the hea……Emotional intelligence is essential for living a purpose driven life. Check out these tips for connecting more meaningfully with others and your own bigger purpose!…

Finding Purpose & Increasing Motivation

Finding Purpose & Increasing Motivation

…x Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence, the capstone competency, Pursue Noble Goals, is all about finding and engaging your life purpose. The Benefits of Finding Life Purpose Research has linked having a strong sense of purpose with remarkable mental and physical health benefits. Physical benefits include better sleep, protection against heart disease, prevention of Alzheimer’s, and even a significantly reduced risk of dying of all causes. Ment……Top 10 EQ resources for finding purpose and increasing motivation….

EQ and the Sustainable Development Goals

EQ and the Sustainable Development Goals

…llion of people. One of the key competencies in the Six Seconds is “Pursue Noble Goals.” In the life-changing EQ certification programs, we teach people to use emotions as a guide to help them serve and protect what matters most. That’s at the heart of building partnership for the goals. Social Emotional Learning One of the original pioneers in “educating the heart,” Six Seconds’ approach to Social Emotional Learning is a systems approach to build……What are the skills that will make the difference? What capabilities can we grow inside ourselves to cocreate world where we are taking care of one another and the planet — while maintaining prosperity and growth?…

A Look That Spoke A Thousand Words | Noble Goals

A Look That Spoke A Thousand Words | Noble Goals

…that legacy more consistently? At Six Seconds, the competency of pursuing noble goals is the capstone competency, the powerful why of practicing emotional intelligence that drives all the other competencies. It’s defined as connecting your daily choices with your overarching sense of purpose. That look, to me, is the result of someone following their Noble Goal. Pursuing noble goals is about having clarity about what we want, and then staying tun……I saw a look on a man’s face the other day that sent shivers down my spine. It brought my lovely partner to tears. It told a story of love, admiration, loss and pain. And it got me asking myself: How can I inspire that look in other people’s eyes?…

Goalsetting That Works: Three Coaching Tools to Leverage the Neuroscience of Emotion

Goalsetting That Works: Three Coaching Tools to Leverage the Neuroscience of Emotion

…BEing. At Six Seconds, one of our essential competencies is called Pursue Noble Goals. It’s a way to put your overarching sense of purpose into words – and then to live it. In the Personal Annual Report creator, I put in a couple exercises about reviewing or creating a Noble Goal… and then a question that I’ve found super-helpful in coaching: Who is your Noble Goal inviting you to be? In my 2023 Annual Report, I wrote my Noble Goal and the invita……Drawing on neuroscience of change, how can we use emotional intelligence coaching for setting goals in a way that will help make change happen better? Please a fantastic goalsetting tool (that’s free for now!)…

EQ Master Class Project Gallery

EQ Master Class Project Gallery

…lass (MC) is a powerful program that supports participants to Pursue their Noble Goals and become more successful as EQ change makers. Working closely with the Six Seconds’ team and a group of highly committed advanced allies, participants go deep into Six Seconds’ tools and methods. As we do in all Six Seconds’ program, MC blends head+heart+hands, using emotions and science to fuel transformation. To integrate & focus their learning, MC participa……How are EQ experts using the tools and methods in the real world? Take a glimpse inside Six Seconds’ Master Class with these powerful projects…

Honoring Wangari Maathai and her Noble Goal

Honoring Wangari Maathai and her Noble Goal

…an leader. Indeed, she showed us that the connections that bind people to each other and to nature are the most transformative forces on earth. I’m moved by reading about the powerful choices Wangari Maathai made to pursue her noble goal in the face of so many obstacles and great danger, and how she empowered so many others with her vision and courage. I’m saddened at her death and inspired by her profound example of emotional intelligence in acti…

Noble Goals and Little Miracles in Guatemala

Noble Goals and Little Miracles in Guatemala

…age beyond words. The kindness that my friends showed was definitely one of those little miracles that are worth appreciating. And speaking of little miracles, the lake itself always takes my breath away. Curious about noble goals? Check out this article. Want to hear inspirational stories about working with emotions to create a more compassionate, purposeful world? Get on the list for Maria Jackson’s weekly email, Illuminate….…The little miracles of life happen all around us, and the more time we take to notice and appreciate them, the richer we feel….

Not just SMART goals, setting CLEAR goals for success

Not just SMART goals, setting CLEAR goals for success

…Power up your goal setting with EQ. By adding the CLEAR method for setting goals to your SMART goals routine, you’ll boost your effectiveness. With CLEAR methodology you can use emotional intelligence in goal setting to increase collaboration and empathy, transforming your teams to high performing achievers. SMART and CLEAR: Emotional Intelligence in Goal-Setting If you are like me, you began today by drinking something sweet and chocolate and mak…

Decision Making: Using EQ to Make Better Decisions

Decision Making: Using EQ to Make Better Decisions

…o tweet PURPOSE AND DECISION-MAKING: LEARNING TO LOOK LONG TERM Pursuing a noble goal means connecting your everyday decisions to your bigger sense of purpose. What do you want to contribute to the world? And are your decisions getting you closer to that? It’s about having an expansive vision of why you are here and then making sure all your actions are aligned toward that goal. It’s the realization that even your smallest actions help bring the f……Six Seconds’ State of the Heart report identifies the 3 components of emotional intelligence that predict good decision making. Here is the story of three EQ practitioners who have struggled, and succeeded, to cultivate each one….

Mini POP UP Box October- Grow Goals

Mini POP UP Box October- Grow Goals

…pizza party!) Discuss: What emotions did you feel while writing down your goals? Which goals do you think will be easiest/ most challenging to achieve? What other goals could you apply the three W’s to? Picture Books Salt in His Shoes by Deloris Jordan As a child, Michael Jordan almost gave up on his hoop dreams, all because he feared he’d never grow tall enough to play the game that would one day make him famous. That’s when his mother and fathe……With November’s growing POP-UP Festival coming so soon, we think the theme of GOALS is perfect. What are you trying to GOALS are you trying to grow this season? We hope our Pop-Up Mini-Box this month raises awareness for teaching growth + goals to you and the children in your circle….

What’s Wrong with Self-Help?

What’s Wrong with Self-Help?

…ce competency in the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence is Pursue Noble Goals. It means connecting your daily choices with your overarching sense of purpose, with your Noble Goal acting as a one-sentence personal mission statement. Want to develop a Noble Goal? There are 5 criteria that need to be met for a goal to qualify as a noble goal: Not complete in your lifetime – It is enduring and inspiring, something beyond the daily struggle. T……Self-help can be a force for good, but there are pitfalls. Here are 3 questions to ask yourself to get the most out of self-help….

The Complete System of Emotional Intelligence Tests – SEI

The Complete System of Emotional Intelligence Tests – SEI

…, it’s evident that he is driven by a powerful, meaningful purpose (Pursue Noble Goals), but he’s got an achilles heel in Empathy, and can not enroll people. (continued below the graph) In the hands of skills practitioner, this data is incredibly powerful. We can make numerous inferences and begin to talk to “Hank” about some massive strengths — and what’s holding him back. Looking at the Navigate Emotions and Pursue Noble Goal scores, it’s eviden……The Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment (SEI®)is the complete solution for EQ measurement and development. This suite of well validated, effective tests measure EQ and equip people with a framework for putting emotional intelligence into action….

Feeling Overwhelmed? Harness Your True North

Feeling Overwhelmed? Harness Your True North

…f the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Model. This is the eighth: Pursue Noble Goals. You can go back to see the past ones here. In a couple of weeks, I am moving away from my home of six years to a new town a 31-hour drive away. If you’ve ever moved before, you know that it can be an emotional and logistical rollercoaster. How am I using my Noble Goal to act as my True North to focus my attention and decrease anxiety? Read on.   Illuminate: Att……We only have so much energy and attention to give. This article will help you align your focus and attention with your “True North”– your purpose….

Emotional Intelligence Certification

Emotional Intelligence Certification

…. In addition to great tools & methods for every day… we’re here to Pursue Noble Goals. Here’s our vision and check the map. Then read what real people say about this life changing, world changing work. If you’re looking for powerful tools & a robust methodology for EQ… and you believe that this means starting with yourself… and you want to be part of the global EQ movement… Six Seconds is right for you. Start here The first course is Unlocking EQ……Since 1997, Six Seconds is the gold-standard in emotional intelligence certification training, offering a complete system of assessment and development tools and processes. Join us!…

The Paradox of Giving Yourself

The Paradox of Giving Yourself

…he greatest gap is in Give Yourself, specifically the capability to Pursue Noble Goals. In fact, those in the top band of the competency are almost twice as likely to be in the most senior organizational roles. There is an element of giving that’s about generosity, an element about self-fulfillment… there is also a significant component of empathy. When we emotionally connect with others, we recognize a fundamental shared humanity — we know we’re……It may seem like a paradox, but people who focus on giving feel and do better… and so do businesses….

Putting the SDGs Into Action With EQ

Putting the SDGs Into Action With EQ

…t closely linked to achieving positive results today, namely: PNG = Pursue Noble Goals (putting purpose into action) EO = Exercise Optimism (creating possibilities) EIM = Engage Intrinsic Motivation (fueling ourselves from the inside) New research identifies three key emotional intelligence competencies that we can apply to fuel the Sustainable Development Goals — or any important ambition. Here’s how. 1. Pursue Noble Goals Which of the Sustainabl……If you could teach millions of people and raise their awareness & ability to advance the SDGs, what would you choose to teach?…

Goals, Purpose and Meaning: What’s the Difference?

Goals, Purpose and Meaning: What’s the Difference?

…ome a virtuous cycle, a kind of feedback loop: Our purpose helps us create goals, and in turn our goals help us do what’s meaningful. Over time, those meaningful steps add up to something larger: our purpose. Having a strong sense of purpose has been linked to a whole host of mental and physical health benefits. Purpose is a compass, and goals are the actions we take to move in the right direction.   Do you feel alignment between what you do, why…Goals, purpose and meaning are often used interchangeably, but there are key differences between these concepts. Understanding how they differ can help us create alignment between what we do, why, and the impact we want to have….

EU Certification

EU Certification

…. In addition to great tools & methods for every day… we’re here to Pursue Noble Goals. Here’s our vision and check the map. Then read what real people say about this life changing, world changing work. If you’re looking for powerful tools & a robust methodology for EQ… and you believe that this means starting with yourself… and you want to be part of the global EQ movement… Six Seconds is right for you. European Certification Paths: The first cou…

Three Essential Skills for High Performing Leaders

Three Essential Skills for High Performing Leaders

…gnizing, connecting with, and appropriately responding to emotions. Pursue Noble Goals Connecting your daily choices with your overarching sense of purpose. SEI “Success Factors” or “Outcomes” Defined Effectiveness – Capacity to generate results Relationships – Capacity to build and maintain networks Wellbeing – Capacity to maintain optimal energy and functioning Quality of Life – Capacity to maintain balance & satisfaction What is the Importance……What are the links between emotional intelligence and leadership performance? New research shows 66% of the variation in scores on leadership outcomes are predicted by five key leadership drivers – and people with higher emotional intelligence are seven times as likely to earn high scores on these factors….

Glimmers of Purpose: 3 Emotional Intelligence Tips for Coaching on Purpose in a Short-Term World

Glimmers of Purpose: 3 Emotional Intelligence Tips for Coaching on Purpose in a Short-Term World

…mes from scores on an emotional intelligence (EQ) competency called Pursue Noble Goals. A Noble Goal is an overarching sense of purpose. We ‘pursue’ it by making it a bigger part of who we are. It’s not just about action, it’s also about relationship with others and self (check out this short video from early in the pandemic from a time when this shift from Doing to Being was so clear). In our EQ Coach Certification classes, participants are very……Bad news: Globally, sense of purpose is declining. Good news: Using emotional intelligence in coaching, we can magnify and brighten the glimmers of purpose…

Three Steps to Identifying Your Goals + Obstacles

Three Steps to Identifying Your Goals + Obstacles

…ance of purpose, grounding sense of self, sense of safety.” These are your goals. 2. Next, draw another big circle with the same four parts: write down any obstacles to achieving your goals for each category. You want these obstacles to include your own stuck patterns. For “Self,” I wrote, “pattern of self-criticism, anxiety/ fear, lack of commitment.” These are your obstacles. 3. Lastly, draw a third circle with the four parts: what you are learn……The only person who has the responsibility to prioritize you IS you. Take a mindful moment to build self-awareness, set your goals, and Choose Yourself….

EQ Research on Growing Our Capacity to Grow

EQ Research on Growing Our Capacity to Grow

…imism) and is not sure where to apply that for the long-term (lower Pursue Noble Goals). So in addition to the reduced emotional connection, they’re less able to connect with their own sense of purpose. That’s all fairly alarming. However, it’s not all bad news. This graph shows that we seem to have reached a rather dramatic “inflection point” where some EQ competencies are continuing to decline, while others are on the rise: EEL = Enhance Emotion……What does it mean to “grow” as a person, and what’s the role of EQ? New research findings on global emotional intelligence show us what’s supporting and inhibiting growth….

Master Class – Advanced EQ Practitioner

Master Class – Advanced EQ Practitioner

…y for a one-of-a-kind learning experience? Join this course to pursue your noble goal and push the boundaries of what you think is possible. Complete a substantial project with the support of highly committed, advanced allies in a safe, engaging environment. Gain new skills and tools to apply immediately in your work. Advanced emotional intelligence practitioners join Master Class to go deep into Six Seconds’ tools and methods with a group of high……Advanced emotional intelligence practitioners join Master Class to go deep into Six Seconds’ tools and methods with a group of highly committed allies….

Research: What Separates the Top Decision Makers?

Research: What Separates the Top Decision Makers?

…thy – Recognizing and appropriately responding to others’ emotions. Pursue Noble Goals – Connecting your daily choices with your overarching sense of purpose. Have your answer in mind? When I played this game, I guessed Apply Consequential Thinking, weighing the pros and cons of your decisions. Makes sense, right? My second guess was Navigate Emotions, to make sure you understand how your emotional state may be influencing your decisions, because……New decision making research from Six Seconds’ State of the Heart report identifies the emotional intelligence skills and strategies that predict good decision making, all over the world. So what are they, and how can you cultivate them?…

From Destruction to Life: A Case Study

From Destruction to Life: A Case Study

…eelings. He was distrustful and felt others’ didn’t “get” him. PNG, Pursue Noble Goals, connects daily choices and behaviors with a sense of purpose. Sam seemed to often feel aimless, focused on his day to day needs to relieve his pain. He was easily distracted or swayed by momentary interests.   His mom and dad saw these results as validation, and now had the information needed to be able to positively confront the seriousness of Sam’s struggle….…When a child’s behavior devolves toward destruction, how can they find a way back toward health? A powerful story of how emotional intelligence helps….