Six Seconds
Latest posts by Six Seconds (see all)
Enhance Emotional Literacy

Enhance Emotional Literacy

Emotional literacy helps you notice, name, and understand feelings. This provides critical information about you (and about others), which gives you insight into the core drivers of behavior. This understanding is also key to managing your reactions.

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EQ for UNICEF World Children’s Day (#28)

EQ for UNICEF World Children’s Day (#28)

It’s time for POP-UP Festival in partnership with UNICEF World Children’s Day! While we’ll need to adapt to the challenges of 2020, THIS is the moment for this project: Children around the globe are struggling with loneliness and uncertainty. We can help.

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Increase Employee Engagement with EQ: Komatsu Case Study

Increase Employee Engagement with EQ: Komatsu Case Study

Can we measure and increase Employee Engagement in an economic challenge? What’s the benefit? Case study at Komatsu plant using “Vital Signs” and “Emotional Intelligence”: engagement increased from 33 to 70%. At the same time, plant performance increased by 9.4%.

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Coaching for Change (#24)

Coaching for Change (#24)

Ideally, coaching is a transformational process, building internal capacity to create change in the world. Coaching is more than “conversations,” and different than “mentoring” and  “training” because it’s a partnership for growth. In this vision, coaching manifests a new form of “power with,” and couldn’t that help us build a better world?

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Coaching Emotions (#22)

Coaching Emotions (#22)

Join Jenny Rogers (author of Coaching Skills), Ann Rindone (VP at ICF), Natalie Roitman (coauthor of The EQ Gym) and Josh Freedman (author of At the Heart of Leadership) in a deep dive to the heart of coaching.

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Social Emotional Learning & Equity in Education

Social Emotional Learning & Equity in Education

Is education the path to a just and equitable society, or part of systematized racism – or both? If all change starts within, then how can we grow the emotional intelligence skills needed to shift the systems and build communities of equity? 

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SEL for Teacher Education (#19)

SEL for Teacher Education (#19)

Why do educators need social emotional learning? SEL in Higher education is essential for students, but how can we teach what we don’t know? What are the essential skills aspiring educators must develop in order to be effective at the “people side” of education?

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Skills of high performing leaders? (#16)

Skills of high performing leaders? (#16)

People interested in EQ know that emotional intelligence is essential for leadership — but how, exactly, are they linked? We’ll unveil new research showing, for the first time, how specific EQ skills and leadership capabilities are linked… revealing a path to grow stronger leadership that WORKS in the current times.

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Mixed Emotions- Parenting Young Adults (#14)

Mixed Emotions- Parenting Young Adults (#14)

2020 is a time of upheaval as we grapple with CV19, racism, climate instability,  polarization, increasing issues with mental health… and as parents of young adults, many of us feel like we’ve failed to leave them a better world. So what do we do?

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Art x Emotion x Antiracism (#12)

Art x Emotion x Antiracism (#12)

In the months of sheltering in place and the current climate surrounding racial injustice, many have turned to art for solace and inspiration. Lin-Manuel Miranda said, “Sometimes it’s easier to lean on art, than to lean on people.” From graphics to engage in uprising to escaping into Netflix to rediscovering poems of Rumi to dancing and spoken word to teach us what it might mean to live in freedom and justice.

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Dialogue: Emotions & Racism (#11.5)

Dialogue: Emotions & Racism (#11.5)

The dialogue touched on difficult topics and big feelings — and our shared commitment to learn to have this kind of conversation… and the power of emotional intelligence as a toolset to build a more aware, intentional, and connected response.

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Educating Antiracism for Teachers and Kids (#11)

Educating Antiracism for Teachers and Kids (#11)

Between the pandemic and antiracist uprising, education is in a deep challenge. Educators, children, parents are suffering. Can emotional intelligence help? How? We’re joined by some of the world’s top experts on these topics for an honest and uplifting look at the emotional world of education in 2020

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“Back to Normal” or Forward to Something New? (#8)

“Back to Normal” or Forward to Something New? (#8)

What if “normal” was the problem? Rather than reacting to the current difficulties and trying to “go back,” how can we engage emotional intelligence to envision the future we actually want? What are the essential skills for shifting out of re-acting and into re-imagining — from retreat to advance?

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Connecting with Patients:  The Basic Ingredient of Care

Connecting with Patients: The Basic Ingredient of Care

As the pace of healthcare increases, empathy is becoming scarce. Yet research shows that empathy actually may save time – and save lives. The learnable skills of emotional intelligence may be an essential ingredient in supporting providers to meaningfully and effectively connect with patients.

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Case: Stress, EQ, and Performance in Healthcare

Case: Stress, EQ, and Performance in Healthcare

by Lorenzo Fariselli, Joshua Freedman, Massimiliano Ghini MBA, Federica Valentini Publication Date: Feb 25, 2008 A press release and a powerpoint are available to accompany this paper, as well as a PDF version. Abstract As in many fields, healthcare is a complex and stressful environment where interpersonal interactions are of paramount importance.  This study finds that in […]

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Are We Wired for Empathy?

Are We Wired for Empathy?

The neuroscience of empathy is fascinating and offers practical lessons for leadership and life. Our brains are wired for social connection through Mirror Neurons, which cause us to experience what we perceive.

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