Anabel Jensen
Latest posts by Anabel Jensen (see all)
87 Ways to Be Kind and Loving

87 Ways to Be Kind and Loving

Sometimes if feels impossible to be kind and loving. When you’re struggling to access that loving place inside of you, give these expert tips for how to be kind a try.

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Not just SMART goals, setting CLEAR goals for success

Not just SMART goals, setting CLEAR goals for success

Have you been making lists each day but not making progress? Most goals are missing and essential component: emotional intelligence. Power up your goal setting with EQ. By adding the CLEAR method for setting goals to your SMART goals routine, you’ll boost your effectiveness. With CLEAR methodology you can use emotional intelligence in goal setting […]

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Feeling Stressed? It’s a Laughing Matter

Feeling Stressed? It’s a Laughing Matter

Stress is on the rise – especially after the recent election. Fortunately, a bit of emotional intelligence will help you dissolve stress the fun way: Humor! Here’s how to use emotional intelligence to fuel laughter to manage stress. When Was the Last Time You Laughed? The terribly stressful events of recent weeks–I write in the […]

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Surprise! You’re a Role Model

Surprise! You’re a Role Model

The stories of Krissie Jo and Gandhi remind me that others (children, parents, colleagues, friends, and family) are always watching.  Let me be the best me I can be. Each winter I start thinking about Christmas in my hometown: Inkom, Idaho. It’s just like in the movies, I swear. Delights of dipping chocolates, baking filled cookies, and the […]

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Mindful Insights into Student SEL Development

Mindful Insights into Student SEL Development

Six Seconds Co-Founder/President, Anabel Jensen, Speaks at NAIS Conference Yesterday, I shared the stage with one of my heroes—Denise Clark Pope, author of Doing School: How we are creating a generation of stressed out, materialistic, and miseducated students. She is also co-author of the recently released Overloaded and Unprepared: Strategies for Healthy Schools and Healthy, […]

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The Princess with the Glass Heart

The Princess with the Glass Heart

When I was very small – probably about seven – I read a fairy tale about a princess who was born with a glass heart. In the story, this princess grew into a lovely young woman. Early one day, feeling joy at the sight of the first crocuses or daffodils or tulips in the palace […]

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Age Only Counts If You Are A Cheese

Age Only Counts If You Are A Cheese

…(Or A Bottle of Wine)   When I was little, I remember people saying, “Oh no, she can’t do it. She’s too old.” Or, ‘Let’s ask somebody younger. She’ll have more energy.” Fifteen years ago, when we were both 56, Karen Stone-McCown and I (yes, I got her permission to say that ) started Six […]

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The Princess with the Glass Heart

The Princess with the Glass Heart

by Anabel Jensen, Ph.D. When I was very small — probably about seven — I read a fairy tale about a princess who was born with a glass heart. In the story, this princess grew into a lovely young woman. Early one day, feeling joy at the sight of the first crocuses or daffodils or […]

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Beyond Survival: Guilding Adversity With Hope

Beyond Survival: Guilding Adversity With Hope

Anabel Jensen, Ph.D. It was two days after Christmas, 1998, and my son, Caleb, and I were sitting in front of a roaring fire with cups of hot chocolate (mine had a bunch of tiny marshmallows) and we were reviewing and reminiscing about previous Christmas days — those memories that made us laugh or cry. […]

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