Improving Management, Engagement & Performance at Amadori

This multiyear case study at Amadori shows the link between EQ, managerial effectiveness, and plant performance.


Situation: Amadori, a leading supplier of McDonald’s in Europe, wanted to investigate how to leverage emotional intelligence for bottom line results.

Solution: Over a three-year period, Amadori researched the links between emotional intelligence, individual performance, organizational engagement, and organizational performance. 

Results: Emotional intelligence was found to predict manager’s performance, organizational engagement, and ultimately, bottom line results.

“We can certainly say that the Six Seconds training proved decisive in pushing managers and middle managers towards improving their leadership skills. Within a few years of using the performance and talent management system, we have witnessed an improvement of the managerial competencies of the whole organization, and especially in those of middle management.”

–  Paolo Pampanini, HR Director, Amadori


Amadori, a leading supplier of McDonald’s in Europe, wanted to assess the links emotional intelligence, individual performance, organizational engagement, and organizational performance at its plants in Italy. Can you link emotional intelligence to KPIs and bottom line results? Amadori embarked on this study to find out. The sample was 147 of Amadori’s managers and middle managers at 3 different plants.


A three-year study of Amadori answered 3 questions: 1. Does Emotional intelligence affect Individual Performance? 2. Does Emotional Intelligence affect Organization Engagement? and 3. Does Organizational Engagement impact Organizational Performance? Emotional intelligence scores were measured using the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment (SEI). Performance scores were measured using Amadori’s Performance Management System. Engagement scores were measured using the Organizational Vital Signs assessment (OVS).


The study found a strong, significant link between the “hard” outcome of results and the “soft skills” of emotional intelligence.



47% of Variation in Managers’ Performance Scores Is Predicted by EQ




76% of Variation in Organizational Engagement Scores is Predicted by EQ




63% reduction of personnel turnover of Amadori’s sales force


Products & Services Delivered

EQ Skills

SEI – Six Seconds’ Emotional Intelligence Assessment is a validated psychometric tool for measuring emotional intelligence, used with over 250k people worldwide.

Read more about SEI. 

Custom Development

To address the organization’s specific needs using Six Seconds’ methodology, a custom program was developed, tested, and implemented.

Read more about Six Seconds’ Methodology in Business

Organizational Climate

OVS – Organizational Vital Signs is a validated assessment that quickly captures essential indicators of your organization’s health — and offers a clear path toward peak performance.

Read more about OVS.

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