Six Seconds

News and articles about Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network, including research, upcoming events, and updates from our members.

Voices from the Network: Anke Breternitz

Connecting with purpose fuels Anke. Helping others clarify purpose deeply aligns with her Noble Goal of inspiring people to connect and collaborate to reach their full potential. She explains “using EQ we are helping people to connect with themselves, which is EQ’s biggest power: the change you can bring in this world.”

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Decoding Emotions

Smarter About Feelings: Part Two . Part One introduced the idea of becoming smarter about feelings — and how that can help you (kids) get more of what you want… and less of what you don’t want!  In that article I promised that I’d also write more about emotions and the meaning behind our feelings.  […]

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Smarter About Feelings

When I was a kid, no one taught me about emotions. They’re so powerful! And such a big part of our lives… here are the most important ideas every kid (and adult) needs to know about feelings.

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Exercise Optimism

Optimism is a learned way of explaining challenges and successes. When we Exercise Optimism, we choose to look for possibilities. Here’s how:

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Enhance Emotional Literacy

Emotional literacy helps you notice, name, and understand feelings. This provides critical information about you (and about others), which gives you insight into the core drivers of behavior. This understanding is also key to managing your reactions.

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Voices from the Network: Wilson Jordan

We sat down recently with Dr. Jordan to talk about his journey to develop empathy – getting certified with Six Seconds, and growing a path to a new business career using EQ. Learn more about Six Seconds model of empathy

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