Six Seconds

News and articles about Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network, including research, upcoming events, and updates from our members.

Structuring Transformational Learning

For you, is learning about collecting knowledge… or about using it to create change? Our learning programs are lifechanging because we work WITH the brain and structure learning to fuel growth – here’s how.

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Balancing Burnout to Embody Coaching | 🌱 EQ Coaching News

A wellbeing gift for you & your clients that’s central to your role of coach. This is at the heart of International Coaching Federation competency #2: Embodies a Coaching Mindset. In this Era of the Amygdala, balance is elusive, so I’d like to share two important tools for that

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Coaching for Change (#24)

Ideally, coaching is a transformational process, building internal capacity to create change in the world. Coaching is more than “conversations,” and different than “mentoring” and  “training” because it’s a partnership for growth. In this vision, coaching manifests a new form of “power with,” and couldn’t that help us build a better world?

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Integrated Emotions: Feelings Are Allies

What if all our feelings had value? Many people see emotions as “good” or “bad” — which leaves us in a constant state of internal struggle against our own feelings. Here’s a framework to rethink feelings as valuable signals about what’s important.

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