Six Seconds

News and articles about Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network, including research, upcoming events, and updates from our members.

Coaching Emotions (#22)

Join Jenny Rogers (author of Coaching Skills), Ann Rindone (VP at ICF), Natalie Roitman (coauthor of The EQ Gym) and Josh Freedman (author of At the Heart of Leadership) in a deep dive to the heart of coaching.

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Workplace Vitality Research: Trends in Leadership

What are the key challenges people face at work? How are organizations building the capacity to address these challenges? We began the study in 2007 (originally called the Workplace Issues Report) to understand how leaders were perceiving the people-side of their work — and the role emotional intelligence place in performance.

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Dialogue: Emotions & Racism (#11.5)

The dialogue touched on difficult topics and big feelings — and our shared commitment to learn to have this kind of conversation… and the power of emotional intelligence as a toolset to build a more aware, intentional, and connected response.

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The Coronavirus Connection Challenge

Challenge – let’s counter “social distancing” by changing it to “physical distancing… together” & using this time for strengthening connections. Caring emotions are also contagious!

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Happy 80th Birthday Anabel!

Happy Birthday Anabel Jensen! Here are wishes from the Six Seconds community on your 80th birthday, and how we’re inspired by your work and commitment to EQ.

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Illuminate: Strengthen the Muscles of Your Optimism

Too often, we tell ourselves, “I can’t…” or “I’ll never…” or “I don’t deserve….” or we forget that we actually have more options than we perceive. We stop trying, we give up, and our muscles of self-determination and freedom wither. Learned Optimism is how we get those muscles back in shape.

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Reversing the Epidemic of Doctor Burnout

What will reverse the epidemic of burnout among doctors? This case study at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab found a brief emotional intelligence intervention dramatically increased doctors’ capacity to avoid burnout.

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Pageant Winner Shares Story of Healing

EQ Ambassador Courtney Kessenich has struggled with anxiety her entire life. As Mrs. DC International, she uses her platform to promote her Hope for Invisible Wounds initiative, which aims to break the stigma around anxiety and inspire others to get the help they need.

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A Look That Spoke A Thousand Words | Noble Goals

I saw a look on a man’s face the other day that sent shivers down my spine. It brought my lovely partner to tears. It told a story of love, admiration, loss and pain. And it got me asking myself: How can I inspire that look in other people’s eyes?

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Illuminate: 3 Steps to Acting on Your Values

We all make hundreds of decisions a day; do they align with your values? This week’s Illuminate gives you three practical steps for identifying your values, putting them into practice, and making your life more aligned with your values.

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