Six Seconds

News and articles about Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network, including research, upcoming events, and updates from our members.

Research: What Separates the Top Decision Makers?

New decision making research from Six Seconds’ State of the Heart report identifies the emotional intelligence skills and strategies that predict good decision making, all over the world. So what are they, and how can you cultivate them?

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Keeping Emotions Out of It Is Actually a Disaster

Making good decisions comes down to “being rational” and “keeping emotions out of it,” right? Actually, no. According to the latest neuroscience research, it’s time do away with this outdated mode of thinking and adopt a more wholesome, accurate view on emotions and decision making.

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Need Help Making a Decision? Try Mixed Emotions Cards

Have you ever had really mixed feelings about a decision or a choice you have to make? It can paralyze the decision making process and cause us to waffle endlessly back and forth. The Mixed Emotions card deck embraces the complexity of emotions and turns them into an asset for decision making.

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The Life or Death Science of Community

Relationships are the bedrock, the foundation, of a long and satisfying life. And according to a growing body of research, building community is quite literally a matter of life and death. So what helps us build community?

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EQCON Power Up!

EQCON 2018 burst onto the scene to energize and amplify the North American Six Seconds Network. Video highlights from the conference.

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Creating Connection in Higher Education

Higher Education environments can be stressful and isolating for students, faculty, staff, and administration. What would it take to change that? What if we could design environments within higher education that supported the values of inclusion, collaboration, and resilience?

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Lessons from Patagonia

What lessons can we learn from a pioneering company to build community and good business?  Here are six insights from Patagonia’s journey to create alignment and commitment to a shared purpose.

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Reaching Across the Divide In an Uber Polarized World

The other day, I heard a girl on the street say, “I saw a guy with a Trump shirt on, and I literally crossed the street.” It seems she’s not the only one, as division has reached all time highs. This is the story of one man’s journey to start reaching across the divide – and how we can do the same.

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An (Emotionally Intelligent) Love Story

This Valentine’s Day, I am two-weeks post-surgery. No fancy dinners or moonlit walks on the beach for me. But don’t worry, I am still being extravagantly loved in the most emotionally intelligent way.

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Envisioning Success: The Power of Mental Practice

What does the latest research show us about “mental practice”? It turns out, we underestimate the value of mental practice, and it’s time that we start taking advantage of its incredible power in multiple areas of our lives, from learning new skills to healing from surgery.

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Hyundai Sets the Pace with Innovative Training

To reach their strategic objectives, Hyundai’s manufacturing team in Turkey identified a key need: Agility requires managers to build their creativity. To build those capabilities, here’s how Hayatın Ritmi, Six Seconds’ Partner in Turkey, is working with the company to leverage the emotional intelligence Brain Talents to set a context for innovation.

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