2025 Climate of Emotions Leadership Accelerator

Launching in spring 2025 and running through COP30 in Brazil in November, the Climate of Emotions (COE) Leadership Accelerator will support 300 youth climate activists to grow their inner sustainability and equip them with tools and methods to bring these skills to their communities.

Through participation in the program, young leaders will:

  • ​​Experience the ongoing support of a global cohort of young climate leaders and emotional intelligence practitioners
  • Reduce climate burnout and climate anxiety
  • Equip themselves with the capacity to transform challenging emotions into action, specifically eco-anxiety into eco-optimism
  • Practice specific emotional intelligence skills to support leadership and wellbeing
  • Improve their sustainable leadership skills
  • Connect with allies for future work in this space, grounded in trust and alignment
  • Be certified to use the COE Toolkit while serving their communities

COE is co-created with participants, honoring that social and environmental justice are intertwined. The program builds participants’ capacity and efficacy to work at the intersection of youth, climate and emotions, resulting in personal transformation for participants and for the people and projects they serve to build regenerative relationships with one another and the earth.

Program Details

Climate of Emotions (COE) is a leadership training program for young climate activists to build emotional skills – so they can be more effective in their work on climate action and build the inner resilience required for long-term work on environmental sustainability. The 2025 Leadership Accelerator is a high impact program for 300 international youth climate leaders.

Spring 2025 launch through COP30 in Brazil (November, 2025)

Hybrid program with mix of online and in-person events at NYC Climate Week 2025 and COP30 in Brazil.

Over 300 youth climate activists

Free (Registration is required.)

The Leadership Accelerator in 4 Steps

Key milestones in the Leadership Accelerator program: 

Leadership Accelerator Step 1: COE Virtual Launch. In a free online conference, activists and educators collaborate online to learn and practice with the Climate of Emotions toolkit, including the Climate of Emotions curriculum. Those who complete the training are certified to utilize the resources with their constituents.

Leadership Accelerator Step 2: COE Implementation. Participants use the COE toolkit and/or curriculum in their work. They are supported through ongoing free online events, a digital group, and small group coaching. They utilize measurement tools to assess the impact of their implementation efforts.

Leadership Accelerator Step 3: COE 2025 Culmination. Participants gather at NYC Climate Week 2025 and COP30 in Brazil and hybrid online events to share their learnings from Step 2 Implementation.

Leadership Accelerator Step 4: Ongoing Community. COE will support participants and develop a network of COE community in an online space (such as Slack or Discord, tbd based on input from participants). Participants will receive ongoing support through small-group coaching. In addition, COE will leverage existing global climate events throughout the year (e.g., COP, WEF, UNGA, SE4All Summit, Climate Week, etc.) to deliver COE programming to support youth leaders as they engage in the work of being climate advocates. 


Isaias Hernandez is an educator and creative devoted to improving environmental literacy through content creation, storytelling & public engagement. Isaias is more commonly known by his moniker, QueerBrownVegan: the independent media platform he started to bring intersectional environmental education to all. 

His journey to deconstruct complex issues, while centering diversity and authenticity, has resonated with a worldwide audience. He also collaborates with other leaders from private and public sectors to uplift and produce stories of change, for his independent web series, Sustainable Jobs and Teaching Climate Together

Join us at NYC Climate Week 2024 to hear Isaias.


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