Climate of Emotions Curriculum

The Climate of Emotions Curriculum by Six Seconds and SEE, in partnership with collaborating organizations, offers an engaging, developmental program for emotion skills in sustainability education. The open-source program will be free for use internationally in K12 education and out-of-school educational programs.

The curriculum is an adaptation of the existing SEE and Six Seconds’ curriculum. It is structured based on the SEE Learning Framework to leverage SEE’s extensive global research as one of the most widely validated educational programs, used by educators in over 60 countries.

Fall 2024, Curriculum Launch: The pilot version of the curriculum will be available for use starting in October, 2024. Through events such as the NYC Climate Week 2024 activation, we will engage high school and non-school educators to experiment with the curriculum. A free online training will be available, after which, educators will have access to the pilot curriculum.

Spring 2025, Curriculum Pilot Testing. Schools will pilot test the COE curriculum and researchers from SEE centers will validate the program for widespread use. Participating educators will receive instructions for pre-testing and post-testing students and the data will be used to improve the curriculum and clarify best-practices which will be disseminated in ongoing Climate of Emotions events, including reporting key findings at COP30 in Brazil.

Through participation in COE, young leaders will:

  • ​​Experience the ongoing support of a global cohort of young climate leaders and emotional intelligence practitioners.
  • Equip themselves with the capacity to transform challenging emotions into action.
  • Practice specific emotional intelligence skills to support leadership and wellbeing.
  • Improve their sustainable leadership skills.
  • Connect with allies for future work in this space, grounded in trust, and alignment.
  • Be certified to use the COE Toolkit while serving their communities.
About Six Seconds

Founded in 1997, Six Seconds is the largest organization dedicated to the development of emotional intelligence. We help people be “smarter with feelings” by providing training, tools and methods to assist others in practicing these skills. We have a global footprint, with offices and representatives in over 25 nations and a community that spans 200 countries and territories.

Our youth-focused programs include the POP-UP Festival in partnership with UNICEF World Children’s Day which reaches 3.5M children and families globally (launched in 2018). We have also created emotional wellbeing programs for Pre-K through University students, providing tools and curriculum for Social and Emotional Learning skills. This will be our third Climate of Emotions program after successful pilots in 2020 and 2021.