How do you know your SEL strategies are making a meaningful impact? In evidence-based implementation, measures guide implementation because, “You get what you measure, so measure what matters.” Six Seconds complete assessment systems provide meaningful data with fully-developed tools across the age span (our youth assessment is not a “cut down” adult tool, and there is a consistent model in both). How does it work? See this in-depth case study from the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.
SEI-Youth Version
Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence-Youth Version (SEI-YV) is normed, validated online assessment of emotional intelligence and five key outcomes for life success (achievement, health, efficacy, relationships, satisfaction). There are numerous reports from 1-page summaries to in-depth counseling tools as well as group reports. Ages 7+
SEI-perspective Youth Version
For younger children or those with unique abilities, the SEI-pYV allows an adult (eg teacher, parent) to score a child from the adult’s perspective. Numerous reports as above. Ages: Any
Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment
SEI is one of the world’s best emotional intelligence tests; it offers simplicity, clarity, depth, and a path for action. The suite includes a range of reports from 1-page summaries through to fully-customized training workbooks with results embedded. The SEI algorithm includes the world’s first artificial intelligence for the development of emotional intelligence. Ages: 16+
Education Vital Signs
Effective SEL implementation shapes the climate, or context, for learning. Belonging psychological safety are key ingredients that support or inhibit educational success. To make these intangible drivers visible, Education Vital Signs (EVS) is a normed, validated and customizable school climate assessment. Ages: All
Six Seconds also published OVS, Organization Vital Signs, for measuring workplace climate – which may be more suitable for large institutions or agencies. Ages: Adult
Grants for Research and Impact
As part of our mission to support the growth of emotional intelligence everywhere in the world, Six Seconds offers grants to offset costs of assessment for research and social-impact projects.
Learn more about the efficacy of these measures
EQ solutions for social emotional learning
Assessments for evidence-based SEL
Professional development to grow your EQ expertise
Curriculum and learning resources for K-adult
What’s new in emotional intelligence?
In the Age of ChatGPT, What Should Teachers Focus On?
AI tools like ChatGPT are transforming education, prompting a shift from knowledge transfer to fostering skills like empathy, creativity, and critical thinking. This article emphasizes the role of Emotional Intelligence in inspiring engagement and purpose, helping educators adapt to the evolving demands of an AI-driven world.
What Should Schools Prepare Us For? Educating for a Future That Inspires and Uplifts
In Italy, only 5% of workers are engaged in their jobs—an economic crisis with deep roots in the education system. What needs to change?
Fortifying the Mental Health of the Entire School Community with Emotional Intelligence
Wellbeing program at St. Peter’s Primary replenishes reserves post-COVID: ‘Truly life changing for many of our staff,’ school leaders say. Read the full case study here.
Productive Struggle: 4 Neuroscience-Based Strategies to Optimize Learning: EQ Education News
Do you instinctively want to help students when they’re struggling? What if some level of struggle was necessary for learning? Brain-based learning researchers have discovered a sweet spot for learning called “productive struggle.” Here’s why and how it works.
Emotion Science from Inside Out 2 – EQ Education News
What do you think and feel about the emotions in Inside Out 2? Let’s unpack the science and how you can use the film to keep developing emotional intelligence skills for you, your faculty and students.
Is Boredom Bad for Kids? Emotional Intelligence Education News
Let’s unpack boredom and how emotional intelligence can help you with tips to support bored children (and keep your cool!). Keep reading for EQ research and resources you can use for you, your faculty and students.
What are the researched best-practices to put emotional intelligence into action?
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