Coach with
Unlock your potential as a coach and achieve extraordinary results with your clients.
We support coaches and clients to stretch and grow with emotional intelligence.
Coaches facilitate change. Did you know that 70% of change efforts fail – primarily due to a lack of attention to emotions? Certified Emotional Intelligence Coaches ask questions and model behaviors that help clients harness and navigate the power of emotions.
Emotional intelligence coaches:
• partner with clients, building a trust-based relationship
• ask powerful questions so the client develops clarity
• stand as “guide on the side,” honoring the client’s wisdom so they find their own solutions
• engage the client’s strength & encourage the exploration of the emotions in a way that drive action steps
• invite the client to see they have the resources and capability to sustain growth
Emotional intelligence is a learnable, measurable skillset for being smarter with feelings – and the secret ingredient of highly effective coaches.
Achieve extraordinary results
with your clients.
Coaches all over the world use Six Seconds tools and methods to increase insight, connection and purpose. Combining International Coach Federation (ICF) Core Competencies with a transformational emotional intelligence framework and practical tools to measure growth, this coaching certification prepares and supports you to be a highly effective coach.
Leverage emotional intelligence for your practice.
Explore our major areas of expertise.
Stronger Presence
Improve your self-awareness and get practical techniques to show up for your clients.
Practical Tools
Get access to the world’s leading emotional intelligence assessment and dozens of specialized reports for your practice.
Deeper Trust
Develop safe, effective relationships by utilizing your emotional intelligence.
Actionable Models
All Six Seconds assessments and products are designed for growth and putting insights into action with your clients.
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The complete solution for
executive and life coaching.
Assessments – Frameworks – Certification
Measure what matters.
Emotional intelligence fuels personal and professional success, but how do you assess it?
Six Seconds publishes robust and effective measures of emotional intelligence and life success outcomes. Connect the dots between the results your client is getting and the underlying factors – all in a framework for taking action. Six Seconds assessments are normed and validated with a global dataset, anonymous for users, and easy to use. Take the survey in 15 minutes, get an integrated report within days, and start achieving extraordinary results with your clients.
Use validated tools & methods.
Put insights into action to meet your clients’ goals.
Our mission is growing the world’s emotional intelligence. What good is insight if it’s not actionable? All of our assessments are designed within models and frameworks that make the feedback practical and actionable, including the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence. Take advantage of the thousands of hours of curriculum, books, hands-on games and products, and more.
Become an EQ Coach.
Invest in yourself, and change the world.
Learn how to be a coach, and how to deliver coaching – through intensive training with deeply experienced faculty, a worldwide community, and a complete system of tools for measurement and development.
Are you ready?
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Is It Possible to Change? 5 Tips from Emergent Strategy Where Climate Justice and Social Justice Meet
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Employees Are Facing Burnout. 5 Evidence-Based Emotional Intelligence Strategies for Leaders to Rekindle the Fire
Burnout is caused by basic emotional needs going unmet, and the antidote is for leaders and employees to leverage emotional intelligence.
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Empathy Is the Future of Work
As AI replaces knowledge workers across industries, social and emotional skills will be what separates the top performers
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New research: The hybrid workplace is here. Do we have the emotional intelligence skills to make it work?