Noble Goals and Little Miracles in Guatemala

Noble Goals and Little Miracles in Guatemala

…k overwhelmed. Everything will be great – just keep movin’. The miracle of empathy in one smile. Do you want to be more empathetic, with strangers and loved ones? Check out this article. Hint: there’s one tip for increasing empathy that’s remarkably effective, and it’s as simple as changing the end of your sentence. And there’s another article with 5 tips for helping children develop empathy. #3 1 American, 2 Guatemalans, and 3 Japanese Hike Down……The little miracles of life happen all around us, and the more time we take to notice and appreciate them, the richer we feel….

Emotional Intelligence at Work: January 2022

Emotional Intelligence at Work: January 2022

…t Work. You can sign up with the form below to receive the newsletter. The Empathy Iceberg: 3 Proven Tips for Managers to Engage People with Empathy Human interactions are like an iceberg: On the surface is what’s visible, but the bulk of the iceberg is hidden below the surface. Exceptional managers go “beneath the surface” and provide appropriate emotional support for employees. Here are 3 tips to get started: To Collaborate Better, Consider Thes……Tips for managers to engage empathy, research on women at work and why the current emotional labor burden on female leaders isn’t sustainable, and more….

Supporting Children’s Rights through Strong Relationships

Supporting Children’s Rights through Strong Relationships

…hat means tuning into one another’s feelings — and valuing those feelings. Empathy is a learnable skill, and one parents and teachers can share with children. Empathy is a learnable skill, foundation for relationships – and human rights #EQChildrensDay” Click to tweet Working Together to Build Strong Relationships This second week of the Universal Children’s Day celebration again features many valuable resources and activities that you can use and……Mutually respectful relationships are a foundation for human rights. So how can children & adults use emotional intelligence to strengthen relationships?…

Active Listening as a Leader: 4 Ways to Use Emotional Intelligence To Listen Well

Active Listening as a Leader: 4 Ways to Use Emotional Intelligence To Listen Well

…ion and curiosity For a recent article on Forbes about the neuroscience of empathy, researcher Marco Iacoboni shared some insights about the links between imagination and empathy. When you imagine, you build new neural pathways — you create bridges. You don’t KNOW what the person is experiencing, but you can play, “what if.” “What if I had this problem?” “What if I had to talk to me right now?” “What if she is uncertain and needs my help?” “What i……Exceptional leaders have mastered the art of deep, active listening. Here are 4 practical tips to use emotional intelligence to listen well….

7 Tips + Resources to Build Emotional Intelligence

7 Tips + Resources to Build Emotional Intelligence

…iately responding to others’ emotions is what Six Seconds calls increasing empathy. To do this effectively, a high level tip is to understand the subtle differences between empathy and sympathy. Because while they are similar, there are crucial differences that lead to very different outcomes. What’s the difference? Basically, emotional versus cognitive involvement. Empathy means experiencing someone else’s suffering. It’s putting yourself in that……From a chart that deciphers the meaning of dozens of feelings to a video that will change your understanding of empathy, here are 10 free tips + resources to cultivate emotional intelligence….

Healthy Classrooms, Emotional Intelligence, and Brain Research

Healthy Classrooms, Emotional Intelligence, and Brain Research

…ls in this area. Finally, development of the above EQ competencies creates empathy for others that is necessary for an individual’s healthy emotional development. “Empathy shatters rigid ideologies and destroys stereotypes” (Goleman, 1995). Students who develop the EQ competency of empathy emerge as natural leaders, garner the respect of their classmates and teachers, and enhance their own development as individuals with an understanding of the ri……Research shows social emotional learning improves classroom performance. How does it work & what does brain research show about emotion in learning?…

The Myth of Winning: 3 Steps to Stand Together as Allies

The Myth of Winning: 3 Steps to Stand Together as Allies

…“What would I feel if I were in his shoes?” That question is only part of empathy — check the Empathy Archive for much more — but it’s a starting point: Find the common ground. Shifting to the Same Side: I to We In Six Seconds’ training for managers to use EQ to give more effective feedback, we teach “I to We” — a process for moving the conversation from blame to collaboration. The essential point is that “emotional Aikido” move of coming to stan……Here’s why we make the boss, a colleague, a customer, spouses and lovers, and even our children into enemies — and a better way. It starts with our brains, and being addicted to the pleasure of righteousness….

Coaching with Computers? 3 Life-Changing Insights from the Neural Net

Coaching with Computers? 3 Life-Changing Insights from the Neural Net

…lly looked at the SEI data, we explored the implications of high drive and empathy, especially if the empathy is all about giving to others. She was giving so much to others and forsaking her own health and wellness.” After this conversation, Carla went home and thought about some strategies for shifting her situation so that she could practice empathy for herself and her family. Angela then showed her the Neural Net report. “Can artificial intell……For emotional intelligence coaches, a new AI tool is helping them go deeper with clients. Find out how….

Putting the Care Back in Healthcare Training

Putting the Care Back in Healthcare Training

…: Emotional intelligence declined across the board, including decreases in empathy, consequential thinking, and optimism. “Because we want to develop high EQ doctors, it is important to know when the erosion of EQ begins or if medical students lack high EQ at the beginning of medical school. Then we can integrate EQ training into the curriculum.” Situation A growing body of evidence shows that physicians’ emotional intelligence skills predict thei……In a multiyear study, Liberty University measures key capacities for thriving in medical school….

Parenting with Emotional Intelligence

Parenting with Emotional Intelligence

…content_phone=” Nourish Compassion Teach your children how to respond with empathy to themselves and others. LEARN MORE → ” content_last_edited=”on|phone” admin_label=”Nourish Compassion” _builder_version=”4.19.2″ _module_preset=”default” link_text_color=”#000000″ header_2_font=”Playfair Display||||||||” header_2_font_size=”22px” background_color=”#FFFFFF” width=”%2275%22″ height=”%2275%22″ custom_margin=”||30px|||” custom_padding=”25px|25px|25px|……Emotional intelligence is the missing link, a set of skills that let parents and children connect, build trust, and thrive. Six Seconds offers a practical, powerful, and inspiring framework for parents….

EmotionAI Conference 2020

EmotionAI Conference 2020

…person who transformed his mother’s death into a personal degree in global empathy. For while my life work extends in many directions, the axis remains the same: collaborate with cities and sectors to advance the most imaginative solutions humans are capable of. I share this because if there was ever a time that mankind could benefit from dreaming and designing boldly, it is now. I also remind you if there was ever a time to love, it is always. Th……The virtual conference at the intersection of emotions & technology – are we we undermining our own humanity or flourishing? How do we get more of the latter?…

Key Topics in Emotional Intelligence

Key Topics in Emotional Intelligence

…t is Empathy & How to be more empathetic? Tapping into the neuroscience of empathy, we can finally bust some dangerous myths and find out what it really means to be more empathetic — to use empathy in a way that creates more true kindness and connection. Growth Mindset & Optimism A “Growth Mindset” is about learning and developing, but how do you grow that for yourself and others? Here are our top resources for using the emotional intelligence ski……The essential emotional intelligence topics, with our top resources curated for easy access. Emotional intelligence resources selected for you – on equity, anxiety, emotions list, kindness, growth mindset and more…

Co-Create Facilitators

Co-Create Facilitators

…her – using our EQ to develop as fully rounded citizens of the world, with empathy at the core of everything we do. Debbie Hatzivassiliou – EQAC,EQPC, N4 Facilitator, Drawing&Talking PC, ICF PCC in application.- Founder/CEO WorkWise, Greece Founder of WorkWise, a Training& HR consulting firm. Having trained over 65K people in my tenure of all company levels and been involved in numerous consulting and coaching projects as have interviewed hundreds……To bring the Climate of Emotions self-guided learning to life, experienced facilitators from around the globe are supporting you in this renewal process….

An (Emotionally Intelligent) Love Story

An (Emotionally Intelligent) Love Story

…me, and this was his typical light-hearted and thoughtful response: “It’s empathy. Of course I will get you water. I can put myself in your shoes, and you can’t even put your shoes on!” Empathy fuels us to take care of and support others. Without it, we don’t know who to serve or how to serve them. Click to tweet His ability to give me the care I need is also deeply rooted in applying consequential thinking. He has the energy to give now because……This Valentine’s Day, I am two-weeks post-surgery. No fancy dinners or moonlit walks on the beach for me. But don’t worry, I am still being extravagantly loved in the most emotionally intelligent way….

Does Hybrid Work Have to Be the Worst of Both Worlds?

Does Hybrid Work Have to Be the Worst of Both Worlds?

…ill lead to increased innovation and better business outcomes.” Practicing empathy and emotional intelligence isn’t just the right thing to do. It’s good for business, too. “We have an opportunity to create an even better workplace. One that allows us to be more connected to each other, find more balance between work and home, and advance equality — and that ultimately will lead to increased innovation and better business outcomes. – Brent Hyder,……Here are 3 tips for using empathy and emotional intelligence to create remote work policies that prioritize employees’ wellbeing….

SEL & Equity in Higher Education (#18)

SEL & Equity in Higher Education (#18)

…her Education (panel 2) What skills will support the dialogue, awareness & empathy needed to build communities of equity? Colleges and universities are increasingly aware of the urgent need to deconstruct racism, sexism & other systemic inequities — how? While much of the needed change is in the systems, what is the “inner work of equity” that will equip people in these institutions to have the conversations needed to do the systemic work? What ar……For equity in college and higher education, what social emotional learning skills are needed? What will support the dialogue, awareness & empathy needed to build communities of equity?…

87 Ways to Be Kind and Loving

87 Ways to Be Kind and Loving

…é Brown does a great job of explaining the difference between sympathy and empathy – and why empathy is so amazing. Give them a handwritten card or letter. Babysit for free. To new parents especially, this can mean the world. I have done this several times for my neighbors after the toddler went to bed. I could stay there in case the child woke up, but almost always I simply read my book on the couch and let the parents have a well-deserved break……Sometimes if feels impossible to be kind and loving. When you’re struggling to access that loving place inside of you, give these expert tips for how to be kind a try….

Daniel Goleman on The Neural Power of Leadership

Daniel Goleman on The Neural Power of Leadership

…l skills – or managing relationships. And the second two of the those, the empathy and social skill components, are what make up social intelligence.” At the time of the first Emotional Intelligence book the field was very young. Goleman reported on the emerging evidence that emotions might actually help thinking. Neuroscience imaging was just getting advanced enough to show hints of how the brain actually processes information, and scholars and p……Why do feelings matter to leaders? Interview with Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence, on a new leadership imperative for optimizing human performance and the research that makes attention to feelings a bottom-line priority….

How Are You Feeling About Feelings? Coaching with Emotional Intelligence

How Are You Feeling About Feelings? Coaching with Emotional Intelligence

…ibe to the EQ Coach Newsletter.   For more on EQ and Coaching 🌱, I recommend: What part of coaching is YOUR work to do? EQ Coaching Insights: are lazy coaches better? 🌱 What’s at the intersection of coaching, empathy & leadership? What’s Wrong with Empathy? 🌱 EQ Coaching for Leadership How can I become more effective in contracting as a coach? A 3-D Picture: The 3 Questions That Make Coaching Work……EQ Coaches value all emotions as resources that provide insight and energy. But that doesn’t mean we “make” clients talk about feelings. In fact, often words get in the way of understanding emotions….

How Should Educators Respond to Tragic Events?

How Should Educators Respond to Tragic Events?

…on or response, or expecting that they will. Encourage students to express empathy for the victims and families of a tragic events. Encourage them to have empathy for each others’ feelings. Have gratitude for their unique questions and contributions. 4. USE NAVIGATE EMOTIONS—to help students to validate, explore, and transform their feelings. Many students will want to do something to help. After 9/11, thousands of students sent paper messages to…

Impact on Women at Work: 3 Key Insights on Female Leadership

Impact on Women at Work: 3 Key Insights on Female Leadership

…ith advancement for women. At the same time, there’s a decline in Increase Empathy (the ability to connect with and appropriately respond to emotions). The same is not true for men. Why would this be? One possible explanation is that the expectations of organizational culture push women leaders to suppress empathy and handle increased emotional complexity – perhaps internalizing the message that women should be more like men, while still doing mor……Two major research studies combine to offer compelling insights on women at work…

EQ Research on Growing Our Capacity to Grow

EQ Research on Growing Our Capacity to Grow

…than the emotion-related skills of Enhance Emotional Literacy and Increase Empathy). Their decisions may be tied to a growing perception of risk/threat (indicated by declining optimism). Together with the increased perception of threat or risk, the increase in Apply Consequential Thinking suggests this “average person” is more able to pause and assess the risks before moving forward. The fact that emotional literacy and empathy are higher than Nav……What does it mean to “grow” as a person, and what’s the role of EQ? New research findings on global emotional intelligence show us what’s supporting and inhibiting growth….

Anxiety Causes & Mental Health Action

Anxiety Causes & Mental Health Action

…ing purpose Exercising optimism Recognizing and naming emotions Practicing empathy Cultivating strong relationships If you want to use emotional intelligence to improve your mental health, try downloading the 12 Days of Wellbeing eBook, which walks you though daily activities to improve optimism, purpose, empathy and more. Or even better, download the Free Mental Health Kit for Children, Teens & Adults, which includes the 12 Days of Wellbeing eBoo……What are anxiety causes and how can emotional intelligence support positive mental health action? Top resources from our EQ experts….

Social-Emotional Learning in Higher Education

Social-Emotional Learning in Higher Education

Resilience. Collaboration. Purpose. Empathy. Proactivity. EQ. How do we grow the skills students (and faculty & staff) need to navigate today… and tomorrow? “Graduating EQ: Moving Social-Emotional Learning into Higher Education” offers an overview of social emotional learning, plus 12 micro-case studies to share: What’s working to bring emotional intelligence to college? Contents: Why EQ? Research on the benefits of emotional intelligence for stu……How can social emotional learning support colleges & universities? Get the free eBook with current research and 12 micro-cases showing how SEL is working in higher ed….

Emotional Intelligence and Equity

Emotional Intelligence and Equity

…yond yourself to get out of an isolated, ego-based perspective. Increasing empathy for you and all of us so you can FEEL that we are in this together. Stepping forward on purpose. For an illustration of these steps, see the video to the right, “What is a process that can help to DECONSTRUCT RACISM?” How do we start the ‘heart work’ of equity? Kamilah Drummond-Forrester calls it: “reclaiming our humanity” Click to tweet Why is Equity relevant to em……Can emotional intelligence play a role in the “inner work” toward a just society? Reflections and resources on using EQ to increase equity and oppose racism….

Climate of Emotions

Climate of Emotions

…tions around climate change and other issues. Participants will strengthen empathy, emotional intelligence and creativity to bring stakeholders together and make meaningful change on climate initiatives. While other efforts focus on policy, data and optics, in COE, youth & emotions are the center. For breakthrough solutions on climate, we don’t need more information. We need more empathy. Information does not move people. Emotions do. Join us to c……Climate of Emotions (COE) is a global Youth Leadership Accelerator supporting young leaders to harness their emotions around climate change for good….

Joanna Brewster, ACC

Joanna Brewster, ACC

…and adults) and organizations on a variety of EQ topics; my favorite being Empathy and Leadership. I am a cofounder of some EQ projects and collaborations including- EQ in You and The Empathy Incubator, both which seek to share EQ with individuals and organizations. As part of Six Seconds Climate of Emotions online conference in 2021 I co-created and led a creative workshop on Empathy and I’ve facilitated many activities with youth for World Child…

Mini Pop Up Box – June Grow Curiosity

Mini Pop Up Box – June Grow Curiosity

…tells us that curiosity in children is linked to increased brain activity, empathy, and social networks. However, as we adults know, curiosity easily dims with age. This month’s POP-UP Mini Box aims to reinforce and inspire the curiosity for you and the children you love. Curiosity is a key component to building empathy and good relationships. People who are genuinely curious about the situation of others are more likely to start conversations, ma……What if adults and kids were more curious… together? Here’s a wonderful free activity, leading up to the POP-UP Festival for U.N. Universal Children’s Day…

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day

…re are 3 parts of the program for kids: 1. Be Your Own Friend – Learn self-empathy and develop emotional literacy skills. Empathy starts inside you – your emotions matter. 2. Make a Friend – Grow active listening skills and taking turns. Connecting with a friend is a two-way process. 3. Community of Friends – Learn to multiply acts of kindness and empathy. When people commit to kindness, community grows. Research from CASEL shows students in SEL c……In partnership with Six Seconds, Comic Relief USA, the creators of Red Nose Day in Schools, designed an engaging suite of SEL lessons focused on empathy, friendship and classroom community. The FriendSkills program is designed to support a classroom’s existing social emotional learning program or to be used independently….

Emotional Intelligence Gaps Across the Generations

Emotional Intelligence Gaps Across the Generations

…amilies and communities. Therefore, Boomers would need both high levels of empathy and an orientation toward influencing others. First, this graph shows people around 57-75 years old are more oriented toward self-awareness than toward empathy (see graph to the right)   Note: see page 15 of State of the Heart for explanation of these graphs   Second, this graph shows that in terms of effectiveness (one of the performance outcomes measured by the Si……Are the generations really that different? New data from the world’s largest study of emotional intelligence says yes… in concerning ways…

Negotiating Conflict with Emotional Intelligence

Negotiating Conflict with Emotional Intelligence

…t to the other person. One of the power-tools here is adding just a little empathy. When you bring empathy to the process, you tune in and hear what’s beneath the surface. You connect. You find that while you disagree, you’re actually in this together.   You may also like………Want to “win” the argument? Negotiate conflict effectively by adding emotional intelligence in this simple 4-step process: Get REAL solutions!…

Research: What Separates the Top Decision Makers?

Research: What Separates the Top Decision Makers?

…ourselves, when really there are more options than we realize. Increasing empathy is about recognizing and responding appropriately to others’ emotions. Once again, with her friends, she had to practice empathy and let herself feel sad with them. Only by doing that could she both love them and make the decision that was best for her. Pursuing noble goals means connecting your everyday choices with your bigger purpose. This probably had the bigges……New decision making research from Six Seconds’ State of the Heart report identifies the emotional intelligence skills and strategies that predict good decision making, all over the world. So what are they, and how can you cultivate them?…

Want a Good Life? 3 Lessons from Harvard Grant Study

Want a Good Life? 3 Lessons from Harvard Grant Study

…ps, relationships, relationships “When the study began, nobody cared about empathy or attachment. But the key to healthy aging is relationships, relationships, relationships,” Vaillant says. Close relationships, the data indicates, are what keep people happy throughout their lives. The study found strong relationships to be far and away the strongest predictor of life satisfaction, and better predictors of long and happy lives than social class, w……Harvard study, more than 80 years old, identifies the common threads of a long, satisfying life. So what makes a good life? And how can this study’s findings help us make better decisions in our own lives?…

From Destruction to Life: A Case Study

From Destruction to Life: A Case Study

…nding appropriately to others’ emotions. This was a huge struggle for Sam. Empathy is the key to understanding others, forming enduring and trusting relationships. Sam often minimized, ignored or misunderstood others’ feelings. He was distrustful and felt others’ didn’t “get” him. PNG, Pursue Noble Goals, connects daily choices and behaviors with a sense of purpose. Sam seemed to often feel aimless, focused on his day to day needs to relieve his p……When a child’s behavior devolves toward destruction, how can they find a way back toward health? A powerful story of how emotional intelligence helps….

Emotional Insights for Leaders: Apathy and How to Move Through It

Emotional Insights for Leaders: Apathy and How to Move Through It

…pportunity for growth, connection, and renewed energy. Communication tips: Empathy First: Remember that there is a good reason they’ve retreated to indifference – maybe they’ve felt overlooked or undervalued for a long time. Begin with empathy.%22I’ve noticed you’ve been a bit distant lately. Is there something on your mind?%22 Offer Support & Involvement: Engage them by seeking their perspective. Ensure they feel valued and heard.%22How do you fi……In this Emotional Insights for Leaders, we look at an emotion that typically blocks progress but can also spark progress: Apathy….

Investing in Girls’ Wellbeing Together

Investing in Girls’ Wellbeing Together

…h play based activities, adaptable to any setting. The digital kit teaches empathy, friendship, optimism, goal setting & emotional literacy, growing lifelong skills. When kids learn to identify & share feelings they have the power to change the future. Can you imagine a world in which girls felt empowered to be their authentic selves? A world in which they felt their talents and wellbeing were respected as equally as their male counterparts? POP-U……POP-UP Festival and Girls’ Festival San Francisco team up to inspire and empower more than 5,000 young women and their families….

Daniel Goleman on Emotions, Wellbeing & Mindfulness

Daniel Goleman on Emotions, Wellbeing & Mindfulness

…,” says Goleman. “Mindfulness enhances self-awareness. It also can enhance empathy, your ability to be present for another person.” One of the big challenges for empathy, Goleman and Richardson write, is that often people empathize emotionally with someone’s suffering but then tune out to soothe their own uncomfortable feelings. To explain, Goleman shares the experience of mindfulness teacher Bernie Glassman, who brings participants to a Zen retre……“Ultimate wellbeing has nothing to do with what’s outside us,” says Daniel Goleman. What would happen if we could fully take charge of our own wellbeing… and what’s the neuroscience that will help make it so?…

Voices from the Network: Jessica Nelson

Voices from the Network: Jessica Nelson

…ith others. Wanting to find people with a greater sense of self-awareness, empathy and care, she reached back to the Six Seconds’ Regional Network Director in her region and asked how to be more active in the Six Seconds community. That led to her current role as Operations Executive with Six Seconds Asia Pacific. Jessica described the learning experience with Six Seconds as a beautiful and lovely growth journey, thanks to which she’s now healthie……In this month’s Voices from the Network newsletter we highlight Jessica Nelson, a passionate EQ Educator in Australia….

Improving School Leaders’ Effectiveness Through EQ

Improving School Leaders’ Effectiveness Through EQ

…self-identified skills, while Enhancing Emotional Literacy and Increasing Empathy were the lowest. Principals expressed being challenged by the practical demands of the job and the experience of powerful emotions. They identified EQ as essential to enable coping and achieving wellbeing, and placed a high value on relationships to enact meaning for themselves and others. “Leveraging strengths in motivation and optimism to increase empathy and impr……Principals have a special role in promoting social emotional learning. Find out what the research shows works best….

First Nations Youth Finding Wellbeing with Emotion, Spirit, Body & Mind

First Nations Youth Finding Wellbeing with Emotion, Spirit, Body & Mind

…ve done, it’s that so many of the people who come to this work have strong empathy scores. Our challenge many times is to get people to balance the self-care aspect of living in empathetic space. That means honoring a counselors own needs by navigating through challenging emotions, and really taking the wisdom that that place has to offer, it’s in this pursuit that we find the energy and motivation to live with purpose. What’s your own Noble Goal,……For teens struggling with a brutal addiction to solvents, hope and healing seem far away. Traditional culture & the Medicine Wheel combine with emotional intelligence to support a path forward for the children, and their counselors….