EQ Research on Growing Our Capacity to Grow

EQ Research on Growing Our Capacity to Grow

…elming. This “person” has a lot of energy (Engage Intrinsic Motivation and Exercise Optimism) and is not sure where to apply that for the long-term (lower Pursue Noble Goals). So in addition to the reduced emotional connection, they’re less able to connect with their own sense of purpose. That’s all fairly alarming. However, it’s not all bad news. This graph shows that we seem to have reached a rather dramatic “inflection point” where some EQ comp……What does it mean to “grow” as a person, and what’s the role of EQ? New research findings on global emotional intelligence show us what’s supporting and inhibiting growth….

3 Habits to Maintain Hope in the Face of Adversity

3 Habits to Maintain Hope in the Face of Adversity

…– without real effort – would only get us deeper into trouble. The type of optimism that will help us is this skill of optimism: intentionally practicing an optimistic mindset. This effortful optimism is about framing adversity in a healthy, realistic way and taking ownership of finding solutions – exactly what we need right now. This “frame,” Seligman argued, is formed by a person’s explanatory style, which he abbreviated as the 3 Ps. Seligman’s……Repeat these three phrases to look at these unprecedented COVID-19 related challenges through a lens of hope and optimism….

What Are They Thinking: EQ Tool for Conflicts

What Are They Thinking: EQ Tool for Conflicts

…t wasn’t. When you are feeling stuck, this is a lifeline. Learn more about Exercise Optimism. This entire process was what Six Seconds refers to as Navigating Emotions. Assessing, harnessing and transforming emotions as a strategic resource. My feelings helped me see more clearly and act more deliberately. Learn more about Navigating Emotions. Bite Sized Is Better For me, the power of T, F, A cards is that it breaks down the situation so wonderful……Want help to solve a conflict? You need to get to the root of the problem, which is the disparity between the two sides’ perceptions of what’s happening. This tool helps you do exactly that….

Happy 80th Birthday Anabel!

Happy 80th Birthday Anabel!

…‘walking the talk’ of EQ . Over the past 12 years, your strong believe in Exercise Optimism has taught me so much and clearly practiced this especially in challenging situations – and these days I can hear my son’s using the same words Being part of the 6seconds family and 6seconds work matters a lot to me because I see, feel and hear how it impacts people in a positive way – and surely starts with ourselves. Sending best wishes for a wonderful b……Happy Birthday Anabel Jensen! Here are wishes from the Six Seconds community on your 80th birthday, and how we’re inspired by your work and commitment to EQ….

The Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence

The Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence

Exercise Optimism Taking a proactive perspective of hope and possibility. Exercise Optimism in Detail Give Yourself Tips Increase Empathy Recognizing, connecting with, and appropriately responding to emotions. Increase Empathy in Detail Pursue Noble Goals Connecting your daily choices with your overarching sense of purpose. Pursue Noble Goals in Detail At the core, emotional intelligence is something to BE. By being more emotionally intelligent,…

Case Study:  Emotional Intelligence for People-First Leadership at FedEx Express

Case Study: Emotional Intelligence for People-First Leadership at FedEx Express

…g” with 54% of the participants are in this group of large increases, and “Exercise Optimism” with 57% of the participants improving from 10-50%. The SEI measures eight competencies of emotional intelligence as well as six outcomes: Effectiveness, Influence, Decision-Making, Relationships, Quality of Life, and Health. Statistically, we know that variation in EQ predicts from 55-65% of the variation in these outcomes.[6] This correlation was confir……What happens when new managers receive emotional intelligence training? The six-month program is delivering significant improvements in EQ skills — tied to dramatic increases in influence, quality of life, and decision making….

About | Privacy Policy

About | Privacy Policy

…rvisory Authorities. [CCPA] Right to be free from discrimination – You may exercise any of the above rights without fear of being discriminated against. For any of the above-mentioned CCPA related rights, you may designate an authorized agent to submit a request on your behalf. In the request, you or your authorized agent must provide sufficient information for us to confirm the identity of such authorized agent as well as your own. We are also re…

Beyond Survival: Guilding Adversity With Hope

Beyond Survival: Guilding Adversity With Hope

…later that I discovered the steps defined by Martin Seligman for teaching optimism. He outlines them in the book, Learned Optimism (Pocket Books, 1990). His data shows clearly that optimists are more motivated, more successful, have higher levels of achievement, plus significantly better physical and mental health. Aren’t these attributes and achievements we want for all of our children? Unfortunately, current data from the National Institutes of…

Emotional Intelligence for Positive Mental Health with 50+ Actions to Feel & Be Better

Emotional Intelligence for Positive Mental Health with 50+ Actions to Feel & Be Better

…counting numbers while you are also regulating breathing. While doing this exercise you will not be able to think of anything else! When we train to do this exercise repeatedly it is exactly like taking our brains to the gym, a kind of mental fitness. – Amina Khalifa Motion shifts Emotion. Two minutes on a mini trampoline lowers my cortisol and boosts my serotonin. I can feel “angry off the scale” and after 2-4 mins of bouncing (especially to good……It’s time to rethink mental health as a resource for thriving, and learn how emotional intelligence can help us create full vitality….

Case: EQ Team in Big Pharma

Case: EQ Team in Big Pharma

…ly Consequential Thinking, Navigate Emotions, Engage Intrinsic Motivation, Exercise Optimism. Self Direction, called “Give Yourself,” includes two competencies: Increase Empathy and Pursue Noble Goals. The assessment provides an overall EQ score plus scores for each of the three macro areas and each of the eight competencies for a total of 12 normative values: From the individuals results we generated a Team Report: GR: Group Report – this profile……In one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, a Key Accounts team on the verge of collapse implements a six-month emotional intelligence program; EQ scores increase by 8.9% correlated with double-digit financial growth, high performance evaluations and multiple promotions….

But You’re Wrong! 5 Ways Not to Talk About Political Differences – And What To Do Instead

But You’re Wrong! 5 Ways Not to Talk About Political Differences – And What To Do Instead

…ruck a chord with me, because it’s different than how most people think of optimism. Optimism, according to Wells, “is about belief in our own agency. It is the conviction that our decisions can have an impact, that we can find a solution.” It’s far more active, and less passive, than defining optimism as simply wishing for the best. It’s powerful in difficult conversations, Wells says, because it goes back to that reality that we find what we’re……How often do you engage with “the other side” of an issue? It’s hard, especially in today’s climate. Bret Wells shares 5 tips to have difficult conversations with emotional intelligence….

Mini POP UP Box August- Grow Hope

Mini POP UP Box August- Grow Hope

…oor while using the TIE tool to keep hope. Kids and adults will leave this exercise with a tool for increasing hope + optimism. You will use the TIE tool the next time they feel challenged or hopeless. Instructions: 1. Gather materials. For this activity, the only material you will need is an egg! If you would like, you can also decorate your eggs with permanent markers before you start the challenge. 2. You are the hope coach. While you will also……In a world where children face challenges every day, hope gives them the sense of power to turn things around. Check out this kit for activities + resources to build the muscle of hope in the kids in your life….

Mini POP-UP Box April– Growing Outside

Mini POP-UP Box April– Growing Outside

…at you have access to the outdoors. 2. Lead a simple breathing + awareness exercise. First, close your eyes + take three deep breaths, filling up the belly and emptying the lungs completely. Then take a moment to take turns focusing on what you hear, feel, and smell. First, focus on the sounds you hear, then the sensations you feel, and finally the smells you smell. 3. After you finish this awareness exercise, maintain your silence as you walk aro…

Need Help Making a Decision? Try Mixed Emotions Cards

Need Help Making a Decision? Try Mixed Emotions Cards

…options. When you are feeling stuck, this is a lifeline. Learn more about Exercise Optimism. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by my emotions, the cards helped me treat them as a strategic resource that I could assess, harness and transform – with amazing results. Learn more about Navigating Emotions. Embracing Mixed Emotions Mixed Emotions cards are a tool for turning something that often makes us feel overwhelmed – our own emotions – into a resour……Have you ever had really mixed feelings about a decision or a choice you have to make? It can paralyze the decision making process and cause us to waffle endlessly back and forth. The Mixed Emotions card deck embraces the complexity of emotions and turns them into an asset for decision making….

Feel the Power: Flexing EQ

Feel the Power: Flexing EQ

…d “costs.” What are some of the forms of power that you have, and that you exercise? What happens when you exercise these different forms of power? What price do you pay for each such use? The emotional intelligence competency we call “Apply Consequential Thinking” (ACT) is at work as you answer these questions. As you consider the mix of powers available to you, doing the ACT evaluation lets you assess and choose the right tool for the situation….…ain desired there are “benefits.” At the same time, each produces unwanted side effects, called “costs.” What are some of the forms of power that you have, and that you exercise? What happens when you exercise these different forms of power? What price do you pay for each such use?…

Staying Sharp: 5 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Staying Sharp: 5 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

…ng, storing long-term memories, and regulating emotions. Sustained aerobic exercise in particular (think: jogging, swimming and power walking) has been found to increase the growth of brain cells in this part of the brain. A study from the University of Pennsylvania found that aerobic exercise increased the size of the hippocampus by quite a bit – 2% on average – and reversed age-related cell loss by 1 to 2 years. It does this primarily by produci……The dogma for decades was that adult brains couldn’t generate any new brain cells, but new evidence suggests the opposite. Here are 5 ways……

Healthy Classrooms, Emotional Intelligence, and Brain Research

Healthy Classrooms, Emotional Intelligence, and Brain Research

…ent in life; the belief that it can be overcome lies in the development of optimism (Seligman, 1995). Following on the heels of the competency of optimism, intrinsic motivation is an EQ competency that develops when a student is able to execute, evaluate, and learn from a choice made. Classrooms that allow students to make choices, encourage them to think about the consequences of choices, and remind them to consider mistakes as opportunities to l……Research shows social emotional learning improves classroom performance. How does it work & what does brain research show about emotion in learning?…

Increase Wellbeing Practicing Self-Compassion

Increase Wellbeing Practicing Self-Compassion

…ter them to generate something original. C Celebrate Challenges You Find E Exercise Our Optimism I have friends who suffer terribly from stress, and one recently told me that the worst possible thing to say is, “Don’t worry.” She said worrying seems the most reasonable, sensible thing in the world (at least, in her mind) because the issues were truly overwhelming. At the same time, she has a keen, scientific mind, and approached her worries logica……Be compassionate… not just to others, but starting with yourself….

Self-Science: Classroom Emotional Intelligence

Self-Science: Classroom Emotional Intelligence

…this fear could be reduced by aerobic exercise and meditation; I became an exercise nut. I learned that optimism can increase innovation and productivity; I describe myself as a recovering pessimist. I learned that my brain neurons continue to grow even in old age; I work on learning something new every day. I discovered the power of empathy for creativity, for selling, for teaching, for building a better world. I do a conscious act of kindness ev……I first thought it must be some new laboratory class — I soon learned that the scientific study of self changes everything… and enables us to change anything….

Motivational Interviewing: 8 Questions to Ask Clients to Motivate Change

Motivational Interviewing: 8 Questions to Ask Clients to Motivate Change

…ys. A few examples include: “How do you feel about changing your eating or exercise behaviors?” “What are the most important things to you? What impact does your weight have on that?” “If you decided to change, what might your options be?” (The emotional intelligence skill of Exercising Optimism) “How can I help you succeed?” (See Learning Philosophy: Wisdom Lives Within) These are just a few questions of many that a coach could ask. But there is……Motivational interviewing is a communication technique that engages people’s intrinsic motivation to make changes – with powerful results….

Climate of Emotions Day 3

Climate of Emotions Day 3

…nd the resulting emotional consequences of our beliefs in them. Leveraging optimism and consequential thinking, we will envision an equitable, diverse and inclusive future using new myths and organize the pathway that leads us there. You will leave this session with a transformative reflection tool that will empower the cultures you work with to strategize towards their desired futures. Facilitators Melissa Landry, is a Management Coach & Team Str……Climate of Emotions Retreat – Day 3 – Regenerative Planning…

Leveraging Talents for Performance: Case Study

Leveraging Talents for Performance: Case Study

…n of individual reports from their project team. We then set the following exercise: Exercise: To complete a SWOT analysis of the team and focus on what development suggestions they would come up with to increase performance in the area that they had agreed upon as an outcome, i.e. enhance knowledge sharing. Below is the Dashboard they used: Interestingly, the recommended suggestions from most groups were the same when using the data in front of t……Lara Williams of Momentum4 brings us this case study to see how EQ tools in action can deliver positive outcomes to leadership training….

Emotional Intelligence Certification

Emotional Intelligence Certification

…to put emotional intelligence into action. • Take home dozens of proven EQ exercises and learning tools that you can use yourself and with your teams/families/clients. • Experience Six Seconds’ learning design that will enhance the effectiveness of all your training, coaching & teaching. • Strengthen your own emotional intelligence. • Be able to utilize the SEI Assessment with the “KCG Profile,” a practical self-assessment for introducing the valu……Since 1997, Six Seconds is the gold-standard in emotional intelligence certification training, offering a complete system of assessment and development tools and processes. Join us!…

Benchmarks for an EQ School

Benchmarks for an EQ School

…support teacher self-care, such as special breakfasts, meditation groups, exercise activities, and Self-Science classes for teachers to feel connected and supported as people. In admissions process for private school, use SEI-pYV assessment within parent interviews; conduct “Self-Science” exercise for parent-applicants to understand the core importance of SEL. Job descriptions state the importance of emotional intelligence.   9. Use school climat……To effectively implement social emotional learning, and teach the essential skills of emotional intelligence, Six Seconds has identified best practices in three key “strands.”…

Workplace Vitality Research: Trends in Leadership

Workplace Vitality Research: Trends in Leadership

…leadership performance outcomes. The emotional intelligence competency of Exercise Optimism has the highest impact on leadership vitality, predicting 31% of the variation in scores on a leaders’ capacity to drive change. Leadership capabilities are key to personal outcomes, in particular the leadership vitality driver of Trust predicts 34% of the variation in personal outcome scores (wellbeing, effectiveness, quality of life, relationships).   20……What are the key challenges people face at work? How are organizations building the capacity to address these challenges? We began the study in 2007 (originally called the Workplace Issues Report) to understand how leaders were perceiving the people-side of their work — and the role emotional intelligence place in performance….

The Princess with the Glass Heart

The Princess with the Glass Heart

…automatically in the presence of pain – and also in response to relaxation exercises, vigorous physical exercise, and (according to research) hot chili peppers. The last I did not test, but the addition of regular exercise to my routine was a real boost. I joined the “Y” and took up jogging as well. If I missed a class because of a scheduling conflict, around the block I went. Journal Writing: Several psychologist friends suggested I keep a journa…

The Princess with the Glass Heart

The Princess with the Glass Heart

…automatically in the presence of pain — and also in response to relaxation exercises, vigorous physical exercise, and (according to research) hot chili peppers. The last I did not test, but the addition of regular exercise to my routine was a real boost. I joined the “Y” and took up jogging as well. If I missed a class because of a scheduling conflict, around the block I went. 3. Journal Writing: Several psychologist friends suggested I keep a jou…

How to Teach Children Emotional Intelligence for a Better World

How to Teach Children Emotional Intelligence for a Better World

…nt. Purpose drives emotions. Emotions drive people. People drive change.   Exercise: Purpose for Change Here’s another exercise you can try right now. Read these quotations about purpose — ideally, read them together with a child or other person you care about and discuss what they mean to you.   As you read, consider: Which ideas are most important to you? For the quotes you like best, imagine teaching thousands of children the idea in the quotat……When feelings run hot, how can we use emotional intelligence to fuel our commitment for positive change… and support children to create a better world?…

13 Tips to Reduce Stress & Anxiety During Covid-19

13 Tips to Reduce Stress & Anxiety During Covid-19

…is ball; it is remarkably easy to do and loosens those cramped up muscles. Exercise every day; exercise releases those endorphins; before Covid-19, Joni, a friend in South Africa, suggested I buy a rebounder, which is a mini-trampoline; I do 20 minutes a day on my rebounder and an hour on my treadmill every single day; when I do not exercise, I begin to feel myself getting anxious. Indulge in a craft; take up finger painting; all those colorful sw……Looking at the neuroscience of stress and anxiety offers practical strategies for us to “cook up” more happiness….

Insights for Great Teachers

Insights for Great Teachers

…ness, build confidence, and improve people management skills. The tips and exercises are based on each teacher’s unique emotional intelligence profile, including strengths and areas of opportunity. How to use: IGT is highly effective for development, learning, coaching and mentoring for teachers using Insights for Great Teachers training (join the certification to use it with your clients). What’s in it: The EQ Insights for Great Teachers Workbook……Personalized for every teacher based on their unique emotional intelligence profile, the Insights for Great Teachers course includes this workbook with a personalized development plan….

How to Understand People: Ask, Listen, and Get Real

How to Understand People: Ask, Listen, and Get Real

…s will you need to make for that to happen? What happened when you did the exercise? Please share in the comments! For more tips, suggestions, and exercises like you have found here, come check us out. We are a non-profit organization helping people to live happier, more meaningful lives with emotional intelligence. Curious about your own emotional intelligence? Take the free assessment The Point: Look Deeper If you want to understand others, you……Do you want to know how to understand people more easily? A starting point is a wide-spread lie we tell others — and ourselves. Here’s how to connect on a deeper level….

Insights for Personal Development

Insights for Personal Development

…wareness, build confidence, and improve interpersonal skills. The tips and exercises are based on each person’s unique emotional intelligence profile, including strengths and areas of development. How to use: IPD is highly effective for development, learning, coaching and mentoring using Insights for Personal Development training (join the certification to use it with your clients). What’s in it: The EQ Insights for Personal Development workbook i……Increase your self-awareness and further develop interpersonal skills to create flourishing relationships. Get personalized emotional intelligence feedback that you can apply immediately in your work and life….

Insights for People Management

Insights for People Management

…and improve people management skills to increase performance. The tips and exercises are based on each manager’s unique emotional intelligence profile, including strengths and areas of opportunity. How to use: IPM is highly effective for development, learning, coaching and mentoring for managers using Insights for People Management training (join the certification to use it with your clients). What’s in it: The EQ Insights for People Management Wo……Personalized for every manager based on their unique emotional intelligence profile, Insights for People Management is the tool to improve people management skills….

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

…gy from personal values & commitments vs. being driven by external forces. Exercise Optimism: Taking a proactive perspective of hope and possibility. Increase Empathy: Recognizing, connecting with, and appropriately responding to emotions. Pursue Noble Goals: Connecting your daily choices with your overarching sense of purpose. IQ vs. EQ Is EQ more important than IQ? Honestly, it’s the wrong question. These aspects of intelligence need to work tog……What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence is about being smarter with feelings. More aware. More intentional. More purposeful….

Subscribe to Illuminate, Inspiring EQ Practices

Subscribe to Illuminate, Inspiring EQ Practices

…is the key to a good life. … Illuminate: Strengthen the Muscles of Your Optimism (10/30/2019) – Too often, we tell ourselves, “I can’t…” or “I’ll never…” or “I don’t deserve….” or we forget that we actually have more options than we perceive. We stop trying, we give up, and our muscles of self-determination and freedom wither. Learned Optimism is how we get those muscles back in shape. … Connect to Your Values with This Art Project (10/15/201……Dive into a beautiful (and true!) story about the power of navigating emotions– and learn how you can transform anger/sadness/grief/confusion into wisdom about yourself and your life’s path….

Climate of Emotions 2020

Climate of Emotions 2020

…Tom Rivett-Carnac, Co-author The Future We Choose. Co-host of Outrage and Optimism podcast. Political strategist focussed on a better future. Christabel Reed, co-founder of Advaya, the London-based system change initiative for radical regeneration and joyful revolution and EarthSpace media, as well as EcoResolution, with Cara Delevingne, to empower people all over the world. Brian Coyle, Behavioral Ecologist and Program Manager, Smithsonian Conse……Archive of 2020: Join young climate activists, scientists, and emotions experts from around the globe in Climate of Emotions: the free online conference about emotions, climate change, and youth….

Anxiety Causes & Mental Health Action

Anxiety Causes & Mental Health Action

…ing and mental health, including: Finding and following purpose Exercising optimism Recognizing and naming emotions Practicing empathy Cultivating strong relationships If you want to use emotional intelligence to improve your mental health, try downloading the 12 Days of Wellbeing eBook, which walks you though daily activities to improve optimism, purpose, empathy and more. Or even better, download the Free Mental Health Kit for Children, Teens &……What are anxiety causes and how can emotional intelligence support positive mental health action? Top resources from our EQ experts….

Articles and Blogs

Articles and Blogs

…on? Top resources from our EQ experts. Strengthen Your Growth Mindset with Optimism A “Growth Mindset” is about learning and developing, but how do you grow that for yourself and others? Here are our top resources for using the emotional intelligence skill of optimism for strengthening a growth mindset at work, at school, and at home. Empathy, Kindness & Being More Empathetic Emotional Intelligence Essentials: How to be more Empathetic and what Em…

Key Topics in Emotional Intelligence

Key Topics in Emotional Intelligence

…in a way that creates more true kindness and connection. Growth Mindset & Optimism A “Growth Mindset” is about learning and developing, but how do you grow that for yourself and others? Here are our top resources for using the emotional intelligence skill of optimism for strengthening a growth mindset at work, at school, and at home. Anxiety Causes & Mental Health Action What causes anxiety and how can emotional intelligence help people manage th……The essential emotional intelligence topics, with our top resources curated for easy access. Emotional intelligence resources selected for you – on equity, anxiety, emotions list, kindness, growth mindset and more…

Woman Conquers Cancer, Inspires Others with EQ

Woman Conquers Cancer, Inspires Others with EQ

…rcumstances. It also helped me develop exceptional resilience and maintain optimism in the face of adversity.” She told me one story about going into an MRI that was supposed to last 20 minutes, but ended up lasting an hour and a half. As she waited, she started to go around and around on the carousel of stress and worry. “Why is this taking so long? Is something wrong?” But she was able to recognize, label and transform those feelings – I am stre……Diagnosed with a rare cancer at 34, Valérie Tettinek has used her exceptional optimism to do something amazing: she’s thriving as a cancer survivor….