Where is Your Attention Focused?

Where is Your Attention Focused?

…w on his book FOCUS, “attention is under more challenge than ever in human history.” So either we get more careful with our focus, or we’ll “crash the bicycle” a lot. At Six Seconds, we define emotional intelligence: Integrating thoughts and feelings to make optimal decisions. Head + Heart + Hands. Yet many of us become so highly focused on rational data that we ignore emotional data. Others do the opposite. Our brains are most effective when we c…

Daniel Goleman on the Dalai Lama’s Vision for Good

Daniel Goleman on the Dalai Lama’s Vision for Good

…ower. Dan: He says one thing that’s very helpful is to take a long view of history and to see the forces that play in the world. For example, the crisis of climate change started with the industrial revolution and the unintended consequence of human activity. Over many years, a focus on the things we make and buy are eroding and degrading systems that support life and the planet. It’s taken centuries to get to this point. It’s accelerated the last…

Mindful Insights into Student SEL Development

Mindful Insights into Student SEL Development

…the lookout for ways to call attention to the power of the competencies in history, English, science, and math. And, the administrators help the teachers. Nor, are the parents neglected. We have evening classes and morning classes for them as well. It is a nested process and procedure with the ultimate goal of involvement by everyone in the community. My own noble goal… I am committed to one billion EQ practitioners by 2039; I will be one hundred…

EQ Training for Business: 15 Best Practice Tips

EQ Training for Business: 15 Best Practice Tips

…ders require a robust, research-backed approach with many case studies and history to prove credibility. So… what does it take? Interviewing dozens of business leaders, we identified three key needs. Best practices for emotional intelligence in business: Link the project to strategic priorities. Grow capacity for people-leadership in a measurable way. Start with a simple pilot but prepare to go deep and wide. Click to tweet Two of the key issues r……How do you use emotional intelligence training for business? Three key ingredients + 15 tips, based on interviews with dozens of business leaders….

Fights Well with Others: Tips for Collaborative Parenting

Fights Well with Others: Tips for Collaborative Parenting

…ime, it makes the high stakes decisions much LESS risky because there is a history of solid, reliable, trust to count on. Kids think back to the times they’ve counted on you and you’ve been there to support them. Parents think back to the times they’ve expected kids to follow through on agreements and have evidence that kids will make good decisions. Trust is something parents and children build and rebuild. One moment at a time. Over and over and……Want less fighting at home? Three tips every parent can use to forge compromise. Bonus Poster for your fridge. Build trusting relationships with your children and even at work with Collaborative Parenting strategies….

First Nations Youth Finding Wellbeing with Emotion, Spirit, Body & Mind

First Nations Youth Finding Wellbeing with Emotion, Spirit, Body & Mind

…rnment and communities in the Honoring our Strengths project. Given a past history of conflict and judgment, what’s the role of emotional intelligence in moving this dialogue forward? It plays a pivotal role in all our relationships, negotiations and action planning. We use concepts from EI training sometimes without even realizing it. If there is one thing I have noticed in all the SEI assessments I have done, it’s that so many of the people who……For teens struggling with a brutal addiction to solvents, hope and healing seem far away. Traditional culture & the Medicine Wheel combine with emotional intelligence to support a path forward for the children, and their counselors….

Case- EQ at Shell Asia: Enduring Boost for Teamwork

Case- EQ at Shell Asia: Enduring Boost for Teamwork

…lands, with over 90,000 employees in 90 countries worldwide and a 200-year history. Shell Asia’s assets include their largest investment, Shell Eastern Petrochemicals Complex in Singapore. They have been active in Brunei since 1929, the headquarters for Shell’s efforts to target projects in the region. In a highly technical environment, people-skills can be overlooked. In an increasingly complex business context, collaboration is a strategic resou……To support highly technical leaders and teams to be more effective at collaboration, Shell sought out a customized emotional intelligence development program. Using a blended-learning approach, Six Seconds’ tailor-made program yields an 85% success rate when assessed an average of three years after the program….

The Trust Revolution: 4 Powerful Strategies from Neuroeconomist Paul Zak

The Trust Revolution: 4 Powerful Strategies from Neuroeconomist Paul Zak

…arily old. They’re deep in the brainstem; they’re part of our evolutionary history.” While Zak says these brain functions are activated even through an online call, there’s a risk. Distrust reinforces feelings of isolation, leading to more distrust. Zak’s pioneering work links trust to a specific neurohormone. A chemical called oxytocin. As he explained to The Guardian, “oxytocin is primarily a molecule of social connection. It affects every aspec……As trust in social institutions spirals down and people feel more isolated, is the social contract battered beyond repair? Neuroeconomist Paul Zak on the latest trust data and the implications for leaders….

Achieving Wellbeing Q4

Achieving Wellbeing Q4

…eme for this quarter reflects our sense that, at this particular moment in history, contentment and life balance are in jeopardy on a daily basis. We hope you will join us over the next three months as we offer a variety of practical strategies to apply the science and practice of emotional intelligence to bring balance back into our lives. We cultivate the resources to foster wellbeing, even during challenging times. Click to tweet We asked frien……How do we achieve wellbeing in this era of chaos– for ourselves, our society, or planet?…

From Destruction to Life: A Case Study

From Destruction to Life: A Case Study

…nding a specialized consultant was a turning point. Gail Curran has a long history helping families in pain by finding therapeutic programs that specialize in adolescent treatment. There are hundreds of therapeutic wilderness programs and residential treatment centers where young people step away from their daily lives and into a space designed to catalyze positive growth. Confronted with the awesome power of nature, and the interdependence requir……When a child’s behavior devolves toward destruction, how can they find a way back toward health? A powerful story of how emotional intelligence helps….

Europe’s Call to Action: 3 EQ Insights

Europe’s Call to Action: 3 EQ Insights

…nia “I felt sadness and bitterness in learning that a continent so rich in history, art and culture has not been able to train its emotional intelligence in the same way” – Ilaria Iseppato, Italy How about you? What thoughts and feelings arise when you read the European region’s State of the Heart report? Please share in the comments, below. Brains, European Style: Do Something New, Now In addition to overall trends in emotional intelligence acros……What does the world’s largest study of emotional intelligence say about EQ in Europe today? Some bad news, but also opportunity that’s essential as we grapple with change….

Igniting Hope in our Students: Three Sparks

Igniting Hope in our Students: Three Sparks

…re grateful and why. Be sure they include people in public life, now or in history. Then, ask them to reflect on who is grateful for them and why. Encourage students to join clubs and teams and be sure there are ample opportunities for all students. Pay particular attention to the inclusiveness of these opportunities. Special Olympics’ Unified Sports model shows how regular PE as well as varsity and intramural sports can take an inclusive approach……Educators and parents are concerned about children and youth becoming cynical about making the world a better place. They seem to be losing hope. Dr. Maurice Elias offers three strategies to change that….

Emotional Intelligence at Work: Where Workers Are Struggling Most

Emotional Intelligence at Work: Where Workers Are Struggling Most

…ement – for both managers and employees. But there is also a long cultural history here. The Japanese term karoshi — “death from overwork” — was coined back in the 1970s. The research suggests that work-life balance and employee engagement are still a major problem. 3. Giving hard feedback… to a robot? Will business students of the future learn essential soft skills in virtual reality? Meta sure hopes so. The tech giant is donating $300 Quest 2 he……New data from the world’s largest study of emotional intelligence reveals a burnout epidemic in Tech – and alarming an engagement in Japan….

20 Outstanding Books on Emotional Intelligence

20 Outstanding Books on Emotional Intelligence

…Adam Smith and Sigmund Freud. Arguably the most important psychologist in history, Kahneman has reshaped cognitive psychology, the analysis of rationality and reason, the understanding of risk and the study of happiness and well-being . . . A magisterial work, stunning in its ambition, infused with knowledge, laced with wisdom, informed by modesty and deeply humane. If you can read only one book this year, read this one.” ―Janice Gross Stein, The……Here’s a wonderful collection of books about emotional intelligence, including six key concepts for every parent to share with children (and books to do so!)…

‘If You Want To Know What A Child Is Thinking, Watch Their Fingers.’

‘If You Want To Know What A Child Is Thinking, Watch Their Fingers.’

…e saw math. If she were on a tour of a foreign city, instead of seeing the history, she would see tessellations. Instead of finely sculpted architecture, she’d see patterns and constructs. She coaxed people put on their mathematical eyeglasses gently and creatively. She had a sign up in her office. ‘If you want to know what a child is thinking, watch their fingers.’ When Mary watched a child’s fingers, she would see they needed to sketch. Or build…

EQ for UNICEF World Children’s Day (#28)

EQ for UNICEF World Children’s Day (#28)

…ild (CRC) was signed, and it’s the most-signed human rights legislation in history. Last year the UN General Assembly held a grand celebration for the 30 year anniversary and the Six Seconds POP-UP Team was there and we held a POP-UP Festival at UNICEF headquarters in New York. Why? As an organization dedicated to emotional intelligence, we see a tremendous challenge and opportunity — for example, ALL these years after the signing of this momentou……It’s time for POP-UP Festival in partnership with UNICEF World Children’s Day! While we’ll need to adapt to the challenges of 2020, THIS is the moment for this project: Children around the globe are struggling with loneliness and uncertainty. We can help….

How Much Is Low Emotional Intelligence Costing Your Organization?

How Much Is Low Emotional Intelligence Costing Your Organization?

…rise that The Great Resignation, the biggest job market turnover in modern history, coincided with one of the most sustained drops in emotional intelligence since we started tracking with our State of the Heart research? Not really. At a time of uncertainty and heightened emotional complexity – when emotional intelligence skills are needed most – they declined instead. The result? People moving on, and businesses left grappling for solutions. Case……Low emotional intelligence ultimately results in lost productivity, higher turnover, and lower revenue. Here’s how to break the cycle….

3 Surprising Elements Fueled Top Performing Teams During COVID-19 Pandemic

3 Surprising Elements Fueled Top Performing Teams During COVID-19 Pandemic

…h occurred, it reveals some of the most powerful findings in the project’s history.   3 Powerful Predictors of Team Performance What are these key elements that fuel top performing teams? Joy, trust, and celebration. These elements are not “extras” or simply “nice to have” – they are highly predictive of team performance across countries, industries, and company sizes. Further, since 2019, these three elements have become even more important each……New research reveals key drivers of top teams globally. Learn the 3 elements and download the full report today….

Equity, Wellbeing & Emotional Intelligence (#21)

Equity, Wellbeing & Emotional Intelligence (#21)

…? Historically, where does that cultural orientation come from? How’s that history affecting wellbeing today? For your own personal journey — how is emotional intelligence helping you with wellbeing? What’s the role of emotional intelligence for wellbeing more broadly? Share your vision — let’s paint a picture: What would happen in the world if we equity in terms of wellbeing? What’s your take-away from today’s conversation, and how will you use t……What’s the connection between wellbeing and racism? Can the skills and practices of emotional intelligence support us to build ourselves, our communities, and our world toward wellbeing for everyone?…

Racism and Re-humanizing Emotions (#25)

Racism and Re-humanizing Emotions (#25)

…odwin is a Pastor and Empowerment and Leadership Coach with a demonstrated history of working in the religious institutions industry. She’s the author of the devotional journal, GET UP: Unearthing your Passion and Taking Brave Action in 50 Days. Charity is skilled in Pastoral Theology, Pastoral Counseling, Community Organizing, Preaching, and Church Growth. Strong community and social services professional with a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) focuse……What’s the importance of honoring the complexity and fullness of emotions especially experienced by BIPOC in the wake of racial bias?…



…ghlight emotions and consolidate soft skills. Although we have a very rich history of experiences, we are specialized in designing bespoke products with a very deep focus on digital experiences. Our experiences can support structured training courses, as well as they can be one-off to provide participants with some hint to improve their own knowledge, their relationship with colleagues or simply to develop energies to start a path of change. linke……We organize team building and corporate events. Our goal is to develop positive energy, highlight people and strengthen relationships in order to achieve a great personal and collective wellbeing….

The Future of Work (#30)

The Future of Work (#30)

…standing of ourselves” – @MuchaMlingo Click to tweet “When we look back in history, some of the most creative and innovative organizations have come out from crisis and grew from crisis” – Sue McNamara from @6s_EQ Click to tweet “Self awareness is a superpower because when we have a deep knowledge of self, it helps us navigate into this future” – @MuchaMlingo Click to tweet “We’re facing this intense disruption that’s making us pause. It’s pushing……Companies are beginning to realize: We’re not “going back to normal” anytime soon… and employees are seeing that work from home has some benefits, but many costs. As leaders plan to develop the workforce for the future… what should employees be doing to be ready for the future?…

EQ Research on Growing Our Capacity to Grow

EQ Research on Growing Our Capacity to Grow

…e change is why we’re holding the POP-UP Festival, the largest EQ event in history supporting UNICEF’s mission for safety and wellbeing for every child. This quarter’s EQ Café (a free event for practicing EQ, held by our volunteer leaders in 200+ cities around the world each quarter) will also follow these themes. Watch this schedule of EQ Cafés to see if one is coming to a city near you. To solve problems at a root level, we need to grow emotiona……What does it mean to “grow” as a person, and what’s the role of EQ? New research findings on global emotional intelligence show us what’s supporting and inhibiting growth….

When You Don’t Click with Your Coworker

When You Don’t Click with Your Coworker

…eople mean to relay and how others interpret it, especially when there’s a history of animosity, and the bridge between the two is honest and open communication. Of all the stimulus that comes upon our eyes, ears and noses every day, we consciously take in about 1% of it. Reality is at least as much a creation of memory as it is perception, per neuroscience research. How does that impact leadership? Click to tweet How can you break out of a cycle……What can you do? Emotional intelligence tips to build bridges and collaborate better even when it’s challenging….

7 Emotional Intelligence Facts: Take the Quiz and Get Practical Tips to Apply Today

7 Emotional Intelligence Facts: Take the Quiz and Get Practical Tips to Apply Today

…phenomenon of emotional contagion, it helps to understand the evolutionary history and basic purpose of emotions. What’s the purpose of emotions? They serve to focus our attention and motivate us to action in a way that helps us survive and thrive. They provide information about our interior world and about our relationships. And for this survival function to operate optimally, we are highly sensitive to emotional signals in the environment. One p……Test your knowledge of emotional intelligence and gain key insights to bring EQ to life at home and at work…

What Is a Sociogram? A Leadership Tool Worth Knowing About

What Is a Sociogram? A Leadership Tool Worth Knowing About

…e sociogram can be used as a guide for further, more focused, observation. History of the Sociogram The sociogram is a tool within the social science discipline of sociometry, a quantitative method for measuring social relationships developed by psychotherapist Jacob L. Moreno and Helen Hall Jennings. The sociogram was invented by Moreno. Here are his original drawings: More Tools for Gathering Social and Emotional Data If you want other tools for……What is a sociogram? A sociogram is a valuable tool for gathering data on social relationships and dynamics….

The Edge of the World

The Edge of the World

…to this place. Generations of commitment to the future, to now, layers of history like the crashing waves bringing the past to the present. Then, on the other, a future that begins here and now, and ends someplace unguessable. At this moment we meet the waves of the past and send them on to the future, some carefully redirected, most unconsciously splashed on without recognition — there are too many to fathom. And like the past, the future repres…

Choosing Optimism: An Interview with Martin EP Seligman, Ph.D.

Choosing Optimism: An Interview with Martin EP Seligman, Ph.D.

…lower percentage of children dying of starvation than at any time in human history. It is quite astonishing that we have enormously high rates of depression and pessimism. We do have a very important paradox here.   Josh: I read an interview when you started as President of the APA in which you said that perhaps a significant part of the depression epidemic in the US is due to counselors treating people as ill. Would you explain that perception? M…

Why SEL Matters Even More in the Pandemic – and How

Why SEL Matters Even More in the Pandemic – and How

…alented bilingual, bicultural educator and accomplished leader with a long history working with youth of color and their families going back over 28 years. In 2019, Norma was selected to join the prestigious Bush Foundation Fellowship, in which members are selected based on their potential to make an even bigger impact in their community. Norma is currently pursuing her MEd at SPA, Teachers College, Columbia University. Joshua Freedman, cofounder……Education is stressed. Teachers, administrators, kids, parents are struggling – so why should we focus on social emotional learning (SEL) at a time like this? And for remote or hybrid teaching, is it even possible?…

Alessia Peracca

Alessia Peracca

…sional accomplishments include… Experienced Instructor with a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Skilled in HR Consulting, Organization, Executive Coaching, and Performance Management A few past experiences…Before Six Seconds, I lived various lives: from my early years in Marketing and Communications and then moving into Technical and Commercial functions. Timidly, over the years, there has been an awareness of…

Liliana Rodríguez, MEBC

Liliana Rodríguez, MEBC

…nd my favorite activity is to read. I like mystery, sci-fi, poetry and good content genres I’d love to talk to you about … the things around us, classical & different music genres, books, international traditions, food, history… I like to talk a about interesting things that makes me feel good and give me knowledge, and more important, things that other people wants to share, because I love to hear what the others think and feel….

Marilynn H Jorgensen MA, MCC

Marilynn H Jorgensen MA, MCC

…g child. He is now 45 and a very EQ citizen in the world! I also have some history in growing organic food and a passion for creating healthy foods for my family and friends. One reason I’m personally passionate about emotional intelligence is…. Emotional Intelligence informs all the ways that I show up in my world. Family, friends, acquaintances, clients and informal connections out in the world. I feel that I can contribute EQ moments that might…

Lorenzo Fariselli

Lorenzo Fariselli

…. In 2013 I found and managed the first group of Preferred Partners in the history of Six Seconds. This step brought a lot of changes and in 2019 I founded a division focused on the corporate sector named EQ Biz, with the collaboration of all the Italian preferred partners. A collaborative network of partners ready to support and transform organizations through emotional intelligence! One reason I’m personally passionate about emotional intelligen…

Liza Johnson, Ed.D.

Liza Johnson, Ed.D.

…few organizations that provided resources in this vital area. This rest is history and now I am proud to serve as an EQ Ambassador to further the resources for SEL in higher education. One reason I’m personally passionate about emotional intelligence is…. it changed my life. It allowed me to find inner happiness and unlock my full potential as a person Pronouns… she/her Favorite… My favorite day is Sunday because it takes me back to one of my favo…

Peter Salovey

Peter Salovey

…ce. Professor Salovey is a founding editor of the Review of General Psychology and an associate editor of the new APA journal, Emotion. His course in Psychology and Law was the most popular course in Yale University history. He is a Justice of the Peace and a licensed psychologist in the State of Connecticut. In his leisure time, he plays stand-up bass with the Professors of Bluegrass. More: Peter Salovey’s bio at Yale…

Suyin Tay

Suyin Tay

…to flourish. Pronouns/background… she/her Favorite… author is Paulo Coelho I’d love to talk to you about… Current Affairs, History and the Arts…