Case: Stress, EQ, and Performance in Healthcare

Case: Stress, EQ, and Performance in Healthcare

…rection area, called “Give Yourself,” includes Increase Empathy and Pursue Noble Goals. SPS – Stress & Performance Survey – This survey is based on the following six dimensions that are tied to job performance and life success. Perceived Stress (distress) Empathy Illness (stress related) Absenteeism Emotional volatility Quality of life To simplify scoring, negative scales were reversed so high scores equate to high performance: Perceived Stress =…

The Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence

The Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence

…nd appropriately responding to emotions. Increase Empathy in Detail Pursue Noble Goals Connecting your daily choices with your overarching sense of purpose. Pursue Noble Goals in Detail At the core, emotional intelligence is something to BE. By being more emotionally intelligent, smarter with feelings, you will more accurately recognize emotions in yourself and others. This data will help you make decisions and craft effective solutions to the “li…

Young people developing EQ in Cornwall, UK

Young people developing EQ in Cornwall, UK

…, Navigating emotions, Intrinsic motivation, Optimism, Empathy, and Pursue Noble goals. The group showed most development in the two skill areas that they had set themselves as goals. Each individual also increased their own Emotional Intelligence skills in different ways. For example, one participant was successful in obtaining training on a course because she was able to manage her anxiety to attend the training; previously anxiety had stopped h…

Empowering for Life Success: Workforce Training for Individuals Facing Racial or Socio-Economic Barriers Correlated with 24% Increase in Key Life Outcomes

Empowering for Life Success: Workforce Training for Individuals Facing Racial or Socio-Economic Barriers Correlated with 24% Increase in Key Life Outcomes

…tcome of Quality of Life Participants reported a 36.27% increase in Pursue Noble Goals, or connection to purpose Download Full Case Study   Products & Services Delivered EQ Skills SEI – Six Seconds’ Emotional Intelligence Assessment is a validated psychometric tool for measuring emotional intelligence, used with over 250k people worldwide. Read more about SEI   Custom Development To address the organization’s specific needs using Six Seconds’ meth……This two-year study demonstrates the impact of Twin Cities R!SE’ signature Personal Empowerment Training, which teaches emotional intelligence for personal and professional success….

EQ for C&U 22 – Emotional Intelligence in Colleges & Universities Virtual Conference

EQ for C&U 22 – Emotional Intelligence in Colleges & Universities Virtual Conference

…d received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Anabel’s noble goal is, “to use my voice to teach compassion and accountability so that integrity floods the earth.” In late 2010, Dr. Franco left FedEx Express Latin America & Caribbean Division where he managed programs and initiatives in Financial Systems & Controls, Sales Learning & Development, and Leadership Development for 4,000 plus employees based in 50 countries and territ……Emotional intelligence in colleges and universities – 2022 virtual conference. Wellbeing & Resilience | Equity & Belonging | Student Success…

Climate of Emotions Day 3

Climate of Emotions Day 3

…oday’s Co-Create sessions we’ll build connections in support of living our Noble Goals. This same experience repeats 5 times today – seats are limited, so even though they’re free, please only take a seat that you’ll use! 8:00 AM Pacific (world clock) – Keynote 3A [et_pb_text content_tablet=”” content_phone=” CLIMATE of EMOTIONS ” content_last_edited=”on|phone” admin_label=”coe title” _builder_version=”4.7.7″ text_font=”Lato|900|||||||” text_font_……Climate of Emotions Retreat – Day 3 – Regenerative Planning…

Why Telling Your Coaching Clients to “Find Your Purpose” Is Bad Advice

Why Telling Your Coaching Clients to “Find Your Purpose” Is Bad Advice

…t of the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence, which we call Pursue Noble Goals, is that it’s a goal that extends beyond your lifetime. Thinking 50, or even 100 years down the road helps clarify what really matters. Help clients articulate purpose in the context of a long-term perspective. And finally, purpose is about connection, to self and others. Purpose only has staying power when it’s connected to your deeply held values, to who you a……Purpose is essential for thriving, but many people go about it the wrong way. Here are 3 tips to help clients to stop looking for purpose, and start making it….

Lift Every Voice: The Global Forum on SEL & Antiracism

Lift Every Voice: The Global Forum on SEL & Antiracism

…iolence. I’m passionate about solo traveling and social enterprises and my noble goal is to support people discover their inner and outer world with courage and kindness. Polina Kotseva CEO, FUNtazia International LTD, Varna, Bulgaria I’m working for years now in Bulgaria with leaders in education and parents, and develop a strong EQ and SEL community, supporting it by creating several EQ and SEL resources, initiatives, events. Being also a mother……Join social emotional learning (SEL) educators in an online story-sharing experience to weave personal, interpersonal and communal stories to create a collective narrative toward equity. Participate to learn practical frameworks and tools that can build connections across difference….

Learning & the Brain: Neuroscientist Immordino-Yang

Learning & the Brain: Neuroscientist Immordino-Yang

…rain based learning. Dr. Immordino-Yang helps us refocus by looking at the goals of learning we are trying to pursue. What kind of learning, skill and practices do we want students to be capable of doing? This will inform the kind of teaching environment we should create. Mary Helen: The teacher not having the answers? Josh: I was just in China teaching, and one of the things that was super challenging was that, in Six Seconds’ methodology, we foc……At a neurological level, how does the brain actually learn, and what’s the role of emotion? What’s the implication for education and training?…

Emotional Intelligence: A Key to Positive Change

Emotional Intelligence: A Key to Positive Change

…ing of the importance of our emotional selves was a step forward toward my noble goal of helping myself and others to become human beings. We are now seeing that a well developed EQ is an essential preventative solution for many of today’s problems instead of struggling with short-term interventions. It’s Time to Change the Statistics About Children We are at a point where we can effect the devastating statistics I showed you earlier. We now know……In this speech, Six Seconds’ Chairman Karen McCown shares the definition, process, and purpose of teaching emotional intelligence. Karen founded the renown Nueva School in 1967 as a laboratory for integrating academic and emotional development for gifted children (it went on to win two Federal Blue Ribbon Awards for Excellence in Education)….

Woman Conquers Cancer, Inspires Others with EQ

Woman Conquers Cancer, Inspires Others with EQ

…the catalyst for living a more meaningful life, one in which she puts her noble goals front and center. In the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence, pursuing noble goals is the capstone competency, the one that brings all the others together and gives emotional intelligence meaning and relevance. It’s about connecting your overall purpose, what you really want to contribute to the world, with your every day actions. Noble goals are not som……Diagnosed with a rare cancer at 34, Valérie Tettinek has used her exceptional optimism to do something amazing: she’s thriving as a cancer survivor….

Case Study:  Emotional Intelligence for People-First Leadership at FedEx Express

Case Study: Emotional Intelligence for People-First Leadership at FedEx Express

…with a larger sense of purpose (competencies: Increase Empathy and Pursue Noble Goals).[3] Reviewing data from LEGACY in 2009 and 2010, the GLI team identified that a few key EQ competencies were essential to strengthen “bench strength” and build the leaders who will move up the chain. Without revealing confidential details, the FedEx culture has focused on speed — which is a key part of the company’s success. As leaders move up in the organizati……What happens when new managers receive emotional intelligence training? The six-month program is delivering significant improvements in EQ skills — tied to dramatic increases in influence, quality of life, and decision making….

Case: EQ Team in Big Pharma

Case: EQ Team in Big Pharma

…ed “Give Yourself,” includes two competencies: Increase Empathy and Pursue Noble Goals. The assessment provides an overall EQ score plus scores for each of the three macro areas and each of the eight competencies for a total of 12 normative values: From the individuals results we generated a Team Report: GR: Group Report – this profile shows distributions of EQ competencies. It is designed for program planning, and for coaching/training. SEI Group……In one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, a Key Accounts team on the verge of collapse implements a six-month emotional intelligence program; EQ scores increase by 8.9% correlated with double-digit financial growth, high performance evaluations and multiple promotions….

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

…gnizing, connecting with, and appropriately responding to emotions. Pursue Noble Goals: Connecting your daily choices with your overarching sense of purpose. IQ vs. EQ Is EQ more important than IQ? Honestly, it’s the wrong question. These aspects of intelligence need to work together. Emotional intelligence is an enabler of cognitive development. Looking at the fascinating body of neuro-learning research from Mary Helen Immordino Yang and other co……What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence is about being smarter with feelings. More aware. More intentional. More purposeful….

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Healthy Classrooms, Emotional Intelligence, and Brain Research

Healthy Classrooms, Emotional Intelligence, and Brain Research

…ays schools attempt to help students develop the EQ competency of pursuing noble goals. Leadership jobs in an organization also allow students to test and develop their skills in this area. Finally, development of the above EQ competencies creates empathy for others that is necessary for an individual’s healthy emotional development. “Empathy shatters rigid ideologies and destroys stereotypes” (Goleman, 1995). Students who develop the EQ competenc……Research shows social emotional learning improves classroom performance. How does it work & what does brain research show about emotion in learning?…

Newsroom | POP-UP Festival

Newsroom | POP-UP Festival

…actions that will build a better world for Children.” The POP-UP Festival pursues the goal to establish “dialogues and actions that will build a better world for Children.” Press Release This is an editable press release for you to use to promote your own event. Please translate it for your local community and fill in the details for your event. Festival For Children and Emotions Popping Up NAME OF COMPANY is celebrating World Children’s day by p……We’d love to share POP-UP Festival with you to build community and educate children and adults about emotions, wellbeing, and children’s rights. Please contact [email protected] for press….

Six Seconds Student Coaches

Six Seconds Student Coaches

…passion, perfectionism, increasing intrinsic motivation, purpose, defining Noble Goal, and empathy. Rate: $40 per session, free 30-minute consultation call Availability: Pacific time, flexible (8am-6pm) To schedule, email: [email protected] Fiorella Velarde Hi! Welcome to my bio! I am a mother, a friend, a daughter, a psychologist –educator, and a passionate advocate of emotional intelligence to co-create a better world. I will be honored…

How Should Educators Respond to Tragic Events?

How Should Educators Respond to Tragic Events?

…is possible–even as children, they can work toward solutions. 6. PURSUE A NOBLE GOAL–Help students to feel empowered to take action to make a difference in this world. Events such as Newtown and the Boston Marathon bombings often inspire people, including children, to feel even more connected to each other and to work on projects to weave a more peaceful and sustainable world.   A friend of the teacher of Martin Richard, the 8-year old boy kille…

Wellbeing Threats & Performance: Global EQ Data

Wellbeing Threats & Performance: Global EQ Data

…ay be seeking meaning, it’s Boomers who have the highest scores on “Pursue Noble Goals.” Geography: There are major differences in EQ strengths and Brain Styles among the world regions. These insights can help us understand one another and work in a globalizing world. For example, the Middle East is the most “balanced” in terms of EQ competencies. Europe has the highest in “Engage Intrinsic Motivation.” Despite economic challenges, Latin America h……Five powerful insights from the world’s largest study on emotional intelligence shows keys to wellbeing, gender differences, and how we might finally understand changing generations….

Skills of high performing leaders? (#16)

Skills of high performing leaders? (#16)

…predicts Personal Performance; Key factors are competencies called Pursue Noble Goal, Engage Intrinsic Motivation, and Exercise Optimism (R2 from .2 to .46). In the Brain Talents, Resilience is the highest predictor; R2=.46 Do any of these surprise you? What can you do with this data? Avril In conclusion — what’s one key take away from the new research? This research connects the dots – leadership outcomes are at tip of the iceberg. The leadershi……People interested in EQ know that emotional intelligence is essential for leadership — but how, exactly, are they linked? We’ll unveil new research showing, for the first time, how specific EQ skills and leadership capabilities are linked… revealing a path to grow stronger leadership that WORKS in the current times….

Leading Your Team Through Change

Leading Your Team Through Change

…heir feet with dark circles under their eyes? Teamwork is collaborating to pursue a goal; it requires a sense of shared purpose and belonging. Do you team members feel connected and supported by one another – like allies who are fully committed to their shared work? Or is it more of a group of people who happen to all work for you? Execution is the ability to achieve strategic results by implementing effective tactics. Do your team members perceiv……When facing challenges leading team change, increasing trust, vitality and purpose are key factors to success….

But You’re Wrong! 5 Ways Not to Talk About Political Differences – And What To Do Instead

But You’re Wrong! 5 Ways Not to Talk About Political Differences – And What To Do Instead

…eve that they’re unaware that they need to do their homework? So what’s my goal? My goal is to help raise a healthy well-adjusted adult. Then the question is, ‘Is this approach getting us there?’ It’s clearly not, but we keep doing it because there’s really a different goal that’s driving us. It may be I want to make sure that people don’t think I’m a bad parent. It may be that I want to have control. I feel out of control because this kid’s growi……How often do you engage with “the other side” of an issue? It’s hard, especially in today’s climate. Bret Wells shares 5 tips to have difficult conversations with emotional intelligence….

Stick with It! 4 Tips for Tenacity: EQ Educator News

Stick with It! 4 Tips for Tenacity: EQ Educator News

…eps you going after everyone else has quit? If you don’t already know your Noble Goal pay attention to what is the impact you want to make in the world? Are your smaller actions and priorities in alignment with your Noble Goal? ” content_phone=” 🟢 TRY IT YOURSELF: 4 Tips for Tenacity Have a team– surround yourself with people who are supportive AND challenging. We don’t make progress if everyone agrees with us all the time. Look for sparring partn……Feel like giving up sometimes? You’re not alone. Being an educator can be overwhelming. But we can develop tenacity to stick with it – and help our students do the same….

Voices from the Network : Pamela Chng & Suyin Tay

Voices from the Network : Pamela Chng & Suyin Tay

…ve back and help solve problems and help people%22 Learn about Six Seconds Noble Goals→ Her “Don’t Miss This” Six Seconds tools & courses: The Leadership Reports Meet Suyin Tay LinkedIn→ Professional achievements: Suyin Tay is Assistant Director at the Bettr Academy, where she also drives the EQ Curriculum and programmatic strategies. Over the past decade, her work in the Asia-Pacific region includes serving as a curriculum design consultant at Mc……Today we talk to Pamela Chng and Suyin Tay, two social entrepreneurs based in Singapore who run Bettr Coffee, and its nonprofit affiliate, Bettr Lives, a Six Seconds Preferred Partner….

Four Steps to A More Intentional Life

Four Steps to A More Intentional Life

…s of overwhelm led her to practice her Noble Goal more deeply. Heidi Day’s noble goal is “to help people find their tears so they can heal,” and her difficult year gave her the opportunity to turn her noble goal inward. “I realized that 2017 was really about getting in touch with my tears afresh. As I create my own journey of healing, I can be renewed in how to support others as they find their tears and heal as well.”   Navigating her emotions of……A life coach shares her approach to practicing a life full of vision, meaning, and treasure hunts….

The Secret to a Long Life?

The Secret to a Long Life?

…inding and following your life’s purpose is the competency called pursuing noble goals. Pursuing noble goals is about discovering your bigger purpose, and then making it part of your life – connecting your daily actions to that bigger purpose. We’ve found through experience that it infuses even the smallest actions with relevance and meaning. And according to this research, it can also help you live longer. So what’s your purpose? If you already k……A recent study found that having a life purpose significantly decreased a person’s risk of dying, even more so than typical health risks like drinking, smoking or not exercising regularly. So what’s your purpose?…

Evolve Consulting

Evolve Consulting

…tegic tools and resources for the development of our business. What’s your Noble Goal? Our noble goal is helping people developing awareness and understanding that they really can make the difference in their life with a new attitude. We also think that it is very important to keep working on ourselves so that we can be an example for our clients. We really want to be what we are teaching people to be! We know how important it is to develop EQ bas……In an increasingly complex, competitive and constantly evolving scenario, companies are required to make an enormous effort to enhance their human resources by strengthening their socio-emotional skills, considered strategic in the fourth industrial revolution….

Best Generation for EQ?

Best Generation for EQ?

…o focus on purpose at an earlier age. The same dataset found that pursuing noble goals predicted 62% of the variation in good decision making, which undoubtedly contributed to the older generation’s higher decision making scores. Long-term thinking tends to lead to better decisions than short-term thinking. It’s like a GPS for life. If you know where you want to end up (what you want to contribute / change in the world), that can be used as a guid……Newest research looks at EQ generational differences plus the strengths and weaknesses of each age….

Collaboration at Work: The 5 Essentials

Collaboration at Work: The 5 Essentials

…and impossible goals demoralize people. Plus, to truly motivate, the team goals have to be aligned with meaningful goals that engage people’s intrinsic motivation – more on this below. How to implement with emotional intelligence: Understand the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, and apply these 3 tips for engaging intrinsic motivation, which will fuel sustainable high performance. Practice clear, accountable communication to……5 questions that predict how well teams connect, create and collaborate – and emotional intelligence tips to implement them with your team…

Voices from the Network: Liliana Rodríguez

Voices from the Network: Liliana Rodríguez

…d adults outside her home as well. Growing healthy communities with EQ “My Noble Goal,” Liliana says, “is to serve others. When I know I can help others, I feel at ease.%22 With Six Seconds and emotional intelligence she found the perfect tools to help others grow and develop in meaningful ways. She’s hosted POP-UP Festivals – community events with free, playful, meaningful activities to help kids grow their emotional intelligence – and other EQ w……This month we’re sharing the story of Liliana Rodríguez, an emotional intelligence consultant and coach based in Monterrey, Mexico….

White Paper: Emotional Intelligence and Success

White Paper: Emotional Intelligence and Success

…Intelligence The other key contributors are “Increase Empathy” and “Pursue Noble Goals” — which are in the “Give Yourself” part of the Six Seconds Model. As Harvard Business School’s Clayton Christiansen has written, true success requires looking outside ourselves. This finding suggests that the highest success in life requires connections with others, and the application of emotional intelligence skills toward a meaningful purpose. For further de…

Columbia Teachers College

Columbia Teachers College

…ol leaders. Today, Columbia Teachers College continues to follow this multidisciplinary approach, and the The EQ Educator Institute is a natural fit to pursue TC’s goals of social justice and a holistic education for all students….…Integrating emotional intelligence into educational leadership in a transformational graduate program, and for effective implementation of social emotional learning…

Why ‘I Have to Change’ is a Coaching Red Flag – 3 Solutions from Emotional Intelligence

Why ‘I Have to Change’ is a Coaching Red Flag – 3 Solutions from Emotional Intelligence

…ect the present choices to longer term – this is about what we call Pursue Noble Goals: “What is it you really want?” “If you look back on this in 5 years, who do you want to be in this situation?” Once the vision of change is clear and we see the value, the next step is to figure out how. In this stage we make plans and build momentum toward action. It’s about moving from awareness to commitment. If we’ve decided (in 2) that it’s worthwhile, we s……When a coaching client says, ‘I have to change’ it raises a crucial question: Who’s driving the change process? Here’s a new way of using the Prochaska & DiClemente Stages of Change model and coaching strategies to make change more effective….

Leadership & Emotional Intelligence in Middle East

Leadership & Emotional Intelligence in Middle East

…rection area, called “Give Yourself,” includes Increase Empathy and Pursue Noble Goals. The assessment provides an overall EQ score, scores for each of the three macro areas, and scores for each of the eight competencies for a total of 12 normative values. Performance The Performance scale was developed from a questionnaire Six Seconds has used for previous research[2] and expanded for the purposes of this study. Using a 5-point Likert scale respo……How important is emotional intelligence in a hard-driving business environment of the UAE? A study with leaders at Dubai Knowledge Village says: EQ is essential….

What, How, Why: Transforming with EQ

What, How, Why: Transforming with EQ

…ntelligence is unique in that we’ve identified a competency called “Pursue Noble Goals” as part of emotional intelligence. When we are totally clear about our purpose, and we put that in action, we’re able to transform our own and others’ emotions in a profound way. I’ve found that fear of not being accepted causes me to emphasize the “practical” and “businesslike” aspects of my work. So, if I take Simon’s advice and put the WHY first, it will com…

Research: Growing an Emotionally Intelligent School

Research: Growing an Emotionally Intelligent School

…rcise Optimism, Enhance Intrinsic Motivation, Increase Empathy, and Pursue Noble Goals. The Six Seconds’ EQ Model serves as the basis for the development of social and emotional skills, referred to as EQ competencies, in both children and adults, and is a central focus of formal instruction, as well as informal coaching and classroom management at the school described in this study. SEL, short for Social Emotional Learning, is the process through……What does research show about using assessments to guide effective implementation of social emotional learning? Here are highlights from a new journal article….

EQ Coaching: When Clients Score ‘Too High’

EQ Coaching: When Clients Score ‘Too High’

…of possibility (high Exercise Optimism) vision of the future (high Pursue Noble Goals) yet challenged to see their own behavior (lower Recognize Patterns) struggles with harnessing emotions (lower Navigate Emotions) and some difficulty connecting (lower Increase Empathy). A coach would explore these possibilities with the client, and most likely, find fertile ground for coaching quickly. Particularly since the SEI is linked to real-life outcomes……How do coaches effectively work with clients when ‘everything is fine’? 10 strengths-based EQ strategies….