Is It Possible to Change? 5 Tips from Emergent Strategy Where Climate Justice and Social Justice Meet

Is It Possible to Change? 5 Tips from Emergent Strategy Where Climate Justice and Social Justice Meet

…n have. Find it. Never a failure, always a lesson Trust the People (If you trust the people, they become trustworthy) Move at the speed of trust Focus on critical connections more than critical mass—build the resilience by building the relationships Less prep, more presence What you pay attention to grows If ALL change starts on the inside… then what’s our inner work toward a just and thriving future? Click to tweet the fractal nature of change me……Facing vast challenges, it’s easy to lose optimism. Yet new research says it’s the key to change. How do we renew this resource? The combination of emotional intelligence and Emergent Strategy offers a path…

7 Emotional Intelligence Facts: Take the Quiz and Get Practical Tips to Apply Today

7 Emotional Intelligence Facts: Take the Quiz and Get Practical Tips to Apply Today

…as other positive effects, naming others’ emotions increases interpersonal trust, per research published in ScienceDirect. One important caveat: Mislabeling emotions has the opposite effect in terms of trust, so be careful to observe and make sure before verbalizing other’s emotions (eg if someone is feeling sad, saying, “You seem so happy!” = dissonance) For more on trust, read Josh’s 3-part series on how to assess it, request it, and earn it.  ……Test your knowledge of emotional intelligence and gain key insights to bring EQ to life at home and at work…

3 Surprising Elements Fueled Top Performing Teams During COVID-19 Pandemic

3 Surprising Elements Fueled Top Performing Teams During COVID-19 Pandemic

…imagine that a joy-filled team offers its members something essential.” 2. Trust is at the heart of performance. The study found that TRUST predicted 72.53% of the variance in performance outcomes among individual team members – the highest of any of the 5 drivers in the Vital Signs model used in this research. This confirms research at Google about what fueled its top performing teams: psychological safety, or trust, is essential.     3. The key……New research reveals key drivers of top teams globally. Learn the 3 elements and download the full report today….

Revitalizing School Community

Revitalizing School Community

…would not confide in me, would not ask for my opinion, and advice. Without trust they would not partner with me. Trust is about integrity. I began by keeping score on myself, asking: Do your actions reflect your stated beliefs? Do you listen without interrupting? Do you focus on them specifically without being distracted by ringing phones, etc.? Do you attempt to diagnose the problem and offer a solution before they have identified all of the fact……How do schools become vibrant, joyful, inclusive communities? School leaders intentionally build them with teachers, students and family collaboration….

Climate of Emotions 2020

Climate of Emotions 2020

…ss as usual on climate change. I am also a plaintiff on the Our Children’s Trust Youth v. Government lawsuit in my home state of Washington, suing my state for their active worsening of the climate crisis. With my activism, I strive to center the voices of youth on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and make sure that the climate crisis is tackled in an intersectional way that doesn’t leave underprivileged people behind. My identity as a queer……Archive of 2020: Join young climate activists, scientists, and emotions experts from around the globe in Climate of Emotions: the free online conference about emotions, climate change, and youth….

Transformational Leadership Qualities with Emotional Intelligence

Transformational Leadership Qualities with Emotional Intelligence

…it done.   3 Top Transformational Leadership Qualities Using EQ #3. Build Trust 3 Tips for Leaders to Increase Trust #2. Listen Well Active Listening as a Leader: 4 Ways to Use Emotional Intelligence To Listen Well #1. Lead on Purpose Leaders Worth Following Top Articles: Emotional Intelligence for Transformational Leadership Three Essential Skills for High Performing Leaders Daniel Goleman on The Neural Power of Leadership 5 tips: Using EQ to Bu……Managing people has never been this hard – and at the same time, leaders have a unique opportunity to increase autonomy and engagement like never before….

Maintaining People-First Leadership at Quad Graphics

Maintaining People-First Leadership at Quad Graphics

…ong work relationships as a means to break down walls and build & maintain trust. As the company has grown and evolved, they recognized the need to introduce an emotional intelligence program so leaders can continue to work through people and live the company values. Solution: QG partnered with Six Seconds to support the ongoing development of EQ. Utilizing the SEI, the world’s leading emotional intelligence assessment, the company provided senior……How does emotional intelligence training fit in a fast-paced, industrial setting? At Quad Graphics, it’s how leadership stays committed to the company’s founding values….

EmotionAI Conference 2020

EmotionAI Conference 2020

…technologies to solve real problems faced by real people. His latest book, Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High Performance Companies, uses neuroscience to measure and manage organizational cultures to inspire teamwork and accelerate business outcomes. His 2012 book, The Moral Molecule: The Source of Love and Prosperity, recounted his unlikely discovery of the neurochemical oxytocin as the key driver of trust, love, and morality that disting……The virtual conference at the intersection of emotions & technology – are we we undermining our own humanity or flourishing? How do we get more of the latter?…

Case Study: EQ in the Navy and Marine Corps

Case Study: EQ in the Navy and Marine Corps

…“The Six Seconds Pause” (another look at the neuroscience of reactions); “Trust Traps” (a process for understanding trust as an emotional response and the drivers of trust); “Emotional Algebra” (an approach to integrating feelings into effective decision-making); and “Finding North” (a process for linking change to purpose).   Results: The initial pilot was met with significant acclaim. One participant, Dr. Albert Hill, wrote: “As I see it, train…

EQuip Sales Profile

EQuip Sales Profile

…ip Sales Profile measures what matters in sales, in real time. Connection, trust, and influence are the building blocks of sales performance. Your top performers are going to be those who connect well with prospects, know how to build trust effectively, and apply influence in the right way at the right time. In a simple yet powerful format, the EQuip Sales Profile measures a person’s ability to connect and influence others for desired outcomes. Th……Measures what matters to grow sales. The EQuip Sales Profile provides real-time data and a framework for growth toward peak sales performance….

Emotional Intelligence at Work: 7 Principles to Rewrite the Unwritten Rules of Expressing Emotions

Emotional Intelligence at Work: 7 Principles to Rewrite the Unwritten Rules of Expressing Emotions

…s experiences so they feel validated and heard. Authentic listening builds trust, and our research has found repeatedly that trust is at the center of high performance. Make room for all feelings, even uncomfortable ones. Concealing unpleasant feelings beneath a veil of positivity doesn’t make those feelings go away. It often makes them more intense and likely to be expressed in indirect, unhealthy ways. Plus emotions are just messages from oursel……An organization’s emotional culture influences employee satisfaction, burnout and the bottom line. Is it time to rethink your rules?…

Workplace Vitality Research: Trends in Leadership

Workplace Vitality Research: Trends in Leadership

…Vitality Report This report is available by filling in the form below When trust in the workplace is high, it is 27x as likely to be high performing. When emotional intelligence is a priority, organizations are 22x as likely to be high performing. Top issues at work: 1. People Leadership Poor leadership/management creating lack of communication, little change, and low trust. 2. Great Resources People don’t have the time, or enough employees on the……What are the key challenges people face at work? How are organizations building the capacity to address these challenges? We began the study in 2007 (originally called the Workplace Issues Report) to understand how leaders were perceiving the people-side of their work — and the role emotional intelligence place in performance….

How to Understand People: Ask, Listen, and Get Real

How to Understand People: Ask, Listen, and Get Real

trusting relationship; ask questions that are appropriate to the level of trust… or trust plus one, by which I mean pushing the boundary and asking a slightly more serious question than yesterday’s question. Also, make sure there’s sufficient privacy and time for the seriousness of the question. Pull someone aside, go for a walk, sit side-by-side, make a space. Speed: More serious conversations take longer. Find five minutes for a five-minute-lev……Do you want to know how to understand people more easily? A starting point is a wide-spread lie we tell others — and ourselves. Here’s how to connect on a deeper level….

How Much Is Low Emotional Intelligence Costing Your Organization?

How Much Is Low Emotional Intelligence Costing Your Organization?

…f what this looks like? Words or actions that undermined collaboration, or trust? This is the norm, unfortunately. And it’s an expensive norm. How expensive? How to Measure the Costs of Low Emotional Intelligence Rather than trying to measure the costs of specific actions – say, a manager’s words or actions in a meeting – it’s easier to measure the cost of low emotional intelligence by the outcomes that data shows us to be correlated with it. For……Low emotional intelligence ultimately results in lost productivity, higher turnover, and lower revenue. Here’s how to break the cycle….

What Most People Get Wrong About Joy (do you?)

What Most People Get Wrong About Joy (do you?)

…l energy? Three EQ Coach Tips for Joy Grow trust. As the new report shows, trust is the top predictor of overall team performance. When people feel safe, they can engage in the next two tips. Trust grows from care, consistency & competence. Show clients you care, show up over and over, and do your work well – remember trust is something people feel, and that you co-create over time. Remove the blockers. It may be that joy is always there, waiting……Breaking research on joy as a driver of performance — what’s the implication for professional coaching?…

Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions: Feelings Wheel

Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions: Feelings Wheel

…prise. Physiology: Examine closely vs jump back Disgust is the opposite of trust. Physiology: Reject vs embrace     Combinations: The emotions with no color represent an emotion that is a mix of the 2 primary emotions. For example, anticipation and joy combine to be optimism. Joy and trust combine to be love. Emotions are often complex, and being able to recognize when a feeling is actually a combination of two or more distinct feelings is a helpf……Make sense of emotions with this interactive feelings wheel. Robert Plutchik’s wheel of emotions explained – guide & free download…

How to Lead People in a VUCA World: Siemens Case

How to Lead People in a VUCA World: Siemens Case

…here has been a considerable positive impact in the level of sincerity and trust in the team.” How EQ builds value – Siemens Healthineers case study: Equipped managers with tools more emotional intelligence to dealing with the VUCA world. They connect better. Build trust. Step forward on purpose. Win. Click to tweet About the Authors Paul Stillman Ph.D., is Director of Organizational Vitality at Six Seconds. He has over 30 years of experience as a……How did an EQ intervention create a 139% increase in the number of highly engaged managers and a 46% increase in engagement scores overall in a (VUCA) context?…

3 Practical Management Tips to Bring Out People’s Best in 2023

3 Practical Management Tips to Bring Out People’s Best in 2023

…ason – you send a powerful message: Everyone here matters. This raises the trust level of not only your quieter team members, but of everyone- and trust and safety is the foundation of sustainable high performance. Second, model exceptional listening. Listening is more important and deeply connected to people’s basic emotional needs than most leaders recognize. It’s the fragile glass ball we drop when we’re juggling too much, but it really shouldn……Put emotional intelligence into action and be the leader that people want to follow….

Case: Safety & Quality in Chemical Manufacturing

Case: Safety & Quality in Chemical Manufacturing

…ty risks that could easily become dangerous. When there is a culture of mistrust, and when managers use punitive actions are used as a means of “reinforcement and motivation,” near-miss reporting tends to be viewed as a “got-cha” by employees, and they under-report. The following graph shows how many hours passed without a “near miss” (in red) improving over time — and the reporting of “near miss” incidents (in blue) increasing. Coupled with the d…

Leading a Hybrid Workforce: What Google, Microsoft & Spotify Can Teach Managers About Emotional Intelligence for The Future of Work

Leading a Hybrid Workforce: What Google, Microsoft & Spotify Can Teach Managers About Emotional Intelligence for The Future of Work

…a neurobiological nudge to connect to get support, but in a context of low trust, people will isolate instead. That disconnection effect is shown in the Steelcase research mentioned above. In turn, the disconnection leads people to feel even more overwhelmed due to a lack of support. Business leaders often consider stress as a necessary evil or peripheral factor that can be ignored — but in the upcoming changes, it will prove to be central to Hybr……New research: The hybrid workplace is here. Do we have the emotional intelligence skills to make it work?…

Middle School Climate & Learning – AERA research

Middle School Climate & Learning – AERA research

…Engaged, 25% Disengaged, 50% Neutral. In the infographic, as shown above, Trust is the most important among all the five drivers. Trust dropped 12.7% between Elementary and Middle School. Fill in the form below to get the full Infographic and Research Summary.   Adults & Students Contrasting Views Another interesting finding: Adults perceive school climate differently than students. Analyzing the scores, we saw that in Middle school the gap is 7….…New research is shedding light on what middle schoolers are feeling about school and learning — and what makes social emotional learning (SEL) effective for young adolescents. They crave authenticity and connection, but are not finding these at school….

Emotional Intelligence Tests & Measures

Emotional Intelligence Tests & Measures

…o understand trust and provides actionable tips to improve your ability to trust, be trusted, and leverage trust to build healthy relationships. Read More EQPlus Motivation Profile What’s driving your motivation? EQPlus® Motivation Profile provides profound insight on how you motivate yourself now, and how you build more energy to get the results you’re looking to achieve. Read More The SEQ Toolset | Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence The SEQ To……Six Seconds publishes robust, effective assessments to measure what matters — plus a deep bench of curriculum and learning aids that work with the tools. We’ve created two lines of assessments that make the invisible, visible: SEI and VS….

Parenting with Emotional Intelligence

Parenting with Emotional Intelligence

…→ Parenting Resources

10 Simple Ways to Build Trust as a Parent LEARN MORE → [et_pb_text cont……Emotional intelligence is the missing link, a set of skills that let parents and children connect, build trust, and thrive. Six Seconds offers a practical, powerful, and inspiring framework for parents….

EQFIT Sales Profile

EQFIT Sales Profile

…T® Sales Profile measures what matters in sales, in real time. Connection, trust, and influence are the building blocks of sales performance. Your top performers are going to be those who connect well with prospects, know how to build trust effectively, and apply influence in the right way at the right time. In a simple yet powerful format, the EQFIT® Sales Profile measures a person’s ability to connect and influence others for desired outcomes. T……Measures what matters to grow sales. The EQFIT Sales Profile provides real-time data and a framework for growth toward peak sales performance….

Certifications | Testimonials

Certifications | Testimonials

…ght on my path Kristin, Treatment Center Director This course taught me to trust in those things that have always meant a great deal to me and to trust in myself to know that although the path ahead maybe long and sometimes hard, their can be as much support, help and collaboration getting down the path as you want. I have so much more help that, yes, I can make a difference.If you want to begin to apply your passion, but don’t know how, then take……What do our clients say about Six Seconds? Collected testimonials about our emotional intelligence training, assessments and community….

EQ Education News: Am I Doing This All Wrong? 5 Tips for Parenting Shy Kids

EQ Education News: Am I Doing This All Wrong? 5 Tips for Parenting Shy Kids

…ing fear — as well as some anticipation. It also probably includes some distrust in self, or maybe putting too much trust or giving others too much power.” Why do parents feel self conscious about having a shy child? Perhaps because we’re living in an “extrovert focused society” that values confidence and pushes kids into being more outgoing. It’s hard to remember, but this is not about you. So much of parenting is about worrying that your kid is……Emotional intelligence skills are learnable at any age. In this month’s newsletter we explore the emotion Shy among children…

The New Energy Crisis – People at Work (or Not)

The New Energy Crisis – People at Work (or Not)

…llars. ” content_phone=” Do you want people to follow you out of fear – or trust? The human brain is Not a Fan of uncertainty; we treat it as danger – and one of the most common reactions is attempting to control. You can see it as some senior leaders create ‘back to work’ mandates or call for ‘get back to the grind.’ And that reactive, controlling stance is a recipe for failure that comes from a common confusion: Motivation and compliance are not……The brutal fact: People are disengaging because companies are failing their people. How can companies do better?…

What’s Wrong with Empathy? EQ Coaching for Leadership

What’s Wrong with Empathy? EQ Coaching for Leadership

…grow. Coach thyself, from you, for you: Listen. Believe in me. Encourage. Trust. That’s what we find in the crossroads when coaching, leadership, and empathy meet. How do * leaders bring out the best? Over & over answers are rooted in empathy eg Listen. Believe in me. Encourage. Trust. How about for u? Click to tweet How does this land for you as a coach? Please share a comment below! And, if you have questions you’d like me to explore in a futur……What does ‘strong leadership’ mean today? It turns out, (the right kind of) empathy & coaching are at the heart of how leaders ACTUALLY create impact….

EQ Coaching for a Vibrant Future: 5 Essentials

EQ Coaching for a Vibrant Future: 5 Essentials

…in 20 minutes. This sounds impossible in the beginning but when the coach trusts the system and embeds themselves in the coaching genuinely, miracles happen. – Irene Riad The basis of coaching is a trustworthy relationship. What skills do coaches need to build stronger connections? Click to tweet   5. Relationships Rule Relationships drive successful coach/client work. EQ is essential to helping clients reach their professional and personal goals……What makes personal and executive coaching work best? We interviewed five coaches from around the world, here are their essential recommendations….

Decoding Emotions

Decoding Emotions

…ms Anticipation To look forward and plan Joy To remind us what’s important Trust To connect with people who help Fear To protect us from danger Surprise To focus us on new situations Sadness To connect us with those we love Disgust To reject what is unhealthy You could draw the box with the eight bottles and decide the look and color of each emotion. What color is Anger? How about Joy? What are their bottles like? I imagine joy is in very sparkly…

Negotiating Conflict with Emotional Intelligence

Negotiating Conflict with Emotional Intelligence

…. There’s actually an emotion chemical called oxytocin that’s the basis of trust — and a feeling of caring. When we’re working toward a shared purpose that we all care about, trust is likely to grow. To solve conflict, get on the same side of the issue. What is the shared goal? Click to tweet     4. Listen Think of the cliché used car salesman who talks a mile a minute trying to convince you… do the opposite. The “first rule of emotional intellige……Want to “win” the argument? Negotiate conflict effectively by adding emotional intelligence in this simple 4-step process: Get REAL solutions!…

Voices from the Network: Anke Breternitz

Voices from the Network: Anke Breternitz

…to craft a vision. Anke says that in this process, they are also building trust in themselves and seeing where to build more trust in the future. She shared that once the client has come up with their first version of the Noble Goal you can already tell by their face and body language their satisfaction and ease, as they find themselves with a compass, a polar star giving them a direction to follow, and they can do some step everyday towards that……Connecting with purpose fuels Anke. Helping others clarify purpose deeply aligns with her Noble Goal of inspiring people to connect and collaborate to reach their full potential. She explains “using EQ we are helping people to connect with themselves, which is EQ’s biggest power: the change you can bring in this world.”…

Case: Doubling Down on EQ Culture at ServRx

Case: Doubling Down on EQ Culture at ServRx

…culture that they wanted instead. They made a list, and key words emerged: Trust. Teamwork. Engagement. Family-oriented. Efficient. To build a thriving enterprise, what is the culture you need? In one tweet. Click to tweet Key ROI on emotional intelligence: Shared vocab to talk about what matters Click to tweet The Skills for Positive Climate Brain Styles, a SEI Brain Profile, distill how each person has learned to use their emotional intelligence……It’s “the classic problem” of a successful startup: The company was growing, but the culture was not. Here’s how they used EQ to double their employee engagement and increase net profit by 110%….

Empathy Is the Future of Work

Empathy Is the Future of Work

…ose fields, too. Good lawyers will become like legal therapists – creating trust with clients and helping solve their problems, rather than simply writing briefs and doing research. Doctors will be sought after based on how they interact with patients, rather than how well they know the latest treatment protocols. Successful programmers won’t just be isolated geniuses pecking out lines of code; they’ll be people who can lead teams, think strategic……As AI replaces knowledge workers across industries, social and emotional skills will be what separates the top performers…

Voices from the Network: Marcelo Alvisi De Paula

Voices from the Network: Marcelo Alvisi De Paula

…onesty and reasonable risk taking. At the heart of psychological safety is trust, which Six Seconds’ 2017 Vitality Report found that predicts a whopping 62% of performance < For a macro look at trust in organizations and its impact on performance, check out this research summary > (continues below…) ” content_last_edited=”on|desktop” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Montserrat||||||||” header_2_font=”Montserrat|300||……In this month’s Voices from the Network, we talk to Marcelo Alvisi De Paula, a senior business leader who teaches emotional intelligence….

The 3 Characteristics Leaders Are Remembered By

The 3 Characteristics Leaders Are Remembered By

…ist – and this article takes you through a process for doing exactly that. Trustworthiness – Building trust is both highly challenging and incredibly rewarding. To start the process of building trust, check out the 4Cs and and practice making them more visible. If you want to really dive deep, I’d recommend the SEI Leadership Report or SEI 360 assessments. The 360 is a multi-rater feedback tool that gives you a clear sense of how you are coming ac……We’ve done trainings all over the world, and people consistently describe exceptional leaders with a similar set of adjectives. What are they, and would you be described that way?…

The Motivation Iceberg: 3 Tips to Unleash Motivation

The Motivation Iceberg: 3 Tips to Unleash Motivation

…or customers. To innovate new solution. To give their all. To trust and be trustworthy. To show up and do their best in the middle of a pandemic… to do their best even when no one is watching.   Basic work can be done without any particular human spark (and is easily automated); people do it because they need a paycheck. But when we want to influence knowledge/creative work, it’s not just a “behavior” we need, but a quality… heart… passion… someth……How do you use emotional intelligence to fuel lasting motivation? The Motivation Iceberg is a simple, clear model for understanding how to motivate – even in WFH during a pandemic….

Talk About Great Leaders: Contexts for Performance

Talk About Great Leaders: Contexts for Performance

…ction. Mentoring behavior. Take care of management issues, with integrity; trustworthy. Happily lead the group, create process to deal with important issues. Provide ideas, vision. Maintain relationships, create caring culture. Create a positive team with goals, drive, passion. Create excellent emotional interactions, client focused. Make solutions, keep focus. Encourage ideas, care as a leader lead so everyone cares. Talk, ask questions, be aware……Research: What are the 3 key qualities that distinguish great leaders from good? What if you could “peek inside” the relationships of thousands of high performing leaders – what sets the best leaders apart?…

Active Listening as a Leader: 4 Ways to Use Emotional Intelligence To Listen Well

Active Listening as a Leader: 4 Ways to Use Emotional Intelligence To Listen Well

…attending to the meaning. What’s underneath? As Lea Brovedani describes in TRUSTED, leaders who listen stop what they’re doing. They close their computers. They move to a new chair. They give their attention. This makes listening into a literal moment of investment in the relationship. An investment in trust. In her chapter on empathy in Leader as a Mensch, Bruna Martinuzzi provides several tips for listening, including: “Don’t interrupt people. D……Exceptional leaders have mastered the art of deep, active listening. Here are 4 practical tips to use emotional intelligence to listen well….

How to Choose an Emotional Intelligence Test: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Choose an Emotional Intelligence Test: A Beginner’s Guide

…es include emotional awareness, emotional expression, resilience, outlook, trust, and personal power. It also has four outcome scales to show the benefit of increasing the first 14. The EQ Map includes an interpretation guide booklet. There is an online version now, but we are not familiar with this version. Purpose: We recommend EQ Map for people interested in developing their own abilities and for workplace teams seeking more effective ways of w……Which emotional intelligence test is best? It depends on your needs and goals; here is an objective-ish review of leading tools with links for more information….