Benchmarks for an EQ School

Benchmarks for an EQ School

…ble in school. Development and annual review of policies to support an “EQ community” including Communication Policy, Conflict Resolution / Problem-Solving Policy, Decision-making process/criteria. Intentionally bring EQ into every meeting by starting with a check-in or brief EQ exercise. Teachers-as-SEL-researchers finding and sharing best practices through writing, speaking, blog posts, education events. Annual EQ retreat for board to experience……To effectively implement social emotional learning, and teach the essential skills of emotional intelligence, Six Seconds has identified best practices in three key “strands.”…

The Uphill Path to Growth: Vision as a Catalyst

The Uphill Path to Growth: Vision as a Catalyst

…orld. EQ Ambassadors & Advisory Board We invite very active members of our community to become advocates building new alliances as EQ Ambassadors. These leaders are looking for more alliances we can make with organizations so we can multiply Six Seconds’ work around the globe. Can We have a Billion People at my Party? “For my 100th birthday,” Anabel joked, “I want a billion people to come celebrate that they are practicing EQ,” and she playfully p……When Six Seconds adopted the vision to reach a billion people by 2039, we faced some challenging choices. Here’s how we made the decision, and what’s happened as a result….

Still Feeling Stuck? 4 Insights on EQ & Innovation

Still Feeling Stuck? 4 Insights on EQ & Innovation

…zations already sell some product or service, and they don’t want to start completely over. It’s about taking what exists and building on it or expanding it in creative new ways. No one has done this better than the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Check out Marvel’s 3-step model of innovation for a framework of how to innovate within an existing business model.……From tips to cultivate a climate of safe risk taking to ideas to apply the latest neuroscience of creativity, here are 4 key insights on emotional intelligence and innovation….

Goals, Purpose and Meaning: What’s the Difference?

Goals, Purpose and Meaning: What’s the Difference?

…rpose you do what needs to be done… in a way that is significant… so that the world is a better place. Click to tweet Articles you may like If you like this blog post, you may also like these articles:……Goals, purpose and meaning are often used interchangeably, but there are key differences between these concepts. Understanding how they differ can help us create alignment between what we do, why, and the impact we want to have….

5 Questions to Develop Your Empathy: Increase Empathy for Success in 2023

5 Questions to Develop Your Empathy: Increase Empathy for Success in 2023

…telligence In the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence, there are 8 competencies, and Increase Empathy is one of those competencies. This model has been used for over 25 years as a way to measure and improve emotional intelligence. Check out the video or this page to learn more: You may also like… https:……Empathy is crucial to developing healthy relationships with yourself and others. These 5 questions can help you take your empathy to the next level….

21 EQ Resources for Emotional Wellbeing for COVID

21 EQ Resources for Emotional Wellbeing for COVID

…high. Here’s a quick insight into the neuroscience of stress and why we become so volatile. When fear rises, we tend to get into short-term thinking. Yet it’s times of great challenge when our essence becomes more clear. Hope & Optimism Resources for COVID-19 Optimism is more essential than ever when we’re facing big challenges. Martin Seligman’s 3 Ps offer a simple framework to test your mindset. 3 Habits to Maintain Hope in the Face of Adversit……In the storms of volatility fueled by COVID-19 news, both real and sensational, how do we maintain equilibrium? Collected resources on emotional intelligence to help….

What Can COVID-19 Teach Us About Climate Crisis?

What Can COVID-19 Teach Us About Climate Crisis?

…ey.” Juan Carlos Monterrey Gomez, Founder, Climate Resilient Takeaway #2: Taking inspired action on climate change starts with intentional choice “Be curious about what’s inside of you without shame. See these feelings as your connection to the world. Think of eco-anxiety as eco-empathy, and decide to use emotions for good instead of letting your feelings overrun and use you.” Britt Way, PhD, Autho……The pandemic is teaching us powerful lessons about emotions, change, and preparing for the future. Can pain and anxiety fuel positive change?…

What’s Wrong with Self-Help?

What’s Wrong with Self-Help?

…ence/topics/purpose/ Want to make self-help a force for good, not only for yourself but for others, too? Shift to long-term thinking, and identify a purpose that goes beyond your wants and needs. Click to tweet Best of luck with your self-improvement journey, and let us know in the comments or on social media if you found any one of these comments or questions to be particularly helpful! You may also like………Self-help can be a force for good, but there are pitfalls. Here are 3 questions to ask yourself to get the most out of self-help….

7 Tips + Resources to Build Emotional Intelligence

7 Tips + Resources to Build Emotional Intelligence

…ns and other tips for beginning to recognize them in this video: 3. The Rule of 3. The ability to exercise optimism is one of the core EQ skills in the Six Seconds Model of EQ. But exercising optimism is not simply wishing for the best. It’s not passive. It’s a form of mental and emotional labor where you work to generate, or see, new options. Josh Freedman……From a chart that deciphers the meaning of dozens of feelings to a video that will change your understanding of empathy, here are 10 free tips + resources to cultivate emotional intelligence….

Why Emotional Intelligence for Managers? Practical Tips and Resources to Improve Performance

Why Emotional Intelligence for Managers? Practical Tips and Resources to Improve Performance

…s on communication at work. Read our top articles on emotionally intelligent management:……Research consistently finds that emotional intelligence is the key driver of success for managers – but how does it work to bring emotional intelligence for managers?…

Talk About Great Leaders: Contexts for Performance

Talk About Great Leaders: Contexts for Performance

…uation straight away.” At the same time, the term “emotional intelligence” comes up often on these comments – for example, “using her emotional intelligence very wisely – she has an excellent understanding of her team and under which circumstances we thrive.” In fact, 62% of the comments by subordinates about their highest performing leaders explicitly mention creating effective emotional conditions. Another of the most prevalent themes in comment……Research: What are the 3 key qualities that distinguish great leaders from good? What if you could “peek inside” the relationships of thousands of high performing leaders – what sets the best leaders apart?…

Emotional Intelligence and Equity

Emotional Intelligence and Equity

…e work of antiracism, and we expect every member of Six Seconds’ staff and community to grow the compassion and skills to cocreate communities of equity. Here is our working draft-in-process of Six Seconds’ plan to be a more equity-focused organization doing our part to end racism. Empathy is one of the EQ skills our community members have identified as a key to addressing racism Return to the introduction to emotional intelligence – or explore mo……Can emotional intelligence play a role in the “inner work” toward a just society? Reflections and resources on using EQ to increase equity and oppose racism….

About | Privacy Policy – China

About | Privacy Policy – China

…t to be informed within 72 hours of such incident. [GDPR] Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority – you have the right to lodge a complaint regarding our Processing activities over your Personal Data towards any of the EU Member States data protection Supervisory Authorities. [CCPA] Right to be free from discrimination – You may exercise any of the above rights without fear of being discriminated against. For any of the above-menti…

Cookie Policy

…egories of cookies: (1) first party cookies, served directly by us to your computer or mobile device, which we use to recognize your computer or mobile device when it revisits our Sites; and (2) third party cookies, which are served by service providers or business partners on our Sites, and can be used by these parties to recognize your computer or mobile device when it visits other websites. Third party cookies can be used for a variety of purpo……Six Seconds’ Cookie Policy…

About | Privacy Policy

About | Privacy Policy

…t to be informed within 72 hours of such incident. [GDPR] Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority – you have the right to lodge a complaint regarding our Processing activities over your Personal Data towards any of the EU Member States data protection Supervisory Authorities. [CCPA] Right to be free from discrimination – You may exercise any of the above rights without fear of being discriminated against. For any of the above-menti…

Case: Stress, EQ, and Performance in Healthcare

Case: Stress, EQ, and Performance in Healthcare

…gence made the most difference. This finding suggests that in increasingly complex jobs, EQ becomes increasingly important. Theoretically, “Choose Yourself” is the part of the Six Seconds EQ Model most critical to management of emotional reactions behaviors, such as maintaining focus under times of stress. The study confirms that framework, showing that while all the competencies are important, these four are the ones most significantly tied to se…

Organizational Vital Signs

Organizational Vital Signs

…ductory course, and then a live or virtual Vital Signs Certification, to become an expert in using this remarkable tool. Read more about VS Certification, and/or see the schedule of upcoming EQ certification programs Measuring and Developing the People-Side of Performance Check out these case studies, see more on the case study archive here……Measure the drivers of performance with OVS – a simple, accurate, powerful organizational climate assessment to improve the people-side of performance….

Education Vital Signs

Education Vital Signs

…VS Certification, and/or see the schedule of upcoming EQ certification programs Measuring and Developing School Climate Check out these case studies, see more on the case study archive here Request a sample report and additional information here……Rapidly and accurately measure school climate, the educational culture and environment for learning — with the normed and validated Education Vital Signs assessment….

Case: Doubling Down on EQ Culture at ServRx

Case: Doubling Down on EQ Culture at ServRx

…w kind of dialogue in the team. Some team members hadn’t seen that for the company to grow, they’d need to make changes themselves. Another key outcome of this session was dialogue. People who were not talking began to engage with one another, and began to consider that their different brain style (as shown in the Brain Profiles) might actually be an asset. The dots were getting connected. Following this workshop, employees suggested it would be h……It’s “the classic problem” of a successful startup: The company was growing, but the culture was not. Here’s how they used EQ to double their employee engagement and increase net profit by 110%….

Leadership & Emotional Intelligence in Middle East

Leadership & Emotional Intelligence in Middle East

…t, and Self Direction. Self Awareness, called “Know Yourself” includes two competencies: Enhance Emotional Literacy and Recognize Patterns. Self Management, called “Choose Yourself” includes four competencies:> Apply Consequential Thinking, Navigate Emotions, Engage Intrinsic Motivation, and Exercise Optimism. The Self Direction area, called “Give Yourself,” includes Increase Empathy and Pursue Noble Goals. The assessment provides an overall EQ sc……How important is emotional intelligence in a hard-driving business environment of the UAE? A study with leaders at Dubai Knowledge Village says: EQ is essential….

Active Listening as a Leader: 4 Ways to Use Emotional Intelligence To Listen Well

Active Listening as a Leader: 4 Ways to Use Emotional Intelligence To Listen Well

…dismiss their concerns offhand. Don’t rush to give advice. Don’t change the subject. Allow people their moment.”   You may also like………Exceptional leaders have mastered the art of deep, active listening. Here are 4 practical tips to use emotional intelligence to listen well….

87 Ways to Be Kind and Loving

87 Ways to Be Kind and Loving

…ey’re doing. Invite someone who recently moved to town for coffee. Be extra patient and understanding.……Sometimes if feels impossible to be kind and loving. When you’re struggling to access that loving place inside of you, give these expert tips for how to be kind a try….

Solving the Biggest Problems: Daniel Shapiro on Emotional Intelligence and Negotiation

Solving the Biggest Problems: Daniel Shapiro on Emotional Intelligence and Negotiation

…arvard Medical School/McLean Hospital and affiliated faculty at Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation, where he serves as Associate Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project. You may also like………How to effectively resolve conflict? “Emotional intelligence is essential,” says Daniel Shapiro, Harvard International Negotiation Program….

Negotiating Conflict with Emotional Intelligence

Negotiating Conflict with Emotional Intelligence

…lso like………Want to “win” the argument? Negotiate conflict effectively by adding emotional intelligence in this simple 4-step process: Get REAL solutions!…

Want Less Conflict with Your Kids? Try Empathy

Want Less Conflict with Your Kids? Try Empathy

…as parents. This article was first published on on December 7, 2015 You may also like………You’ve told your kid “a million times” and frustration is rising. What if there was another way to see the situation? Here’s a 90-second tip for parents to use empathy to diffuse conflict and frustration….

The Myth of Winning: 3 Steps to Stand Together as Allies

The Myth of Winning: 3 Steps to Stand Together as Allies

…than the sweet taste of victory. Maybe it’s time to stop stepping into the circle? Feel an oppositional stance taking hold? Try these 3 steps to stand together as allies Click to tweet You may also like………Here’s why we make the boss, a colleague, a customer, spouses and lovers, and even our children into enemies — and a better way. It starts with our brains, and being addicted to the pleasure of righteousness….

Is Your Management Style Outdated? 4 Techniques to Manage Employee Emotions More Effectively

Is Your Management Style Outdated? 4 Techniques to Manage Employee Emotions More Effectively

…hat’s problematic. The tendency to ignore or suppress emotions most likely comes from leaders’ discomfort with emotions. My hope is that this framework will help you feel more comfortable with the nuances of emotional situations, and more likely to apply the most effective solution for you and your team. How to respond Exceptional leaders utilize emotional intelligence to personalize their emotion management approach based on the situation at hand……Managing employees is more complicated than ever. The increased emotional complexity requires emotional intelligence skills to navigate….

Emotional Intelligence at Work: Why Traditional Performance Reviews Often Backfire – and 6 Principles to Follow Instead

Emotional Intelligence at Work: Why Traditional Performance Reviews Often Backfire – and 6 Principles to Follow Instead

…ly. “These brief conversations allow leaders to set expectations for the upcoming week, review priorities, comment on recent work, and provide course correction, coaching, or important new information,” write Deloitte’s Buckingham and Goodall in Harvard Business Review. “The conversations provide clarity regarding what is expected of each team member and why, what great work looks like, and how each can do his or her best work in the upcoming days……Not a fan of performance reviews? You’re not alone. Here’s why the annual performance review doesn’t work – and what to do about it….

Building Inclusion Across Borders:  Three Lessons from Make-A-Wish Foundation’s DEI Launch

Building Inclusion Across Borders: Three Lessons from Make-A-Wish Foundation’s DEI Launch

…nce the impact of initiatives. If you’re interested in doing work around DEI or emotional intelligence, contact us and we’d love to hear about your goals. Resources you may like……Six Seconds and Make-A-Wish launch a pilot DEI program in Europe fueled by emotional intelligence – with promising results….

Stick with It! 4 Tips for Tenacity: EQ Educator News

Stick with It! 4 Tips for Tenacity: EQ Educator News

…future newsletter. SHARE ON SOCIAL AND TAG US Looking for SEL tools? Get learning materials, tools and resources for your classroom. SHOP IN THE EQ STORE →   For more on EQ and Education, I recommend:……Feel like giving up sometimes? You’re not alone. Being an educator can be overwhelming. But we can develop tenacity to stick with it – and help our students do the same….

Emotion, Feeling, Mood: What’s the Difference?

Emotion, Feeling, Mood: What’s the Difference?

…tter of Time The short answer is: Time. Emotions come first, then feelings come after as the emotion chemicals go to work in our bodies. Then moods develop from a combination of feelings. Emotions are chemicals released in response to our interpretation of a specific trigger. It takes our brains about 1/4 second to identify the trigger, and about another 1/4 second to produce the chemicals. By the way, emotion chemicals are released throughout our……The neuroscience is fascinating, emotions are immediate biological signals, feelings come later, and moods build up over time….

EQ Education News: Taking Care of Teachers

EQ Education News: Taking Care of Teachers

…future newsletter. SHARE ON SOCIAL AND TAG US Looking for SEL tools? Get learning materials, tools and resources for your classroom. SHOP IN THE EQ STORE →   For more on EQ and Education, I recommend:……In this month’s newsletter we explore educator burnout, bringing you research and tips so you can have more tools to manage wellbeing….

EQ Education News: Learning from Loneliness

EQ Education News: Learning from Loneliness

…future newsletter. SHARE ON SOCIAL AND TAG US Looking for SEL tools? Get learning materials, tools and resources for your classroom. SHOP IN THE EQ STORE →   For more on EQ and Education, I recommend:……In this month’s newsletter, we dive into Loneliness, bringing you research and tips so you can better manage feelings of loneliness…

A 3-D Picture: The 3 Questions That Make Coaching Work

A 3-D Picture: The 3 Questions That Make Coaching Work

…o reach out to me via our contact form. For more on EQ and Coaching 🌱, I recommend: Introduction to EQ & Coaching How to use coaching methods to support people in times of stress Panel discussion with Jenny Rogers on using emotions as a coach See you next month for the next……Wow! When coaching works, new possibilities flow, and clients feel an incredible sense of freedom and support. But even good coaches don’t always get that result, and usually it’s because they missed one of the 3 “must have” questions……

EQ Education News: Am I Doing This All Wrong? 5 Tips for Parenting Shy Kids

EQ Education News: Am I Doing This All Wrong? 5 Tips for Parenting Shy Kids

…future newsletter. SHARE ON SOCIAL AND TAG US Looking for SEL tools? Get learning materials, tools and resources for your classroom. SHOP IN THE EQ STORE →   For more on EQ and Education, I recommend:……Emotional intelligence skills are learnable at any age. In this month’s newsletter we explore the emotion Shy among children…

The 3 Parts of Empathy: Thoughts, Feelings and Actions

The 3 Parts of Empathy: Thoughts, Feelings and Actions

…ationships are in work and life, it’s arguably the most important skill there is. Understanding the 3 parts of empathy, we can choose to practice empathy with our thoughts, feelings and actions – and make the world a better, more compassionate place. You may also like………Even though the first part gets the lion’s share of attention, practicing true empathy requires all 3 parts. Here’s how….

What Makes an Emotional Intelligence Test Valid?

What Makes an Emotional Intelligence Test Valid?

…or your project – whether it’s for youth or adults, self-assessments or 360s, and working with individuals, groups or entire organizations. Learn more here: More videos about emotional intelligence assessments… https://www.yout……Emotional intelligence assessments can be impactful and even transformational, but how do you know if a test is accurate and trustworthy?…

The Empathy Iceberg: 3 Proven Tips for Managers to Engage People

The Empathy Iceberg: 3 Proven Tips for Managers to Engage People

…nd Clinic illustrates, there’s a lot going on beneath the surface: In some ways, this video offers a glimpse of empathy by taking us into the hidden stories. Since this video takes place in a hospital, it’s a sample heavy on life and death extremes. It’s also mostly-cognitive, and as you’ll learn below, the real power of empathy comes when we connect with feelings. Human interactions are like an i……How can managers use emotional intelligence to increase empathy in the workplace? It starts with a willingness to go “beneath the surface.”…

When You Don’t Click with Your Coworker

When You Don’t Click with Your Coworker

…ive of hope and possibility. To believe that there are options, and we are in the driver’s seat of our lives. You may also like………What can you do? Emotional intelligence tips to build bridges and collaborate better even when it’s challenging….

Impact on Women at Work: 3 Key Insights on Female Leadership

Impact on Women at Work: 3 Key Insights on Female Leadership

…women – and this has some surprising outcomes. Two major research studies combine to paint a compelling picture of women’s experience at work. Here are 3 key takeaways from McKinsey’s 2021 Women in the Workplace report – the largest study of women in corporate America – and Six Seconds’ 2021 State of the Heart report – the world’s largest study of emotional intelligence by Michael Miller and Patty Freedman 1. Women leaders support their teams and……Two major research studies combine to offer compelling insights on women at work…