Emotional Insights for Leaders: Compassion and How to Use it to Build High Performing Teams

Emotional Insights for Leaders: Compassion and How to Use it to Build High Performing Teams

…ourselves to feel and be with our emotions. Compassion, then, might be the empathy for emotions, a bridge that enables both ourselves and others to genuinely connect with feelings. So yes, undoubtedly it’s a necessity for all of us. [et_pb_text content_tablet=” Understanding COMPASSION Definition: A feeling that invites empathy towards oneself and others’ pain. Message: %22Feel the struggles of yourself and others, and act with kindness.%22 Feelin……In this installment of the Emotional Insights for Leaders series, we look at an emotion that is critical for success: Compassion….

Want a Good Long Life? 1 Clear Answer from Research

Want a Good Long Life? 1 Clear Answer from Research

…or write them a letter. 3. Deepen the connection ​​How could you use your empathy to deepen your connection with these three people during your call/ coffee meeting/ letter? Here are some empathy-building ideas you could consider: What questions could you ask to better understand where they are in life right now? How might you show slightly more vulnerability than you normally would? 4. Keep it up! All things have cycles and seasons, so it’s unde……”It’s useful to know it’s a choice worth making.” The results from an 80-year-long research study clearly identify what we should focus on for a long and fulfilled life….

How to Teach Children Emotional Intelligence for a Better World

How to Teach Children Emotional Intelligence for a Better World

…ctive steps to make a better world. For example, if we fill ourselves with empathy, and feel a deep caring for all people (even the whole world), are we more willing to dig deeper? If we fill ourselves with the emotions that grow from a sense of purpose, will we find the energy to do the hard work? There are so many challenges in the world, from “small” things like cleaning up a neighborhood, to “vast” things like protecting all people’s human rig……When feelings run hot, how can we use emotional intelligence to fuel our commitment for positive change… and support children to create a better world?…

Not just SMART goals, setting CLEAR goals for success

Not just SMART goals, setting CLEAR goals for success

…n use emotional intelligence in goal setting to increase collaboration and empathy, transforming your teams to high performing achievers. SMART and CLEAR: Emotional Intelligence in Goal-Setting If you are like me, you began today by drinking something sweet and chocolate and making a list of ‘Things to Do’. I am an inveterate list-maker, not only because of that satisfying sensation when I check something off the list, but also because it keeps me…

Growing Courageous Leaders for the Future

Growing Courageous Leaders for the Future

…heir communities. That means developing emotional intelligence skills like empathy, courage and resilience. “Underneath it all, when you cut through all the confusion, it is these social emotional skills – or a lack thereof – that are responsible for the biggest and most important challenges of our time,” Wanjira Maathai Click to tweet In Kenya’s public schools, though, like in most schools throughout the world, this type of social emotional learn……To create an environment that’s fit for the future, we need to help children grow the internal leadership skills that will allow them to build that reality. Here’s how….

What Are They Thinking: EQ Tool for Conflicts

What Are They Thinking: EQ Tool for Conflicts

…helped me feel less personally attacked. Isn’t that a cool way to practice empathy and move forward together? And another cool thing is, you can go through this process even if the other person isn’t ready to pull out the T, F, A cards. As this next story shows, you can have yourself or a client choose cards for themselves and for the other person in a conflict. It’s still an amazing exercise in perspective taking that can open the doors to solve……Want help to solve a conflict? You need to get to the root of the problem, which is the disparity between the two sides’ perceptions of what’s happening. This tool helps you do exactly that….

Daily Practices for Increasing EQ (#27)

Daily Practices for Increasing EQ (#27)

…practices emotional intelligence every single day to build compassion and empathy. As an emotional intelligence facilitator, whose clients include Harvard University and Google, she blends evidence-based techniques with wholehearted empathy for an experience that leaves participants feeling inspired & empowered to set ablaze their inner light. Joshua Freedman, cofounder and CEO, The Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network, working since 1997 t……You know emotional intelligence is useful… but HOW do you actually use it on a daily basis?…

3 Key Ideas on Parenting with Emotional Intelligence

3 Key Ideas on Parenting with Emotional Intelligence

…tical Tips for Parents LEARN MORE → Want Less Conflict with Your Kids? Try Empathy LEARN MORE → 3 Steps to Get Started Today     1. Read Whole-Hearted Parenting How can emotional intelligence help us be the parents we mean to be? “Josh Freedman offers parents sane and sound advice about how to raise good kids. Whole-Hearted Parenting is a reader-friendly, no-blame guide to parenthood that any mom or dad will find of great use – especially in those……Parenting is hard. Here are 3 principles to infuse your parenting style with emotional intelligence and guide your decision making….

Daniel Goleman on the Dalai Lama’s Vision for Good

Daniel Goleman on the Dalai Lama’s Vision for Good

…it. More: Daniel Goleman speaking on increasing economic equality by using empathy. Josh: In the Six Seconds Model we talk about Give Yourself. Know yourself is being self-aware… Choose yourself is managing your reactions… and Give yourself is creating self-direction. In Give Yourself we talk about increasing empathy (expanding your concern) and pursing noble goals (putting purpose into action). Dan: I think that’s very profound, Josh. The way the…

Talk About Great Leaders: Contexts for Performance

Talk About Great Leaders: Contexts for Performance

…ple and clients. This is the essence of “people-leadership” — the blend of empathy and performance. Using the associative concept webs, and the weighted themes identified by Lexalytics, here are some characteristics that make top leaders stand out from the supervisors’ perspective, in approximate order of priority. High Performers Highest Performers Create feelings for others to work effectively. Care about others. Inspire clients, listen to peopl……Research: What are the 3 key qualities that distinguish great leaders from good? What if you could “peek inside” the relationships of thousands of high performing leaders – what sets the best leaders apart?…

Self-Science: Classroom Emotional Intelligence

Self-Science: Classroom Emotional Intelligence

…es around the globe.   Change starts inside each of us — with the power of empathy, optimism, and kindness Click to tweet   Change Starts Inside Each Of Us However, for me, all of that pales in comparison to what I learned about fears that day 34 years ago: I learned that fear shuts down creativity and can be accompanied by a lack of faith in one’s ability. I discovered that this fear could be reduced by aerobic exercise and meditation; I became a……I first thought it must be some new laboratory class — I soon learned that the scientific study of self changes everything… and enables us to change anything….

Emotional Intelligence at Work: Tips to Improve Virtual Meetings, Interviews and More

Emotional Intelligence at Work: Tips to Improve Virtual Meetings, Interviews and More

…and and navigating the emotions of the moment. 5 Questions to Develop Your Empathy The best leaders genuinely care about and connect with employees – and that starts with empathy. Here are 5 questions to go beyond the typical clichés about putting yourself in people’s shoes, and really connect. Plutchik’s Wheel: A Powerful Tool to Understand Feelings How fluently do you speak the language of emotions?Plutchik’s Wheel is a powerful tool for leaders……Do virtual meetings have to be boring and disconnected, and do interviews have to be nerve wracking? The answer to both is no, and emotional intelligence is the key. Here are practical tips to apply….

Young people developing EQ in Cornwall, UK

Young people developing EQ in Cornwall, UK

…cial skills, communication skills and confidence. They also showed greater empathy towards each other and were able to support each other more. Some had an increased sense of feeling like they could contribute positively to the community. With one participant commenting ‘that they have been part of the problem in their community and they now want to be part of the solution to improve their community.’ Thus the project supported the young people to…

Emotional Intelligence: A Key to Positive Change

Emotional Intelligence: A Key to Positive Change

…ation; and choosing optimism. and finally, Give Yourself includes creating empathy — which requires that you apply all those excellent “know yourself” skills when you interact with others. Empathy allows you to understand, support, and nurture others — to build interdependence by feeling what others are feeling. And lastly commit to a noble goal — a goal that reaches out beyond yourself, gives to the larger world, and makes a positive contribution……In this speech, Six Seconds’ Chairman Karen McCown shares the definition, process, and purpose of teaching emotional intelligence. Karen founded the renown Nueva School in 1967 as a laboratory for integrating academic and emotional development for gifted children (it went on to win two Federal Blue Ribbon Awards for Excellence in Education)….

Voices from the Network: Anke Breternitz

Voices from the Network: Anke Breternitz

…le to have a better contact and understanding with each other, and to feel empathy for other people by bringing EQ language in their daily lives. (continues below) ” content_last_edited=”on|phone” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Montserrat||||||||” header_2_font=”Montserrat|300|||||||” header_2_font_size=”32px” header_3_font=”Montserrat|600|||||||” header_4_font=”Montserrat|800|||||||” global_colors_info=”{}”] There……Connecting with purpose fuels Anke. Helping others clarify purpose deeply aligns with her Noble Goal of inspiring people to connect and collaborate to reach their full potential. She explains “using EQ we are helping people to connect with themselves, which is EQ’s biggest power: the change you can bring in this world.”…