5 tips: Using EQ to Build a High Performing Culture

5 tips: Using EQ to Build a High Performing Culture

…ence is directly linked to this kind of people-focused leadership — trust, optimism, and entrepreneurship emerged as keys: Trust offers the safety to risk. Optimism offers options to try. Entrepreneurship asks leaders to take ownership. Freedman offers three “must answer” questions to start your emotional capital strategy: What’s your purpose?   What is the key strategy that you will pursue to achieve that purpose?   What is the one emotional and……Can emotions be part of organizational strategy? Here are 5 expert insights and the latest research on improving performance by being smart with feelings, aka, emotional intelligence….

Stress-Free Life: 5 Wise Principles

Stress-Free Life: 5 Wise Principles

…stem that says ‘success is due to consistent effort and competent skills’. Optimism can be taught. “Optimism can be taught – and learned!” -@anabeljensen Click to tweet Simple Gift = Less Stress Simple Gifts Tis a gift to be simple, Tis a gift to be free, Tis a gift to come down Where we ought to be And when we find ourselves In this place that’s right Twill be in the valley Of love and delight. Nineteenth Century Shaker Hymn Anabel’s Story: What……Life is full of stress. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an instruction manual? Here’s 5 things that should be in it….

Hyundai Sets the Pace with Innovative Training

Hyundai Sets the Pace with Innovative Training

…importance of different perspectives Using the EQ competency of Exercising Optimism to explore new opportunities. Collaborating for optimum results and being part of innovative solutions   The training started with the HR Director’s speech to the group. 18 front-line participants attended the first group. Participants engaged with the topic and each other with several activities in which they found their own creative approach as part of a group se……To reach their strategic objectives, Hyundai’s manufacturing team in Turkey identified a key need: Agility requires managers to build their creativity. To build those capabilities, here’s how Hayatın Ritmi, Six Seconds’ Partner in Turkey, is working with the company to leverage the emotional intelligence Brain Talents to set a context for innovation….

21 EQ Resources for Emotional Wellbeing for COVID

21 EQ Resources for Emotional Wellbeing for COVID

…ll. Getting Unstuck: The Power of Naming Emotions At Six Seconds, we say, “Exercise Optimism.” It’s hard work, and can feel impossible. But the three bridges will help shift perspective. Can adversity be a gift? Josh Freedman discusses how challenging times can be a catalyst for growth, with Anabel Jensen. Feeling stuck? Joshua Freedman offers some self-coaching tips for using imagination and emotions to break through. General Resources for Emotio……In the storms of volatility fueled by COVID-19 news, both real and sensational, how do we maintain equilibrium? Collected resources on emotional intelligence to help….

Young people developing EQ in Cornwall, UK

Young people developing EQ in Cornwall, UK

…tterns, Consequential thinking, Navigating emotions, Intrinsic motivation, Optimism, Empathy, and Pursue Noble goals. The group showed most development in the two skill areas that they had set themselves as goals. Each individual also increased their own Emotional Intelligence skills in different ways. For example, one participant was successful in obtaining training on a course because she was able to manage her anxiety to attend the training; pr…

EQEU Speakers

EQEU Speakers

…umen, humour and practicality, he sees EQ as a simple and profoundly human exercise that we can all practice. Joshua is one of the world’s preeminent experts on developing emotional intelligence to improve performance. With warmth and authenticity, he translates leading-edge science into practical, applicable terms that improve the quality of workplace relationships to unlock enduring success. Freedman is one of a handful of experts in the world w……Leaders from business, government & education from around Europe bring valuable insight on implementing emotional intelligence in the region….

Feeling Stressed? It’s a Laughing Matter

Feeling Stressed? It’s a Laughing Matter

…significantly lower stress levels, on a level comparable to 20 minutes of exercise. There is even a new meditative practice called Laughter Yoga where participants voluntarily laugh rather than spontaneous laugh because your brain can’t tell the difference and you still get the health benefits (and have a good time doing it!) Laughing can dispel sadness, resentment and anger, refocusing our attention on the positive and shifting our concerns to t…

Climate of Emotions Day 1

Climate of Emotions Day 1

…ss Co-Create Deepen your retreat with intimate facilitated sessions on key exercises from the workbook. Access: Choose a time below Co-Lab Enrich your day with a small group experience on today’s theme. Access: Choose a workshop from below Free But Pretend It’s Not! The small-group sessions have limited seats. Please honor the generosity of this remarkable group of volunteer facilitators by selecting your sessions and then committing to attend the……Climate of Emotions Retreat Day 1 – Newly Emerging…

Climate of Emotions 2021

Climate of Emotions 2021

…Workbook. This is a resource for you now and into the future, filled with exercises inspired by Emergent Strategy and Emotional Intelligence. You’re invited to join any sessions you want (and skip all the others) to accommodate your schedule and goals. One you’ve explored Day 1, Day 2 & Day 3… Click here to design your own retreat with three types of sessions: Uplift Keynote panels offer inspiration for heart & mind. Access: register for ANY tick……Join climate activists, creatives, scientists, and emotions experts from around the globe in Climate of Emotions: the free online retreat about emotions, climate action, and renewal….

Finding Peace Amidst Holiday Stress

Finding Peace Amidst Holiday Stress

…tivity, you explode. For many people, holidays are a perfect time for this exercise — you’ll get to see yourself go through this process a hundred times in a few weeks! Don’t judge, don’t tell yourself you’re an idiot for doing it AGAIN, don’t fuss at yourself. Just observe the pattern. What’s happening? In what situations are you fighting? Fleeing? Freezing? What are your thoughts? Your feelings? Your actions? Use these challenges as a laboratory…

The Life or Death Science of Community

The Life or Death Science of Community

…werful studies: Relationships are vital to our health… more important than exercise or not smoking. So are we prioritizing building community? Here’s how. Click to tweet HOW TO BUILD COMMUNITY MORE INTENTIONALLY Anthropologist Robin Dunbar has investigated the theory for decades that the number of people we can maintain meaningful relationships with is limited by the size of our brains. It appears the ideal human community is around 150 people. So……Relationships are the bedrock, the foundation, of a long and satisfying life. And according to a growing body of research, building community is quite literally a matter of life and death. So what helps us build community?…

How Should Educators Respond to Tragic Events?

How Should Educators Respond to Tragic Events?

…anted to use their emotions to contribute to the greater good. 5. INCREASE OPTIMISM–After the tragic shootings in Tucson, Arizona, in 2010, my graduate school counseling students here in Tucson, many of whom had connections to the shooting victims, discussed the importance of optimism in creating hope for the future. Educators can help students to remember, in the words of Mr. Rogers, in times of catastrophe, “always look for the helpers.” Encoura…

Teaching in the Age of Selfies

Teaching in the Age of Selfies

…iscussions are good opportunities to tease out those moments in life where optimism or consequential thinking might usefully come into play. If you’re reading about the European migrant crisis, for instance, you might ask your students to verbalize just what a migrant has been through, and to imagine their fear and insecurity. What EQ skills might benefit these individuals? When examining government policies, hone in on the individual people who m…

Pursue Noble Goals in the Six Seconds Model of EQ

Pursue Noble Goals in the Six Seconds Model of EQ

…oward in the future, it’s a future to bring into the present. … Coaching Optimism & Purpose: 3 Profound Questions to Fuel Energy for a Better Future (1/31/2023) by Joshua Freedman – When clients are ‘in the swirl’ and depleted, how do coaches reconnect optimism and purpose to reignite the spark of bigger vision? … Goals, Purpose and Meaning: What’s the Difference? (3/29/2021) by Michael Miller – Goals, purpose and meaning are often used interc……Research: How do people start learning emotional intelligence… and what happens? A powerful story emerges about transformation to fuel authentic, purposeful connection….

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: Taking the Risk to Talk Emotions In Tech

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: Taking the Risk to Talk Emotions In Tech

…h someone facing a challenge or adversity, they often need help exercising optimism. Paul likes to use Martin Seligman’s model of optimism, known as the 3 Ps. “I’ll ask them about how permanent is the challenge they are facing. Will it come to and end or is it forever? I then ask about how pervasive it is. Is it just in one area of their lives that is being impacted or many (usually it isn’t all areas)? Often people also feel powerless in certain……Tombola is no stranger to versatility. And their latest move – to invest in emotional intelligence in the workplace – shows they are on the cutting edge once again….

Listen or Tell – Reducing Family Conflict

Listen or Tell – Reducing Family Conflict

…dn’t feel hopeless. This is the power of having a new strategy. Exercising optimism, parenting style – it’s how we can shift from hopeless to hopeful Click to tweet I asked Emma if she wanted to talk about what happened, when she grouched, “NO,” I followed Karen’s advice. A few minutes later, Emma was ready to talk. I began my Self-Science process and asked, “What happened?” I discovered that looking at the whole event was too complex, that Emma r……How can we solve conflicts with our kids – when they don’t want to talk about it? A major EQ challenge….

Shifting Your Perspective: 3 Ways to Make Better Decisions with Emotional Intelligence

Shifting Your Perspective: 3 Ways to Make Better Decisions with Emotional Intelligence

…h from Canada Click to tweet   #2 The Parking Garage Debate and Exercising Optimism Give yourself at least 3 options In the quest to make better decisions, it’s often overlooked that we have a tendency to box ourselves in. Or, to say it with a positive bent, we haven’t fully honed our ability to see all the options that we really have. It’s the skill of exercising optimism, which research keeps finding to be a learnable skill with amazing benefits……Based on some fascinating psychology research, here are 3 effective tactics you should try out to make better decisions….

Talk to Yourself Like You Would Your Best Friend

Talk to Yourself Like You Would Your Best Friend

…se who spoke harshly to themselves. They even beat out those who practiced optimism and self-esteem during the same timeframe. It turns out, being kind to yourself has real benefits, especially in times of need. But how exactly do you speak kindly to yourself? Time to activate! ​​​​​ Recent research suggests that speaking kindly to yourself helps you cope with challenging situations. But how exactly do you change self-talk? Click to tweet 1: Think……Recent research suggests that speaking kindly to yourself helps you cope with challenging situations. But how exactly do you change self-talk?…

20 Outstanding Books on Emotional Intelligence

20 Outstanding Books on Emotional Intelligence

…hildren — exploring concepts such as empathy, respect for self and others, optimism, pausing before acting, and the value of friendship for lifelong happiness. Recommended Emotional Intelligence Books – For Everyone Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow by Daniel Kahneman Why do we think the way we do, and why does that matter? In this compelling, profound, yet easy-to-understand work, Kahneman (psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics) expl……Here’s a wonderful collection of books about emotional intelligence, including six key concepts for every parent to share with children (and books to do so!)…

Wellbeing Threats & Performance: Global EQ Data

Wellbeing Threats & Performance: Global EQ Data

…on.” Despite economic challenges, Latin America has the highest scores on “Exercise Optimism.” Tracking EQ Trends Since 2011 State of the Heart has tracked the changing trends in emotional intelligence (EQ) since 2011. This analysis mines the world’s most complete EQ dataset from the SEI, or Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment. The SEI toolset includes 4 different assessments and over 20 report options, providing a comprehensive system f……Five powerful insights from the world’s largest study on emotional intelligence shows keys to wellbeing, gender differences, and how we might finally understand changing generations….

Revitalizing School Community

Revitalizing School Community

…mes for children remind us that team sports, for example, provide physical exercise and skills growth, as well as encouraging camaraderie and cooperation. Excellence is seen as impossible without competition; absent any reason to try their hardest, children will become mediocre under-achievers with neither ambition nor drive. There is, we are told, a natural, Darwinian imperative which inevitably plays itself out on the sports field, in music comp……How do schools become vibrant, joyful, inclusive communities? School leaders intentionally build them with teachers, students and family collaboration….

The Surprising Science of Social Connection

The Surprising Science of Social Connection

…She recorded countless aspects of their lives and lifestyles – their jobs, exercise and eating habits, marital status, relationship data, and more – and then waited a decade to see who had survived, and how strongly each of those factors predicted longevity. Here is Pinker unveiling the results in her TED talk: https://6secus.s3.amazonaws.com/eqlib/final_5dd81ca287c1380013908e72_198814.mp4 “Social isolation is the public health risk of our time,”……The research is clear: strong social connections predict the quantity and quality of our days. So in an era marked by loneliness and superficial connection, how can we build the connections we need to thrive?…

Requesting Trust: 5 Practical Steps to Repair and Increase Trust

Requesting Trust: 5 Practical Steps to Repair and Increase Trust

…ip….” Trust Building in Real Life As you’ll experience if you’ve tried the exercises in this series on trust, developing trust is both highly challenging and incredibly rewarding. Just focusing on this topic and remembering it’s an essential part of your leadership responsibility can change the way you relate to team members. Often “trust building exercises” are done away from work (in a classroom or on a ropes course). Instead, I suggest you’ll g……Want to increase trust with someone? Try this challenging-but-rewarding framework for requesting trust….

Fourth Grade Satyagraha

Fourth Grade Satyagraha

…eaded for is renunciation of violence of the heart — and consequent active exercise of the force generated by the great renunciation. The challenge is maintaining it — holding onto the kindness in the midst of the daily frustration. Because while Emma can choose her response, Josie is continuing to look for opportunities to blame. And how do you, as a 9-year-old, not take this personally? It’s so difficult to step back and recognize that Josie’s r…

Emotional Intelligence in Redbook

Emotional Intelligence in Redbook

…eople and situations in a healthy, positive way. I recall talking about an exercise along these lines, but I think I suggested actually taking a piece of paper and dividing it into blocks, then coloring the blocks to represent your different feelings of the day. We typically have multiple feelings, and sometimes it’s hard to sort out! Would be a cool journal exercise – no words, just color blocks. Try it an post a comment! Pick up this month’s Red…

Emotional Insights for Leaders: What Is Overwhelm Trying to Tell You?

Emotional Insights for Leaders: What Is Overwhelm Trying to Tell You?

…newsletter on LinkedIn. You can subscribe here. ” content_phone=” 🌟 Weekly Exercise: This week, let’s directly address overwhelm with a structured exercise: Grab a sheet of paper and divide it into four columns: %22Thoughts,%22 %22Emotions,%22 %22Tasks%22, and %22Actions.%22 Freely jot down everything occupying your mind in the respective columns, leaving %22Actions%22 empty for now. Review your entries. This visualization represents your current……Practical tips and activities to turn feelings of overwhelm into clarity and productivity – for you and your team….

Home for the Holidays: How to Focus on Wellbeing with Your Family

Home for the Holidays: How to Focus on Wellbeing with Your Family

…for the holidays over the years, my wellbeing has suffered. I drink more, exercise less, and eat a drastically different – and less healthy – diet. I have a great, loving relationship with my parents, but we are living really different lives. I am a vegetarian, TV less, organic farmer, and when I am home it’s turkey, NFL football and Diners, Drive Ins and Dives. So when we come together, something has to give. And, you know, it’s family. These ar……Being home for the holidays is fun, and can also be difficult. Here is my plan for maximizing the love this holiday season….

Craft Your Personal Affirmation in Five Steps

Craft Your Personal Affirmation in Five Steps

…is one million times: “I am safe.” ​​​​ When I am doing a physical therapy exercise that really hurts, my fear says, “be careful!! Pain means STOP!” Knowing that fear only yells louder if I ignore it, I stop and either say out loud or in my mind, “I am safe. I am safe. I am safe.” When I am alone, I also give myself a hug while I say it, which really helps me to feel safe. “I am safe” is an affirmation I use when I encounter fear, but affirmations……Effective affirmations are self-created, meaningful, and dig into one’s core values. Here’s a guide to creating one for yourself that will stick….

Emotional Insights for Leaders: Compassion and How to Use it to Build High Performing Teams

Emotional Insights for Leaders: Compassion and How to Use it to Build High Performing Teams

…newsletter on LinkedIn. You can subscribe here. ” content_phone=” 🌟 Weekly Exercise: Perhaps feeling compassion for oneself is where we struggle the most, and that’s where I propose we begin. This week, I’m referencing an exercise shared by Sharmadean Reid, a women entrepreneur I deeply respect. When you feel stuck with something, reflect on this set of questions, especially the last one: – What is the issue? – What are the facts? – Where do I fee……In this installment of the Emotional Insights for Leaders series, we look at an emotion that is critical for success: Compassion….

New Research on Coaching with EQ: Insight & Purpose

New Research on Coaching with EQ: Insight & Purpose

…with insight, connection & purpose Click to tweet Additional questions and exercises on empowering relationships for change, using the KCG pursuits to create alternative pathways, and developing a coaching vision can be found in the full article. Sixty-two percent of survey responding coaches reported using some form of assessment, with 32% employing an EQ-based tool. As the authors of the article note, incorporating the normed SEI results into th……A new journal article articulates the role of emotional intelligence in coaching. The link is powerful….

Envisioning Success: The Power of Mental Practice

Envisioning Success: The Power of Mental Practice

…pproach to our medical care.   The power of mental practice: Visualization exercises found to help stroke victims regain control of limbs. Click to tweet   Now if you’re like me, at this point you’re asking yourself: How is this possible?   Looking Inside the Brain Our brains have a remarkable ability to imagine. Technological advances, like fMRI scans of the brain, can now look at what brain regions are activated during certain activities – in re……What does the latest research show us about “mental practice”? It turns out, we underestimate the value of mental practice, and it’s time that we start taking advantage of its incredible power in multiple areas of our lives, from learning new skills to healing from surgery….

Assessing Trust

Assessing Trust

…n people. If your trust is low, probably they feel similar. try this quick exercise to check your current levels of trust with someone. Click to tweet Testing for Trust: How to Assess Think about a specific person right now. Imagine asking them to take on a challenge that is possible, challenging, and important. Now, take a quick check of your trust: Body Scan— do you feel any new pain or tension in your stomach, neck, back? If so, you may not tru……Want more clarity about how much you trust someone? Try these 3 techniques for assessing trust in a relationship….

Free Wellbeing eBook

Free Wellbeing eBook

…Fill in this form and your eBook will be emailed in seconds Grow your wellbeing with 12 days of guided practice: Day 1: Gratitude Day 2: Empathy Day 3: Self-Compassion Day 4: Legacy Day 5: Intention Day 6: Optimism Day 7: Emotional Awareness Day 8: Connection Day 9: Trust Day 10: Luxuriate Day 11: Courageous Day 12: Ignite……A gorgeous free e-workbook with simple mindfulness & emotional intelligence exercises, inspiration, and support for a better you!…

About Us | Our Vision

About Us | Our Vision

…e balance and wellbeing ✓ Higher quality of life grow self-awareness learn optimism feel purpose   Do you ever feel disconnected? Emotional intelligence helps us make sense of the world and integrate our thoughts, feelings and actions. For people of all ages, emotional intelligence is the difference that makes the difference. We’re building a world of insight, connection, and purpose, one person at a time. Six Seconds’ tools & methods help people……Six Seconds is a non-profit organization supporting everyone to grow and practice the skills of emotional intelligence….

Whole-Hearted Parenting

Whole-Hearted Parenting

…r own answers. Along the way, you might discover your key to unravel tension and create balance. You will learn how to: Effectively blend thinking and feelings in your parenting Use emotions to help focus and motivate your kids Leverage the power of optimism to make parenting more fun Respond intentionally instead of reacting on autopilot Strengthen empathy to better understand and influence your child … Whole-Hearted Parenting Excerpt Fill in thi……Daniel Goleman: “Whole-Hearted Parenting is a reader-friendly, no-blame, guide to parenthood that any mom or dad will find of great use – especially in those trying moments when it’s not clear what to do.”…

Social Emotional Learning Activities for Kids

Social Emotional Learning Activities for Kids

…ni kit brings you and the children in your life a sense of possibility and optimism. In today’s world, it’s hard for a kid to feel like they have enough. It may seem like they always want nicer clothes, more screen time, and fancier toys. Whether the search for ‘more’ comes from peer pressure, the media, or the human’s basic need for comfort, research has shown time and time again that there is an antidote: gratitude. Read on for activities, book……Joyful, meaningful social emotional learning activities for kids of all ages. Try them out in your home or classroom today!…

Coaching eBook

Coaching eBook

…Step Into Coaching includes background on executive & personal coaching and offers practical exercises you can do to coach yourself about coaching… and use with your clients to begin blending emotional intelligence to supercharge coaching. Fill in this form and your eBook will be emailed in seconds……How does coaching work best? Here’s a beautiful, practical eBook on executive and life coaching using emotional intelligence – with great exercises!…

Mini Pop Up Box – March Growing Kindness

Mini Pop Up Box – March Growing Kindness

…How can we be clear about our intentions to do good for others? Goal: This exercise prompts kids to explore how the same act can be kind or unkind depending on context and intent. Instructions: 1. Choose any or all of these prompts that you think are best for your kids. You can write these acts down on pieces of paper that the kids can draw from a cup or hat, or you can choose a few to read out loud and talk about. 2. The person who draws the ques…

Stress Management Techniques: Top EQ resources

Stress Management Techniques: Top EQ resources

…ional workplaces Uncertain future including climate change Lack of sleep & exercise Loneliness / social isolation & disconnection from nature Lack of meaning & purpose Get your copy of the User’s Guide to Stress free eBook, full of practical tools to reduce stress and increase wellbeing Emotional Intelligence for Stress Management: Free eBooks & Resources Stress Kills… But Is It All Bad? EQ Insights to Reduce Stress Free Wellbeing eBook Stress Bus……What is stress and how does stress management work? The emotional intelligence for stress management resources recommended by top experts….

Research Case: Six Seconds’ Self-Science Curriculum

Research Case: Six Seconds’ Self-Science Curriculum

…l thinking, navigating emotions, engaging intrinsic motivation, exercising optimism, increasing student capacity for empathy, and pursuing noble goals. Based on the emerging body of research indicating that emotional intelligence is a predictor of classroom behavior and academic performance (Esturgó-Deu&Sala-Roca, 2010), the teacher-research began to question whether this particular social-emotional learning curriculum would have an impact on acad…