State of the World

State of the World

…have had in the 3 days here — that these people, charged with idealism and optimism — these “young people” are not the future leaders. They are _the_ leaders. We just need to get better at listening. I wish I could capture the emotion of this place in an email message. Today, Nobel Laureate Oscar Arias charged us to go home ready to speak up, ready to take action. And nearly 1000 people surged to their feet, 1000 people with the drive and determin…

Identify Your Most Fulfilling Career: A Step-by-Step Guide for Women

Identify Your Most Fulfilling Career: A Step-by-Step Guide for Women

…gest thing that holds women back mid career, Angela says, is their lack of optimism. Believe in yourself. Consider that men will often apply for jobs they are not qualified for and women do not. Challenge these self-limiting beliefs by reminding yourself of your values and your unique perspectives.   Interview Preparation Sheet Now that you know what career you want, prepare for the interview! Fill out your prep sheet with questions & prompts the……A 4-step guide for women to gain clarity and confidence with emotional intelligence….

Studying EQ in a Rural Appalachian Highschool

Studying EQ in a Rural Appalachian Highschool

…, navigating their emotions and reactions, recognizing patterns, and using optimism to make decisions. The Treatment group students also participated in an individual and confidential exit interview aimed to assess the value and the benefits of the intervention on Emotional Intelligence. Results: The results from the SEI-YV with the treatment group resulted in a finding of significance in the Know Yourself pursuit and competency of Recognizing Pat…

First Nations Youth Finding Wellbeing with Emotion, Spirit, Body & Mind

First Nations Youth Finding Wellbeing with Emotion, Spirit, Body & Mind

…and the importance of them feeling renewal: What is the role of Exercising Optimism, and the importance of care-for-caregivers? Counselors come to this work generally because they have understanding of their deep purpose. They see themselves as helpers first and foremost. Sometimes as counselors we find this path as a result of our own personal traumas. All of this weighs heavy on hearts and minds. The Six Seconds EQ training helps caregivers, cou……For teens struggling with a brutal addiction to solvents, hope and healing seem far away. Traditional culture & the Medicine Wheel combine with emotional intelligence to support a path forward for the children, and their counselors….

Not just SMART goals, setting CLEAR goals for success

Not just SMART goals, setting CLEAR goals for success

…ill the available people be able to complete this in the given time? False optimism is your enemy here; take a dispassionate, analytical approach for a moment and scrutinize past occasions where time was a factor. Ask for opinions on how long this particular task will take, because each session of goal-setting happens in a slightly different environment. I am reminded of the saying “Life is all about plan B.” And, if that does not work there are 2…

SHRM HR News: Wisdom not automatic benefit of age

SHRM HR News: Wisdom not automatic benefit of age

…younger people in the study score just as high on intrinsic motivation and optimism, two competencies key to being motivated and proactive. So if managers are perceiving a generation gap, the source may not be competence-it may be fit and communication style.” He added that “while there are several competencies that increase with age, there are some that do not. This means companies must create training if they want people to develop the self-mana…

Improving School Leaders’ Effectiveness Through EQ

Improving School Leaders’ Effectiveness Through EQ

…meaning for themselves and others. “Leveraging strengths in motivation and optimism to increase empathy and improve consequential thinking.” In summary, this study illustrates how EQ skill acquisition is an important component in the development of effective school leaders. EQ should be embedded in pre-service and professional development for school leaders. In addition, increased opportunities at the district level should be provided so principal……Principals have a special role in promoting social emotional learning. Find out what the research shows works best….

Empathy Is the Future of Work

Empathy Is the Future of Work

…r emotional intelligence skills like increasing self-awareness, exercising optimism and navigating emotions also play crucial roles in social and emotional connection. To protect your job and thrive in the new work reality, a holistic emotional intelligence toolkit is essential. The Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence is a great place to start.   How to practice emotional intelligence The Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence consist……As AI replaces knowledge workers across industries, social and emotional skills will be what separates the top performers…

Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions: Feelings Wheel

Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions: Feelings Wheel

…of the 2 primary emotions. For example, anticipation and joy combine to be optimism. Joy and trust combine to be love. Emotions are often complex, and being able to recognize when a feeling is actually a combination of two or more distinct feelings is a helpful skill. There are also tertiary feelings, not shown on the feelings wheel, that are a combination of 3 (and maybe some feelings have 4 or more parts? Let us know what you think in the commen……Make sense of emotions with this interactive feelings wheel. Robert Plutchik’s wheel of emotions explained – guide & free download…

Better Decisions – Emotional Intelligence & Long-Term Thriving

Better Decisions – Emotional Intelligence & Long-Term Thriving

…— including which EQ competencies are most critical (hint: It may be that optimism is one of the most important contributors to being satisfied with our choices) – sign up to be among the first to see these findings as they’re released. We’re mining the latest data, so look for more fascinating tidbits for better decisions. Blame Our Brains: The Neuroscience of Bad Decisions Your Brain on Decisions New studies of how the brain makes decisions yie……Decisions descisions… how do we make them, and can we make better decisions? Contrary to common belief, emotions may just be the key….

7 Decision Making Insights Everyone Should Know

7 Decision Making Insights Everyone Should Know

…home one day a week?” It’s the emotional intelligence skill of exercising optimism at work here – the ability to generate new options and invent solutions to “unsolvable” problems. If you want to be sure you’re making the best possible decisions, practice generating at least 3 options. If you’re like me, that means getting out some Post It notes. 2. Leaving emotions out of it is actually a disaster. To make good decisions, you simply need to “be……Warning: These 7 decision making insights are based on the latest neuroscience research and could lead to permanently improved decision making….

Home for The Holidays? What Are Your Patterns?

Home for The Holidays? What Are Your Patterns?

…his might be a key into what causes you to perform your pattern. Could you exercise some optimism to think of other options to do instead of your pattern? Even if you decide to keep your pattern, you will have some other options in mind. PS– Have you taken the super-short survey yet? I really, really want to know what you think!! Illuminate is a weekly e-mail series that provides practical tips + galvanizing inspirations for practicing an emotiona…

Illuminate: What DO You Do with Your Inner Critic?

Illuminate: What DO You Do with Your Inner Critic?

…ituations in self-compassion? How does self-compassion feel different than optimism or self-esteem? Can you feel the difference in your body? If you’re interested in learning more about practicing self-compassion, check out the Virtual Workshop for Self-Compassion I am hosting on May 7.It will be full of discussion, practice, guided meditation, and journaling. Please respond to this e-mail if you have any questions! 🙂 With truckloads of compassion……We all have that little voice inside: ‘You didn’t do that right/ fast enough/ well enough.’ How do you treat yours… and could you treat it more kindly?…

Stress Kills… But Is It All Bad? EQ Insights to Reduce Stress

Stress Kills… But Is It All Bad? EQ Insights to Reduce Stress

…ss of navigating emotions, applying consequential thinking, and exercising optimism. These are core competencies of Choose Yourself.” But Freedman was most excited about using this research about stress to help ourselves and others. “It’s inspiring to see the research emerging to support ‘Give Yourself’ — the link between doing service for others and oxytocin.” This is such an exciting time to be working in this domain – new discoveries about the……”Challenge” stress energizes and increases efficiency; “threat” stress literally kills. And the difference is how you think about stress….

6 Tips for Making the Best of Your Reality

6 Tips for Making the Best of Your Reality

…might text a friend, listen to some music, or do five minutes of vigorous exercise. 3. hot cocoa breathing Do “Hot Cocoa Breathing.” Pretend you have a cup of hot cocoa in your hands—too hot to drink. Breathe in—1, 2, 3. Then hold your breath for 1, 2, 3. Then, in order to cool your cocoa, breathe out and blow–1, 2, 3. Repeat until some of the tension in your body drains away. For older students and adults, you can change the count to 5, or 8. 4….…Our current reality is challenging. What do we do when we can’t change it? Here’s how we can make it the best reality possible with these six practical tips you can do today….

EQ Educator News: Where Have All the Students Gone?

EQ Educator News: Where Have All the Students Gone?

…ntral to feeling belonging. Here’s a writing prompt you can adapt. In this exercise, students can share more details about themselves and give educators an opening for deeper conversations. More ideas about building belonging I am someone who… (have students complete the sentences about themselves or make up your own prompts) I am someone who loves ______________ I am someone who hates ______________ I am someone who can’t ______________ I am some……Why has school attendance plummeted? In this month’s newsletter, we explore the research and offer evidence-based solutions for educators….

Emotional Insights for Leaders: Daniel Pink’s 3 Drivers of Motivation

Emotional Insights for Leaders: Daniel Pink’s 3 Drivers of Motivation

…can subscribe here. ” content_last_edited=”on|desktop” admin_label=”Weekly Exercise” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” text_font_size=”17px” header_font=”Montserrat||||||||” header_2_font=”Montserrat|300|||||||” header_2_font_size=”32px” header_3_font=”Playfair Display|600|||||||” header_4_font=”Montserrat|800|||||||” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”] 🌟 Weekly Exercise: Take a moment to think about your own motivation. Recall……How can you harness the power of emotions to fuel sustainable motivation – for yourself and your team? Try these activities today….

EQ Coaching Insights: are lazy coaches better?

EQ Coaching Insights: are lazy coaches better?

…problem, I fix it. In the EQ Practitioner Certification, we do an awesome exercise called Masks. One reason it’s profound is that it helps us see underneath some patterns. I found that under the “fix it pattern” is a mask of competence. I want to be seen as someone reliable, and that reliability is rooted in appearing competent. Which leads me to fix. Which leads me to take on problems that are not my work. Efforting. Do you relate? What pattern……As emotional intelligence coaches, should we “work harder” — or will be more effective following the ‘lazy coaching’ trick?…

illuminate: can you create a more compassionate world this new year?

illuminate: can you create a more compassionate world this new year?

…next interaction with your Object of Compassion? After you do the Activate exercise, you can ask yourself these questions: How did it feel to simply sit back and notice your Object of Compassion’s behaviors? How might you go through the world paying slightly more attention to traps vs behaviors? PS- want to learn more about compassion? Increasing Empathy is one of Six Seconds’ eight emotional intelligence competencies. Learn more about it here. Ha……Emotional intelligence is peeking beneath the surface of an emotion (even anger!) to understand the vulnerability and pain from which the emotion explodes. This Illuminate offers a concrete step for practicing compassion with others whose behaviors cause pain and hurt….

What’s Wrong with Self-Help?

What’s Wrong with Self-Help?

…t if you want a journal with specific emotional intelligence questions and exercises, you can get an EQ Journal in the Six Seconds EQ Store. Self-help is generally obsessed with a single emotion: happiness. But research has found that real happiness only arises when paired with other emotions. Click to tweet 3. Is self-help selfish? Self-help is, naturally, about the self. But a growing body of evidence suggests that for learning and growth to be……Self-help can be a force for good, but there are pitfalls. Here are 3 questions to ask yourself to get the most out of self-help….

Technology Loneliness: EQ Tips from Daniel Goleman

Technology Loneliness: EQ Tips from Daniel Goleman

…er words, they get stronger. And I think today we need that kind of mental exercise, more than ever in the past, because we’re challenged by more distractions in more insidious, elegant, seductive ways than ever before in human history. Josh: Just to recap the three steps to practice: Notice your mind has wandered – “Hey, I’m on Facebook again.” Detach from the new focus – “Whoops, I better stop reading about my friend’s weekend.” Refocus – “Time……In the chaos of contemporary life, how do we maintain connection to self and others? Two of the world’s preeminent experts on emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman and Joshua Freedman, discuss in an engaging Q&A….

Illuminate: What’s Behind Your Mask?

Illuminate: What’s Behind Your Mask?

…this concept of wearing two different masks. Here is an adaptation of that exercise: Draw two big masks on a piece of paper, one for how you present yourself to the world and one for what you hide from the world. Then, fill in the mask with words or images that represent each. These could include physical, emotional, and behavioral parts of yourself. This can be a very vulnerable activity, so take care of yourself in the process. Remember, this is……How often do we wear masks? Do we actually spend most (or all) of our lives wearing a protective costume so that we can hide who we really are? Learn about your unique masks in this simple + meaningful activity….

Fight or Flow Part Two: “Water Is Stronger”

Fight or Flow Part Two: “Water Is Stronger”

…ikely was of resisting is beginning to question the validity of this whole exercise. So you won’t get past this point if you don’t notice your own resistance, recommit to your goal, and persevere. Tuning the Intelligence of Emotion Recently someone told me, “Everyone knows that feelings are irrational and confusing, so this whole idea of ’emotional intelligence’ is an oxymoron.” Upon reflection, here’s my answer: Have you ever had a really dumb id…

Emotional Intelligence at Work: 4 Rules on Remote Work

Emotional Intelligence at Work: 4 Rules on Remote Work

…ber of breaks, but do different things. WFH employees take more breaks for exercise, childcare and home chores. Office employees take more breaks for phones, reading and gossip. Overall, the research suggests that workers are just as productive on hybrid schedules as they are in-person. Creativity There is still an argument to be made that, especially for new teams, face-to-face time is critical. But even on that, the data is mixed. Modern scienti……Remote work has stabilized post-COVID – and also become a polarized topic. Here are 4 rules and how to apply emotional intelligence….

Three Breaths for Lowering Your Cortisol Level

Three Breaths for Lowering Your Cortisol Level

…always go as blissfully as planned. This week, she texted me: My breathing exercises need some work. I try to do gentle peaceful breathing ? and it comes out more like ? I giggled, and I know she’s not alone because I’ve been there, too. Who hasn’t had the experience of being in a yoga or meditation class feeling like they weren’t doing that relaxing part “right”? What reasons do we have for bothering with this trendy “deep breathing” stuff anyway……The science + practice behind mindful breathing. Take five minutes to give yourself the gift of resetting your nervous system….

Antonella Málaga

Antonella Málaga

…p Up Festival in the aim to introduce to their kids EQ skills and practice Optimism. I’ve been hosting EQ Pop Up Festivals in Peru for different schools of low income areas, online and in person, since 2019 to the present. A few past experiences… Along with joining Six Seconds, I’m a psychologist counselor in private practice also for an Italian-Peruvian non-profit, and a researcher of positive organizational psychology in the Peruvian context. I’…

Anabel Jensen, PhD

Anabel Jensen, PhD

…ng Teaching Teams, the Think Feel Act Cards, and A Teacher’s Daily Dose of Optimism: Your EQ Prescription for Thriving, as well a numerous articles offering practical inspiration to use emotional intelligence — please see this archive of Anabel’s blog on In addition to her leadership at Six Seconds, she is Emeritus Professor of Education at Notre Dame de Namur University. Her background includes the teaching and supervising of instruc…

Susan Stillman, EdD

Susan Stillman, EdD

My Noble Goal is… To support others to live lives fueled with empathy and optimism, to create a more compassionate and just world My work is about… As Emerita Director of Education, I work with others to develop and strengthen social, emotional, and equitable teaching and learning environments and tools for K-20 educators, students, and community Professional accomplishments include… I worked with others to grow and develop the Six Seconds Educat…

Michael Miller

Michael Miller

…totally preventable. Pronouns… he/him Favorite… My favorite places to travel are Italy and Guatemala. I’d love to talk to you about … If you’re interested in optimism and its limitless potential to change our lives, I’d love to talk to you about it!…