Want a Good Life? 3 Lessons from Harvard Grant Study

Want a Good Life? 3 Lessons from Harvard Grant Study

…hing purpose and vision, is the key. Six Seconds calls this skill pursuing noble goals, and it’s a hallmark of success because it’s a surefire way to avoid the traps of self-absorption and short-term thinking. When you actively consider what success looks like in your life with a long-term perspective, you are more likely to be successful over the long haul. The second lesson is the importance of developing the skills you need to deal with life’s……Harvard study, more than 80 years old, identifies the common threads of a long, satisfying life. So what makes a good life? And how can this study’s findings help us make better decisions in our own lives?…

How to Practice Emotional Intelligence: Tips for Choice (updated for 2018)

How to Practice Emotional Intelligence: Tips for Choice (updated for 2018)

…ng. Make a pros and cons list. Cross check each option with your why, your noble goal. What do you most want to contribute to the world? And does one get you closer than the other? “When you are frustrated or upset, before you say something harsh, take a six second pause to quickly assess the costs and benefits of that action. When you apply consequential thinking, you make more careful choices that ultimately work to your advantage.” #10 Be drive……Want to know how to practice emotional intelligence? Here are 10 expert tips from our worldwide network to choose yourself more effectively….

Self-Science: Classroom Emotional Intelligence

Self-Science: Classroom Emotional Intelligence

…lect one or more that creates a win-win situation that moves me towards my noble goal—a more ethical world. Self-Science begins with appraisal, ignites choice, and transforms coping into self-actualization. Imagine the positive changes in the world, if everyone practiced the principles of emotional analysis, choice, and action.   3 steps to a better world: notice feelings & thoughts, see options, move towards noble goal Click to tweet   For more a……I first thought it must be some new laboratory class — I soon learned that the scientific study of self changes everything… and enables us to change anything….



…or connecting me to my emotional intelligence and being able to clarify my Noble Goal.” Rola Badkook- Entrepreneur “Doroob is doing a great job by bringing EQ to the region. This is a great positive change” Hani Bahwireth- Performance consultant “I enjoyed the workshop a lot. All the activities made the content sink in   Thank you so much for leading the change” Nada Binshihoon- Retail company Co- founder “Thank you for bringing such wonderful cou……Doroob is leading the movement of bringing emotional and social learning to the educational sector in Saudi Arabia, Sudan & Kenya. Offering efficient tools and methods to support; schools, children, educators, parents, and communities….

Voices from the Network: Wilson Jordan

Voices from the Network: Wilson Jordan

…l: %22To connect with others and inspire change%22 Learn about Six Seconds Noble Goals → His “Don’t Miss This” Six Seconds tools & courses: SEI Assessment because “It is very powerful to help you become more aware of yourself and it supports you to teach other people how to become more aware of themselves”; and the Trust Style Inventory (TSI) certification offered by Six Seconds Preferred Partner, OrgSoul because “trust has to be the foundation be……We sat down recently with Dr. Jordan to talk about his journey to develop empathy – getting certified with Six Seconds, and growing a path to a new business career using EQ. Learn more about Six Seconds model of empathy…

Voices from the Network: Cynthia Kitagawa

Voices from the Network: Cynthia Kitagawa

…hy: %22No way is the way.%22 Learn about Six Seconds Learning Philosophy → Noble Goal: %22Helping others become their best selves through self awareness and insight.%22 Learn about Six Seconds Noble Goals → Her “Don’t Miss This” Six Seconds tools & courses: Know-Choose-Give Model (KCG) and Thoughts Feelings Actions Model (TFA) because %22they have a very practical use%22 (Get your own set of TFA cards) “I can pull them out whenever I have a challe……We had a chance to chat with Cynthia Kitagawa recently to learn more about her journey as a coach in the Six Seconds Network. Growth is a priority for Cynthia….

2020 EQ in Higher Education Conference

2020 EQ in Higher Education Conference

…://corcoranlab.org/ With over a decade of classroom experience, Cherilyn’s goal is to integrate social emotional learning into all levels of education. Cherilyn develops curriculum, assessments, and workshops about emotional intelligence competencies in her role at Six Seconds. An active member of the EQ community in North America, Cherilyn is the recipient of a Fulbright grant, during which she taught students at the university level and develope…

Emotional Intelligence Certification Training

Emotional Intelligence Certification Training

…tional learning as a Certified EQ Educator Help your clients achieve their goals Get certified as an EQ coach (PCC) with the global leaders in coaching with emotional intelligence Transform organizations with emotional intelligence Get certified as an EQ Consultant and equip yourself with best-in-class tools and methods to grow high performing organizations Lead transformational learning experiences Get certified as an EQ Facilitator with the glob……Emotional intelligence certification training for educators, business leaders, coaches, consultants and more….

Is It Possible to Change? 5 Tips from Emergent Strategy Where Climate Justice and Social Justice Meet

Is It Possible to Change? 5 Tips from Emergent Strategy Where Climate Justice and Social Justice Meet

…e many paths The future is predictable Disruption is constant Focus on the goal Focus on the journey   There are parallels with Systems Thinking: We can move towards a goal and be present and modify as we go along. We can drive change and be open to change as we do that. We think this is the best path, though we know there are other possible paths and are open to changing course. The organization is the people. Tip 5: Connection is more valuable t……Facing vast challenges, it’s easy to lose optimism. Yet new research says it’s the key to change. How do we renew this resource? The combination of emotional intelligence and Emergent Strategy offers a path…

Conducting, Supporting, & Disseminating EQ Research

Conducting, Supporting, & Disseminating EQ Research

…ce-higher-ed-e-book/ Stillman, S., & Martinez, L. (2019). Guiding youth to noble goals: A practitioner perspective. Journal of Character Education; Greenwich, 15(2), 91–102. https://www.infoagepub.com/jrce-issue.html?i=p5d9e77c976890 Stillman, Susan B., Martinez, L., Procicchiani, T., & Boffa, I. (2016). Middle school climate & learning – new research at AERA. Retrieved from https://www.6seconds.org/2016/04/14/groundbreaking-education-research-aer……The progress and problems that define the Digital Era are the logical conclusion of 100 years dedicated to cognitive intelligence. What would emerge from 100 years dedicated to emotional intelligence?…

Coaching Optimism & Purpose: 3 Profound Questions to Fuel Energy for a Better Future

Coaching Optimism & Purpose: 3 Profound Questions to Fuel Energy for a Better Future

…toward their goals. While we can help clients with practical or short-term goals, the most powerful coaching occurs when the goals are of deep and long-term importance. In the swirl, however, clients are likely to: Focus on short-term aspirations because the long-term feels too hard Self-limit or edit themselves because they doubt they can move forward Circle around despair or hopelessness because it seems impossible to find a path Withdraw or dis……When clients are ‘in the swirl’ and depleted, how do coaches reconnect optimism and purpose to reignite the spark of bigger vision?…

The Journey of EQ Six Seconds’ Theory of Change

The Journey of EQ Six Seconds’ Theory of Change

…motions and choices clearly, and that these create a path to live my Noble Goal.” PRACTICING “I can see the effectiveness of my EQ practice in the way others are responding to me.” EXPANDING “Sharing EQ with others, I can see the power of helping them develop.” INTEGRATION “Making EQ central to my life and work energizes me to be better – with others.” CONCLUSION New research on the impact of studying emotional intelligence – the results are great……Research: How do people start learning emotional intelligence… and what happens? A powerful story emerges about transformation to fuel authentic, purposeful connection….

Dragonfly: Social Emotional Learning Goes Outdoors

Dragonfly: Social Emotional Learning Goes Outdoors

…n all those activities. Also, how we are facilitating towards Six Seconds’ goals, how to understand a Dashboard, and setting up the online learning before they come is a real key to preparing them to come in.   Going in this direction, with EQ and SEL and integrating that into experiential education changed the type of person we recruit and hire and who is interested in our program. We get more mature people who are interested in their craft, and……For kids across Asia, Dragonfly’s outdoor ed and service learning program is all about self-discovery through EQ. Find out how this unique model is helping kids develop their interpersonal skills….

Daniel Goleman on the Dalai Lama’s Vision for Good

Daniel Goleman on the Dalai Lama’s Vision for Good

…self we talk about increasing empathy (expanding your concern) and pursing noble goals (putting purpose into action). Dan: I think that’s very profound, Josh. The way the Dalai Lama is saying it, “These are the meaningful goals in the world, let’s heal the earth, let’s help those in need, let’s clear up corruption and collusion.” Those are big goals. He says, “Everyone has his or her own point of leverage, everyone has a range of good they can do,…

Talk About Great Leaders: Contexts for Performance

Talk About Great Leaders: Contexts for Performance

…ess process. Develop leadership & passion to support people. Love job, set goals that fuel energy. Effective role model with integrity, purpose + humor + authenticity Sharing time with people, communicate the vision. Empathic, aware, lovely, approachable person Focus, drive results. Maintain clear priorities. Model good attitude. Maintain calm. Make people smile. Give positivity. A few observations about these lists: Leadership is about people. Pa……Research: What are the 3 key qualities that distinguish great leaders from good? What if you could “peek inside” the relationships of thousands of high performing leaders – what sets the best leaders apart?…

The Great Practice Myth: Debunking the 10,000 Hour Rule

The Great Practice Myth: Debunking the 10,000 Hour Rule

…ition, but by adjusting your execution over and over to get closer to your goal.” Deliberate practice is often guided by an expert, skilled coach, or mentor, “someone with an expert eye,” according to bestselling author Daniel Goleman. These coaches and mentors are offering feedback on specific ways to improve, and “without such feedback, you don’t get to the top ranks. The feedback matters and the concentration does, too – not just the hours.” So……The 10,000 Hour Rule: It’s a popular rule of thumb, but it isn’t based on solid science. Here are practical, research-backed tips on practice….

Don’t Settle for Happiness: Make Life Worth Living

Don’t Settle for Happiness: Make Life Worth Living

…would make me happy, I’m also willing to struggle and sacrifice for these goals. New research suggests that most people would call this “meaning,” and that the drivers of meaning are quite different from the drivers of “happiness.” Roy Baumeister is the lead author of the forthcoming paper, Some Key Differences between a Happy Life and a Meaningful Life. Based on surveys about the meanings and causes of these two goals, a key conclusion: “Happine……How do you increase happiness, and is that a useful goal? What do we mean by happiness anyway? Using emotional intelligence we can go from ‘happy’ to ‘thriving.’…

Apply Consequential Thinking in the Six Seconds EQ Model

Apply Consequential Thinking in the Six Seconds EQ Model

…It may help to ask yourself questions about your short term and long term goals. What do I want to get accomplished? Is my current course of action helping me to accomplish those goals? Respond: Now that you have paused and evaluated the situation, you are ready to respond mindfully. Videos https://vimeo.com/180792977 Emotional Intelligence Articles about Applying Consequential Thinking Apply Consequential Thinking in the Six Seconds EQ Model (7/……Stress kills… or does it? In the light of new neuroscience, maybe it’s time rethink stress – which might just save your life….

Finding Peace Amidst Holiday Stress

Finding Peace Amidst Holiday Stress

…erbowl. No matter how “perfect” you make it, no one is going to give you a Noble Prize for Gift Giving. By holding onto the knowledge that this is a practice round, perhaps you’ll give yourself permission to enjoy it just a little more. There are several powerful, practical tips below — please experiment! And most of all, please find a few moments to add peace to the world. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re coming to the darkest ni…

Emotional Intelligence at Work: Study Shows Both Promise and Peril of AI

Emotional Intelligence at Work: Study Shows Both Promise and Peril of AI

…ks? How could I take action or build habits that align with my purpose, my noble goal? With your team, remember to stress continuity As a leader, remember that research has found that organizational change efforts are more successful when leadership emphasizes not only the vision of change but also a vision of continuity, or what will stay the same. This will be critical when it comes to AI adoption. A lack of clear communication and transparency……Do AIs like ChatGPT and Claude help business consultants do better work? The answers vary widely based on the task, according a new study….

Rewritten: How do we break a bad habit (and make good ones)?

Rewritten: How do we break a bad habit (and make good ones)?

…habit have a built-in reward, or can you create one that will prime your brain for repetition? In the midst of this process, can you use the tools of emotional intelligence to offer yourself compassion when you fail, and fuel from your noble goal when you lack motivation? Let’s chat in the comments about the habits we want to write or erase. Are you wanting to break a bad habit, make a new habit, or do both? We have a whole community of EQ behind……How do we rewrite habits? Do you want to pen new, healthy ones or erase worn, harmful ones?…

7 Decision Making Insights Everyone Should Know

7 Decision Making Insights Everyone Should Know

…conds Model of Emotional Intelligence, this is the skill of pursuing noble goals – connecting your every day choices with your bigger purpose. And when you pause to do that, you are going to make more authentic, powerful decisions based on your long-term goals. It’s powerful stuff. 6. Recognizing your unconscious bias wards off attribution errors. The most common example of this is hunger and the tendency to think of things as worse or more negati……Warning: These 7 decision making insights are based on the latest neuroscience research and could lead to permanently improved decision making….

Susan Stillman, EdD

Susan Stillman, EdD

My Noble Goal is… To support others to live lives fueled with empathy and optimism, to create a more compassionate and just world My work is about… As Emerita Director of Education, I work with others to develop and strengthen social, emotional, and equitable teaching and learning environments and tools for K-20 educators, students, and community Professional accomplishments include… I worked with others to grow and develop the Six Seconds Educat…

Valeria Marletta

Valeria Marletta

My Noble Goal is… accompanying people by making them aware of their uniqueness, supporting them in defending this value and pushing them to give their essence to the world My work is about… to support multiple Six Seconds certification paths Professional accomplishments include… Her main areas of expertise concern effective and strategic communication, the development and enhancement of soft skills with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships,…

Sue McNamara, PhD, PCC

Sue McNamara, PhD, PCC

My Noble Goal is… To support people to create their own positive growth in order to thrive My work is about… Supporting the Six Seconds network members, certified practitioners and partners in Asia Pacific to thrive in order for them to support others to flourish Professional accomplishments include… … I’ve led the growth of a thriving Six Seconds network across Asia Pacific, being joined along the way by a wonderful team of partners, certified p…

Maria Olsson, PCC/ICF, CEQC

Maria Olsson, PCC/ICF, CEQC

My Noble Goal is… Inspire and energize myself and others in a human way to succeed from within – for increased success at work and in life My work is about… Supporting individuals and individuals in organizations in effective EQ implementation and application – by EQ coaching and consulting and the effective use of the EQ SEI assessment – for increased performance and wellbeing Professional accomplishments include… I have delivered over 600 emoti…

Lize Rech

Lize Rech

My Noble Goal is… Being there in support and understanding My work is about… Supporting the practice of EQ to change the world Professional accomplishments include… I’ve facilitated Six Seconds EQ certifications both virtually and in person since 2017. I am a co-author of the new Self Science curriculum. I’m a graduate of the EQ Coach Certification and a PCC coach with the ICF since 2020. A few past experiences… Before joining Six Seconds I worke…

Jenny Wiley

Jenny Wiley

My Noble Goal is… Sharing the skills of emotional intelligence for more compassion, love, joy and happiness in the world My work is about… Supporting educators, facilitators, coaches and members in the Six Seconds EQ Network to utilize the tools and resources available Professional accomplishments include… ICF ACC Coach. I joined Six Seconds in 2009 and have supported the growth of our EQ Store since then, as well as countless courses, conference…

Patty Freedman

Patty Freedman

My Noble Goal is… To use my voice so that others may use theirs My work is about… telling stories with colors, data and words to help people make friends with their emotions Professional accomplishments include… … Director of POP-UP Festival in partnership with UNICEF World Children’s Day reaching 3M children and families to support their emotional wellbeing and take action for the Sustainable Development goals … Keynote Speaker at the first Unit…

Jim J Vaive

Jim J Vaive

My Noble Goal is… To love people unconditionally, while maintaining healthy boundaries My work is about… To build business and help those in our network grow in the ways that they want to grow Professional accomplishments include… I have delivered over 600 SEI 360s and over 1400 Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment debriefs. I am a co-author of the Spiritual/Emotional intelligence assessment (SEQ) that will help people understand where t…

Lorenzo Fariselli

Lorenzo Fariselli

My Noble Goal is… To foster the building of places where everyone has the opportunity to improve themselves My work is about… To support the growing of Italian network and to unblock the emotional efficacy inside organizations Professional accomplishments include… I’ve been in Six Seconds since 2005 and looking back I’m proud to share my favorite milestones with you: 1. the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment started as my thesis. I was…

Lynette Vaive, MBA, PCC

Lynette Vaive, MBA, PCC

My Noble Goal is… Helping others be their best, while remaining true to myself My work is about… Supporting transformation in people and organizations as deeply as possible, as often as possible, resulting in improved lives and workplaces. Professional accomplishments include… In five years as Regional Network Director, Master Trainer, Certified EQ Facilitator and EQ Coach, I’ve trained hundreds of people to use the powerful assessment tools of S…

Fiorella Velarde, M.Ed, PCC

Fiorella Velarde, M.Ed, PCC

My Noble Goal is… I want to model and infuse joy, laughter and inclusion throughout the planet My work is about… Increasing our community members in LATAM so we can benefit more people with our assessments and EQ Model Professional accomplishments include… I started building the foundation for Six Seconds’s presence in Latin America making resources available in the local language, reaching out for new members, forging exciting alliances, and bri…

Ilaria Iseppato, PhD, PCC

Ilaria Iseppato, PhD, PCC

My Noble Goal is… Supporting people to free themselves and spread authenticity My work is about… Increasing Six Seconds Brand Awareness Professional accomplishments include… PhD in Sociology and Master in Quality Assessment of Health Services, my main area of expertise includes: narrative based medicine, sociology of health, social research methodology, communication, social marketing, coaching. I’m author of several scientific publications in th…

Natalie Roitman

Natalie Roitman

My Noble Goal is… co-create spaces abundant of care, wisdom and authenticity My work is about… developing the EQ Network in the Greater China region Professional accomplishments include… the team and I have grown the EQ network in China by 20x over the last 5 years, now with over 200 active certified coaches, assessors, educators and practitioners. We have an active, engaged group of volunteer Network Leaders providing free programs to 1000s of p…

Jayne Morrison, PCC

Jayne Morrison, PCC

My Noble Goal is… To support myself and others to be more My work is about… Together with the MEAI team, my key goal is to grow the Six Seconds network across the Middle East, Africa & Indian regions Professional accomplishments include… …Having started with a blank canvas 15 years ago, I’ve led the growth of a thriving network across the MEAI region. This has included delivering hundreds of certification programs, consulting with multiple intern…

Ayaka Mawarida

Ayaka Mawarida

My Noble Goal is… Make a world where every person can live the way truly they are. My work is about… Supporting POP-UP Festival hosts from all over the world to spread EQ and make the world a kinder, braver and safer place for everyone. Professional accomplishments include… Founded an EQ & Equity learning platform in Japan. Holding an online space to learn EQ & Equity couple hours a month and leading a community of making a world “DAIJOUBU” (“saf…

Muhammad Noman, PMP®

Muhammad Noman, PMP®

My Noble Goal is… I must strive to reform myself and people of the entire world My work is about… managing Six Seconds’ IT processes and AGILE implementation with a focus on security, customer care, and developing people Professional accomplishments include… led Six Seconds’ IT services, expanding the scope of our systems to deliver over a dozen assessments in 25+ languages to 1000s of people per month Passion… promote conflict management and pea…

Lorea Martinez, PhD

Lorea Martinez, PhD

Lorea’s noble goal is to develop emotionally intelligent schools: places where children, youth and adults feel safe, included and connected with the world around them. In order to meet this goal, Lorea supports schools to implement Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs and teaches educators the principles of emotional intelligence. Her favorite emotions are curiosity, courage and serenity. Lorea approaches the implementation of SEL programs wi…

Ilaria Boffa

Ilaria Boffa

My Noble Goal is… Co-design and collaborate to enable sustainable landscapes using Poetry, EQ and Ecological Agency My work is about… supporting EQ Communities around the world and designing & facilitating programs for Educators and Network Leaders. Professional accomplishments include… I am one of the co-authors of the latest release of Self Science (the Six Seconds SEL curriculum) and one of the co-designers of the new EQ Educator pathway. I ha…