Partner Specialty: Coaching / Mentoring & Coaching Skills

Partner Specialty: Coaching / Mentoring & Coaching Skills

Liberal Leadership Organization

Founded by a team of passionate experts in psychology, training, and business development, our mission is to cultivate a generation of inspiring leaders in Vietnam who lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.

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Manimal Academy

Manimal Academy was created to transform the potential of the relationship with animals into concrete innovative projects of personal and professional growth.

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Culture7 Coaching

Blending the power of emotional intelligence with proven tools and methods for diversity, equity & inclusion, Culture7 partners with organizations to build internal capacity for a culture where people and results flourish.

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Stone Leadership

Stone Leadership works with people leaders and leadership teams to create meaningful change, drawing on the science of EQ to build self-awareness, self-management and self-leadership at the individual, team and organization level.

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Leadership Shapers

Leadership Shapers is a Six Seconds Preferred Partner based in Sydney, Australia that specializes on empowering young women in business.

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Evolve Consulting

In an increasingly complex, competitive and constantly evolving scenario, companies are required to make an enormous effort to enhance their human resources by strengthening their socio-emotional skills, considered strategic in the fourth industrial revolution.

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Life Skills Business

LIFE SKILLS® Italia is an association dedicated to activating people’s potential, so that they can obtain the skills they need to go through life autonomously and with self-awareness. Definire e dichiarare la nostra mission, la nostra intenzione profonda, il nostro obiettivo eccellente che dir si voglia…è stato un lavoro molto interessante, complesso che ha richiesto 3 mesi di confronti e riflessioni tra i sette soci fondatori, per questo ogni parola ha un peso ed un senso molto profondo per noi.

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HumanAim: Measure and grow The Drivers of Motivation to create & sustain a magnetic, thriving, innovative corporate culture.

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Carriere Italia

Carriere Italia srl is a partner of client companies in three strategic areas: organizational consulting, development of managerial skills, research and selection of personnel/head hunting. In 15 years of activity we have built and protected by Copyright the EMPACTO© Method, which in a flexible and customized way provides for the integration of different methodologies (including Corporate Coaching with ICF certifications, Emotional Intelligence, Lego®Serious Play) with the focus on execution, then on implementation with a logic of support and verification.

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