POP-UP Mini Kit Growing Goals

With November’s growing POP-UP Festival coming so soon, we think the theme of GOALS is perfect. What are you trying to GOALS are you trying to grow this season? We hope our Pop-Up Mini-Box this month raises awareness for teaching growth + goals to you and the children in your circle.

Changing your mindset can help you achieve your goals. A Growth Mindset is “the belief that intelligence can be developed.” When kids have a growth mindset, they believe that they can get better at things by trying hard, getting up when they fall down, and persevering. It turns out having a growth mindset makes a big difference in reaching goals, too. Check out the results from this study after just one growth mindset program:



Kitchen Table Question:

“What do you want to get better at? How will you get there?”

Goal Pizza
Setting Goals is a proven way to empower people and help them achieve (their own definition of) success. This activity will shows kids a fun (and yummy!) way to set goals and take action steps toward reaching them.
For children to identify their goals and to use the Three W’s to successfully map out a pathway to achievement.
Successful goals are achievable when they are concrete, measurable, and supported by other people. We will use a tool called the Three W’s: Who?, What?, When? in this activity. The Three W’s provides a concrete framework for breaking a goal into manageable steps. For example, if a child wants to become a better dancer, they use the Three W’s to ask themselves:
Who Can Help? My dance teacher, my parents, and my friends who like to dance
What Do I Need to Do? Work on my turns
When? 1 hour twice a week
1. Gather materials: A piece of paper for each person, markers/ pens/ colored pencils for writing, drawing, and coloring
2. Make your “Goal Pizza”: On a sheet of paper, draw a big circle, then draw lines to section it up into six slices, like a pizza. Then, write different categories on the “crust” of each slice (see photo below). For example: draw, basketball, reading, friends, family, piano. Underneath the category, write down a goal for it. For example, “I want to get to make better grades.”
3. Create the “toppings” for your Goal Pizza: Draw three of your favorite toppings on each slice of pizza, making them big enough to write on. Then, write your answer to the three W’s on each one: Who can help?, What do I need to do?, and When?
4. Decide where your “oven” is: Put your pizza somewhere you can see it and check it often. This will be your oven!  Decide how long your pizza will need to bake to reach your goals, and write that on your sheet of paper.
5. Celebrate! When your pizza is fully baked, have a celebration (like a pizza party!)
What emotions did you feel while writing down your goals?
Which goals do you think will be easiest/ most challenging to achieve?
What other goals could you apply the three W’s to?
Picture Books
by Deloris Jordan
As a child, Michael Jordan almost gave up on his hoop dreams, all because he feared he’d never grow tall enough to play the game that would one day make him famous. That’s when his mother and father stepped in and shared the invaluable lesson of what really goes into the making of a champion — patience, determination, and hard work. Written by Michael Jordan’s mother and sister.
 by Lita Judge
A young penguin may not have exactly the right body for flight, but he has the “soul of an eagle.” Eager to enroll in flight school and learn what it takes to soar, he is not discouraged. Fortunately, the other birds are so taken with his determination they do what it takes to make his dreams come true. 
 by Andrea Beaty
Rosie may seem quiet during the day, but at night she’s a brilliant inventor of gizmos and gadgets who dreams of becoming a great engineer. When her great-great-aunt Rose (Rosie the Riveter) comes for a visit and mentions her one unfinished goal–to fly–Rosie sets to work building a contraption to make her aunt’s dream come true.
Chapter Books
by Beverly K Bachel
Setting and sticking to goals can ease stress and anxiety, boost concentration, and make life more satisfying. This updated and revised edition of a trusted step-by-step guide helps teens articulate their goals and put them in writing, set priorities and deadlines, overcome obstacles, build a support system, use positive self-talk, celebrate successes, and more.

Each month we will be featuring the story of a past POP-Up Festival host. Meet Bhaavesh, a superstar POP-UP Festival host from last year.


Where did you hold your POP-UP Festivals? In New Delhi, India


How many children attended your POP-UP Festival(s)? Last year, we had 200 hundred children attend this festival.


Do you have a favorite memory from your POP-UP Festival? Yes, in one school when we were done with our session, a young kid approached me and asked if he could teach one of the activities to his parents!

Share your Mini Pop-Up story with us on Facebook or Instagram!

Mini POP-UPs


Activities to try now









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