
The Life or Death Science of Community

Relationships are the bedrock, the foundation, of a long and satisfying life. And according to a growing body of research, building community is quite literally a matter of life and death. So what helps us build community?

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Creating Connection in Higher Education

Higher Education environments can be stressful and isolating for students, faculty, staff, and administration. What would it take to change that? What if we could design environments within higher education that supported the values of inclusion, collaboration, and resilience?

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Reaching Across the Divide In an Uber Polarized World

The other day, I heard a girl on the street say, “I saw a guy with a Trump shirt on, and I literally crossed the street.” It seems she’s not the only one, as division has reached all time highs. This is the story of one man’s journey to start reaching across the divide – and how we can do the same.

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