
These articles explore the latest research on emotions, emotional intelligence, life satisfaction, organizational performance, and more.

Increase Employee Engagement with EQ: Komatsu Case Study

Can we measure and increase Employee Engagement in an economic challenge? What’s the benefit? Case study at Komatsu plant using “Vital Signs” and “Emotional Intelligence”: engagement increased from 33 to 70%. At the same time, plant performance increased by 9.4%.

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Integrated Emotions: Feelings Are Allies

What if all our feelings had value? Many people see emotions as “good” or “bad” — which leaves us in a constant state of internal struggle against our own feelings. Here’s a framework to rethink feelings as valuable signals about what’s important.

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Skills of high performing leaders? (#16)

People interested in EQ know that emotional intelligence is essential for leadership — but how, exactly, are they linked? We’ll unveil new research showing, for the first time, how specific EQ skills and leadership capabilities are linked… revealing a path to grow stronger leadership that WORKS in the current times.

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Three Essential Skills for High Performing Leaders

What are the links between emotional intelligence and leadership performance? New research shows 66% of the variation in scores on leadership outcomes are predicted by five key leadership drivers – and people with higher emotional intelligence are seven times as likely to earn high scores on these factors.

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Workplace Vitality Research: Trends in Leadership

What are the key challenges people face at work? How are organizations building the capacity to address these challenges? We began the study in 2007 (originally called the Workplace Issues Report) to understand how leaders were perceiving the people-side of their work — and the role emotional intelligence place in performance.

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Amadori Case: Engagement, 
EQ & Performance

In a three-year study of AMADORI, a supplier of McDonald’s in Europe, emotional intelligence, individual performance, organizational engagement, and organizational performance were assessed. Emotional intelligence was found to predict 47% of the variation in manager’s performance management scores. Emotional intelligence was also massively correlated with increased organizational engagement with 76% of the variation in engagement predicted by manager EQ. Finally, plants with higher organizational engagement achieved higher bottom-line results building a link between EQ->Engagement->Performance. During this period, employee turnover also dropped by 63%.

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Studying EQ in a Rural Appalachian Highschool

Can a 10-week EQ Course change the Emotional Intelligence scores of students in a rural Appalachian high school class? Eastern Kentucky is comprised of tiny towns tucked into valleys between the steep Appalachian Mountains in the heart of coal country. The region has some of the highest drop-out rates in the nation, as well as […]

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Middle School Climate & Learning – AERA research

New research is shedding light on what middle schoolers are feeling about school and learning — and what makes social emotional learning (SEL) effective for young adolescents. They crave authenticity and connection, but are not finding these at school.

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