Antonella Málaga

Antonella Málaga Super Mentors Coordinator

My Noble Goal is... To help people reaching their own kind of happiness, flourishing by developing skills in well-being and EQ.

My work is about... Supporting Pop Up Festival program and the volunteers globally.

My Pop Up Festival journey started when I partnered with a Peruvian non-profit, which goal is to get kids out of poverty through a social music program giving them tools for a better future, to host Pop Up Festival in the aim to introduce to their kids EQ skills and practice Optimism. I've been hosting EQ Pop Up Festivals in Peru for different schools of low income areas, online and in person, since 2019 to the present.

 A few past experiences... Along with joining Six Seconds, I'm a psychologist counselor in private practice also for an Italian-Peruvian non-profit, and a researcher of positive organizational psychology in the Peruvian context. I’ve been a professional volunteer for Mental Health causes since I started my career, two of my favorite past experiences was been part of a Seedstars project for supporting African startups participating as a Mentor, and being a founding member of Favored Nations org.

One reason I’m personally passionate about emotional intelligence is….  that there's more than enough scientific data to say that it can help next generations become better adults and aid current population to make a better world.

Preferred Pronouns... She/Her. Third Culture Kid: as a result of that life experience I speak 3 languages fluently, and currently learning a 4th one out of fun (Spanish, English, Italian, Korean).

Favorite... My favorite flower is the sunflower 🌻

I'd love to talk to you about ... EQ, nature, and any of the arts.

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