Daniel Choi, M.Ed.

Daniel Choi, M.Ed. Research Analyst

My Noble Goal is... To bridge the research-to-practice gap in psychology and education.

My work is about... Support and facilitate the effective use of Emotional Intelligence tools and assessments.

A few past experiences...Before joining Six Seconds, I worked as a behavioral therapist at a clinic in Southern California, administering ABA services to child, adolescent, and young adult clients. Shortly after, I moved out to Texas to pursue a doctorate in the field of School Psychology. There I had the opportunity to learn about psychological assessments and evaluations, as well as practice therapy as a Graduate Student Clinician. During this time, I also worked as a research assistant, studying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and the use of assessments for improving student outcomes.

Pronouns... he/him

Favorite... My favorite simple pleasures are a cup of coffee in the morning and watching sunsets. Bonus points if either is happening at the beach!

Contact Information

San Diego,California,USA