Fiorella Velarde, M.Ed, PCC

Fiorella Velarde, M.Ed, PCC Latin America Director Emeritus

My Noble Goal is... I want to model and infuse joy, laughter and inclusion throughout the planet

My work is about... Increasing our community members in LATAM so we can benefit more people with our assessments and EQ Model

Professional accomplishments include... I started building the foundation for Six Seconds's presence in Latin America making resources available in the local language, reaching out for new members, forging exciting alliances, and bringing to the region live and virtual certifications fully in Spanish. I have also co led and co organized the first Leaders Worth Following Conference in Lima, Peru (2019) and the very first EQ Six Seconds summit in the Latin American region which congregated participants, network members and preferred partners from all continents in Mexico City. (2020). My intention for 2022, aside from working on keeping growth in the LATAM region, is about harnessing the relevance and powerful influence of EQ to expand the conversation to more topics related to wellbeing such as relationships, parenting, and aging.

 A few past experiences...I started my life as an entrepreneur when I was 17 years old, becoming really profitable by the age of 23, and always invested my hard earned savings traveling around the world. Also, I, once, was a stellar sales director for a company selling soulless high end watches.

One reason I’m personally passionate about emotional intelligence is….the way in which I've been invited to connect with feelings intentionally; not just driven by impulse or whim. EQ has brought an immense sense of self worth and belonging that has empowered me to be ME, and keep working actively and committedly in healing my body, mind and heart.

Background...I am human going by she/her

Favorite... Mint chocolate. Passion. Cold Showers. Always learning something new.

I'd love to talk to you about ... emotional intelligence, trauma informed coaching, power of neuroplasticity and somatic experience. And, also, about art, travel, and philosophy.

Contact Information

Boca Raton,Florida,United States