Jim J Vaive

Jim J Vaive Coaching & Spiritual Direction

My Noble Goal is... To love people unconditionally, while maintaining healthy boundaries

My work is about... To build business and help those in our network grow in the ways that they want to grow

Professional accomplishments include... I have delivered over 600 SEI 360s and over 1400 Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment debriefs. I am a co-author of the Spiritual/Emotional intelligence assessment (SEQ) that will help people understand where they belong in the big picture. Along with Lynette we have helped to grow the NAMER region by over 100% even in the pandemic.

 A few past experiences...Before Six Seconds I have owned several companies that have grown to include 7 states in the US. I once owned some bakeries and went in to help bake. I am on the executive board of a national non-profit entrepreneurial organization that helps companies grow and thrive.

One reason I’m personally passionate about emotional intelligence is….It is the other side of the coin for the spiritual part of who we are and without it we are not whole

Favorite... My Fav flower is the foxglove. My fav place to travel to is Italy. My fav art to create is oil. My fav ice cream is gelato

Aspiration... It is important to keep learning and I am

I'd love to talk to you about ... your own journey, what makes your hearts sing

Contact Information

Columbus,Ohio,United States