Maria Olsson, PCC/ICF, CEQC

Maria Olsson, PCC/ICF, CEQC EQ Corporate Manager, Europe

My Noble Goal is... Inspire and energize myself and others in a human way to succeed from within - for increased success at work and in life

My work is about... Supporting individuals and individuals in organizations in effective EQ implementation and application - by EQ coaching and consulting and the effective use of the EQ SEI assessment - for increased performance and wellbeing

Professional accomplishments include... I have delivered over 600 emotional intelligence SEI Leadership assessments. I led several EQ programs for business leaders and Executive EQ Coaching Programs in multinational organizations with outstanding results. Speaker at: Int. Conference on EQ in Organizations, Salzburg Austria, EQ World Summit, Dubai ( 2017), HRC Conference Barcelona ( 2018), EQ Connects Conference Newcastle ( 2019)

A few past experiences... After my masters degree in tourism management and economics I held various managerial positions in the field of Marketing, Product Management in various fields and countries from dental industry to tourism. I joined the 6seconds team in Dubai in 2008, where I have lived 8 years prior joining the 6seconds Europe team. Being an accredited PCC/ICF Coach, EQ Coach but also certified Systemic Business Coach, Neuroleadership Coach. I'm also certified in Six Seconds' Vital Signs tools.

One reason I’m personally passionate about emotional intelligence is…. working over 18 years in a multicultural business environment where I have seen firsthand that EQ is the crucial missing link between awareness and results, in various countries around the globe. EQ is the essential skill that fuels change and growth, strengthens relationships, effectiveness and wellbeing. EQ enables us to lead ourselves and lead others in a human and professional way for a better quality of life.

Favorite... I love spending time in nature, with my family and friends, doing sports and staying curiously connected with people from different cultures and nationalities

I'd love to talk to you about ...  EQ Coaching and how to apply EQ SEI tools in your coaching and leadership approach as well as EQ Mentor Coaching

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