Patty Freedman

Patty Freedman Creative Director

My Noble Goal is... To use my voice so that others may use theirs

My work is about... telling stories with colors, data and words to help people make friends with their emotions

Professional accomplishments include...

... Director of POP-UP Festival in partnership with UNICEF World Children's Day reaching 3M children and families to support their emotional wellbeing and take action for the Sustainable Development goals

... Keynote Speaker at the first United Nations conference on Emotional Intelligence

... Co-Creator Six Seconds Youtube Channel

... Leading a fantastic team of people in Six Seconds' marketing and communications team - reaching over 1.5 million people per year on our website alone


 A few past experiences... I'm a visual thinker and endlessly curious about the world. I'm an avid podcast listener and love to bring new ideas, research and stories to our team.

Nothing makes me happier than working on a big creative project. I especially like opportunities for Six Seconds to partner with other organizations to deliver experiences to a global audience.

I'm endlessly grateful for our Six Seconds community and the time I've spent traveling learning how much we have in common. Although I've spent less time in airports in the last couple of years, I've been energized by the innovative ways we've learned to connect using technology.

As a former 4-6th grade classroom teacher and professor of Education, I love writing project based curriculum giving students real life outcomes. Helping students make meaning from books, mentors, and lived experience was the thread that led me to emotional intelligence.


One reason I’m personally passionate about emotional intelligence is….I've seen how children and families benefit from learning more about emotions. Emotional intelligence is like love-- the more you have the more you can give to others.

Pronouns... she/her and I hope you'll feel comfortable to share your's with me

Favorite... My favorite podcast is.... Radiolab. I know that I'm rockin oldschool with that but they craft science, music, smart writing and wonder together in just the right inviting mix

I'd love to talk to you about ... I love talking about data visualizations. I am a sucker for a great infographic

Ask me about...  chocolate banana bread with chocolate ganache. It's our staff's favorite celebration cake

Contact Information

Santa Cruz,CA,United States